Nick Stokes is a good CSI, I've got no doubt that realistically spoken that he'll be assigned to lead. However, is he willing to do this job. So far I experienced Nick Stokes as presented in the TV show.... I believe Nick prefer to be a specialist rather than becoming a leader. Remember Nick's feedback to his promotion as Catherine's assistant leader? He doesn't seem to be too enthousiastic about that position.... It's something like, "well, if I've got to be..." That's why I believe he won't do it... yet.
As Smokey said, he was being humble and doesn't really care about the recognition part, just doing the job. He did smile and say "thanks." There was also the fact that she dumped a bunch of paperwork on him right away, which kind of takes away from the joy of promotion. :lol:
I think Nick would make a great leader, and that he would willingly step in to take Catherine's place - any lack of enthusiasm at that point would be from seeing Catherine leave in the first place.
My vote for team leader goes to Conrad Ecklie! Demote him and bring him down to Graveshift Supervisor. Seriously! It would shake things up and we'd get to see him back on the screen on a regular basis. (I miss him!)
:guffaw: I miss Ecklie too! He's mellowed a lot over the past few years, but it would still be interesting to see how he'd do being in charge of the lab again. He'd certainly be more bureaucratic and less forgiving than the supervisors they've had so far (No more ballistics gel!). We've rarely seen Ecklie do field work, so that would be an interesting change for him (and a big step down, in his mind, I'd think).
I have to say, I've never really understood how Brass was ever in charge of CSI.. he's never seemed that interested in the science or processing, just the results. He's always seemed more "detective" than "CSI" to me.
Personally, I would love to see them bring Sofia back (quiet Speedy! Let me dream!! :lol. She has the brains, the composure, and the experience. She was the assistant supervisor on day shift and was a former leading lady back in season 7. I could see her either take the actual supervisor position or become assistant to Nick. Both would be good.
I would love to see Sofia back as a detective. Didn't she say becoming a CSI wasn't really by choice anyway?
I think being assistant supervisor (to Nick, of course) would be a great opportunity for developing Greg, so I'd like to see him get that spot. Having Jorja stay full-time or bringing Liz back as a CSI would round out the gender equality.
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