Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

Good Luck with your GCSEs draig_goch, and just as an off-topic note, I love Wales, (I went camping there last summer in the north) In the south they have the SoCO (CSI) headquarters there! :D
CSIannalysse said:
The classes that I'm in (which are referred as "boffin" classes) are taking GCSE Maths in year 10 and I'm taking Triple Award Science, So I'll do all the modules all the other classes do, but I do 3 extra ones and have to stay 2 hours after school once a week. So in year 10, I'm doing science (part of it) and maths, should be interesting.
That pisses me off is that you can only have a maximum of 10 GCSEs! We were only given 4 choices out of loads of options. :mad:

We were only given two. And out of the 6 choices available to everyone, I only could pick 2 out of 4 choices which was not good.

I HATE THE FACT THAT EVERYONE ELSE DOES MODULES! It's so much easier for people who does modules than people who does everything in one exam. :rolleyes: We only can have 10 or 11 GCSEs. And my school has finished all of the courswork a month ago. ;)
Ooooh, it's very tough to be in a boffin class in my school cos everyones a boffin literally. I don't think there is a person who is predicted for all of their GCSEs less than a B. ;) :p I'm only taking RE, English, Science, Maths, French, D&T, History and Geography. It's not a lot now that I think of it... :p
Are you a boffin then kazzy? :p

Was same in my school...if you were in boffin class, it was difficult to keep up.
Well I wish everyone the best of luck on those!

Ok what I hate is when teachers stick stuff on tests that you never learned! It drives me insane! I failed my science test cause I didn't know half the stuff cause we never learned it. And when I told her that she said I must of been away when we learned it...I haven't been away from school since January! So now I get to do extra credit work so I can pass science
oh i think im in the boffin classes i do
Double Science (no tripple award in our school or i would have done that)
We had four choises but i took dance as an extra and stay 2hours after school on a thursday
English, Welsh, maths, RE, IT are compulsory in our school
im back! i ve been gone for a long time- i whad midterms then i had vacation then my internet was down- im glad to back!

i went sledding today with my family for easter. lol i know its weird but it was snowing really hard in the mountains and after today they are closed for the season! it was alot of fun
Ha the snow melted here and I'm glad about that! (Snow drives me crazy!)

So how was everyones weekend? Mine was so fun! I died my little sisters hair blonde and got hair dye on my bathroom wall and now it's stuck there. When my roommates come back from holidays tomorrow they're gonna kill me...Oh well.
mine was kinda meh...i went to my grandma's hosue, and i just sat around watching tv...hey, it was either that or study for the exams that are looming...

on the last day of school, i got my chemistry test back...i totally failed. 20/45...whoops :rolleyes:
we dont get much snow in wales because of our coastlines the snow always falls on the sea before it reaches us unless its a really big blizard
draig_goch said:
we dont get much snow in wales because of our coastlines the snow always falls on the sea before it reaches us unless its a really big blizard

Don't hardly ever get any here in Oxford either (now you know why I get so excited when we do actually get some :lol: ). I think best places in Britain to catch snow are Yorkshire, and erm...Scotland. All those Northern places mostly :p Though Essex can get pretty deep snow too sometimes, and that's on the east coast of England.
After august in Scotland they put the bins out by curling them down the path lol thats why there so good at the sport (please dont take offence scottish friends but it is cold up there)