Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

didn't you have a yr 10 formal, kate?

we have one in yr10 and yr12...i didn't go to the after party last year though, i just went back to friends house where we spent an hour trying to get all the bobby pins out of our hair, then went to sleep, and woke up the next morning, ate icecream and went home..where i had to wash all the hairspray out of my hair...
My year 10 formal or leaver's dinner as it was called, I went to a massive sleepover at my friend's house. We had so much fun. Then we had to head to school again the next day (our last day), but we didn't have to get there til about 11, and she lived within walking distance.
with our yr10 formal, we were supposed to go to school the next day because for some reason, it was held on a Wednesday, but nobody went because most people had to get the hairspray out of their hair, and all their makeup off, and nobody wanted to go anyway, so no-one did :lol:
Everyone I know is graduating tomorrow besides me, My grad isn't 'til June 9th. And ahah, I got 2 years left 'til I'm 20, That's counting 19 also...I feel so stupid right now, I can barley add
I have another two or possibly even three years(if I go back as a partial to get extra credits) before I graduate.

I don't know if I'll spend money on going, getting a dress, hair done etc. But we'll see when that time comes. :p
we have a year 11 semi-formal and a year 12 formal. i just went to an all-guys formal as a partner for my friend and my formal isnt until june. i'll be taking my friend who took me to his formal because i go to an all-girls school! hehe, it sucks so bad sometimes!
I have my stupid Prom on June 10th. And even if it doesn’t start 'til 8 I'll be running around the house at 4:30 getting ready. I take forever doing my hair, forever doing my makeup, and I need to get people to help do up my dress. So I can't get into another fight with my roommates, otherwise I'll be attempting to get ready by myself.
I went 2 prom 3 or 4 weeks ago & i had a good time, but it was kinda boring! i went w/the guy i was datin @ the time then yesterday i found out he was cheatin on me!! so i dumped him!! :devil:
It's friday night, I just took the hardest final I'm going to take, and I'm so indiffrent right now. I want to go out, but I don't, I want to eat, but then again, I don't. I want to get up and open the window because it's friggin hot in here, but I don't feel like moving. I want to go out and drive (just got my permit) but then again, I don't.

See? totally indiffrent *Aunt Flo doesn't help either*
At least you have an excuse for not leaving :p. I get in crap when I don't go out Friday night with anyone cause "I live a dull life." I'm just always so tired, and right now stressed! Final Exams are stressful, this week was studying, next week is writing the tests. But sorry to hear that you're grounded Reeble, being grounded always does suck, especially when you have nothing to do.
I was suppossed to go out to the mall with a friend today, but Aunt Flo wasn't going to let me. She was making me feel all tiered and all......