Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

Wow, all this talk makes me almost want to be polictically involved! Not. :lol: I follow nothing; The news, the elections, nada.

I had to help my mom watch these 4 kids today; It was hell in my own house and to think, those kids are coming back tomorrow! :eek:
Sorry about the kids. Try lending them your iPod, it usually keeps them occupied. Just make sure it is one of your old ones, wouldn't want anything to happen to a nano or video now would we?
draig_goch said:
i also like the ravin looney party there funny lol

I didn't think they were around anymore :confused: But maybe they are...it's not like I really follow politics much these days :p But yes, these other parties make an interesting distraction sometimes :)
Laetri said:
Sorry about the kids. Try lending them your iPod, it usually keeps them occupied. Just make sure it is one of your old ones, wouldn't want anything to happen to a nano or video now would we?

I don't have an iPod. :lol: I've never wanted one; Those things are expensive! But even if I did, no child with filthy little God-knows-where-they've-been hands are going to touch my MP3 player! I think mine is a Memorex; It's cheap but good and I love it! :lol:
I would have enough money for an ipod if I didn't have such a shopping addiction (I shop like every day and somehow I own very little) not to mention I have to pay bills etc. So I went out and bought a 70 dollar piece of crap MP3 player.
I don't even have enough money for a cheap MP3, so I stick to my crappy CD player that only has a certain pair of earphones to go with it, and only one of them actually work (some of the time). I also don't want to go back to school after the Easter holidays because that means I've got to do my SATs, which totally suck! :( In the school I go to, the SAT results decide what tier GCSE paper you can do, which sucks even more. :mad: :lol:
that does suck im doing GCSE's now i git my exams in about 5 weeks i am seriously pooping myself and i have still got some coursework to do
draig_goch said:
that does suck im doing GCSE's now i git my exams in about 5 weeks i am seriously pooping myself and i have still got some coursework to do

I remember when I did mine 5 years ago. Looking back, I wonder how I managed to get through and pass them all :eek: I think I took 11 GCSEs in total (though I know a few people who did 13 or 14 :eek: ), and it was a lot of work. I guess organisation was the key, especially when it came to getting all the coursework in on time. I know I had a crisis with a couple of pieces in particular.

Anyway, good luck with it all draig_goch - I hope you manage to get it all sorted ok :)
im doing my GCSE's and im in year ten, half this year the rest next year - wow, all that joy spread out over two years, how fun!
The classes that I'm in (which are referred as "boffin" classes) are taking GCSE Maths in year 10 and I'm taking Triple Award Science, So I'll do all the modules all the other classes do, but I do 3 extra ones and have to stay 2 hours after school once a week. So in year 10, I'm doing science (part of it) and maths, should be interesting.

Other GCSE subjects I'm doing:

Textiles, French, German, Child Development and some others which I don't remember right now.

What pisses me off is that you can only have a maximum of 10 GCSEs! We were only given 4 choices out of loads of options. :mad: