Head of the Graveyard Shift
**This rp has been approved by the wonderful Sissi 
I was lucky enough to be granted Calleigh, and the rest of the characters are open for the taking. There is no need for an audition, just PM me with who you want so that I can send a master list to Sissi.
Plot: Calleigh is in danger. She worked a case not too long ago where a woman died from strangulation, after the murderers gun misfired. The suspect, who Calleigh knew was guilty, is out walking the streets, and he's after her. She already almost got killed by him once, and narrowly escaped. Now, he tells her that next time, his gun won't misfire, and he'd be seeing her around. This scared Calleigh into isolation, and she won't let anyone in. Also, she and Tim know that they love one another, but haven't admitted it yet, but now, Calleigh wouldn't even let them flirt anymore. She doesn't want to get him involved and get him hurt, so she pushes him away. Will he be persistent and win her over? Let's rp and see!
Character list:
Tim: Grissoms_Angel (I still need a backup for this character)
Calleigh: Wyoming
Horatio: BurnedToast
Eric: Saraholic
Alexx: ChristineCaine
Valera: open
Please pm me with the character you want, and keep in mind that each post must be at least three lines long and there must be five minutes between each post, as not to spam up the thread. Also, if you want an origional character, please pm me a bio. So have fun you guys! And YOU, yes you, the little lurker who has not rped before, get your butt in here and we'll help you! YES THAT MEANS YOU!
I was lucky enough to be granted Calleigh, and the rest of the characters are open for the taking. There is no need for an audition, just PM me with who you want so that I can send a master list to Sissi.
Plot: Calleigh is in danger. She worked a case not too long ago where a woman died from strangulation, after the murderers gun misfired. The suspect, who Calleigh knew was guilty, is out walking the streets, and he's after her. She already almost got killed by him once, and narrowly escaped. Now, he tells her that next time, his gun won't misfire, and he'd be seeing her around. This scared Calleigh into isolation, and she won't let anyone in. Also, she and Tim know that they love one another, but haven't admitted it yet, but now, Calleigh wouldn't even let them flirt anymore. She doesn't want to get him involved and get him hurt, so she pushes him away. Will he be persistent and win her over? Let's rp and see!
Character list:
Tim: Grissoms_Angel (I still need a backup for this character)
Calleigh: Wyoming
Horatio: BurnedToast
Eric: Saraholic
Alexx: ChristineCaine
Valera: open
Please pm me with the character you want, and keep in mind that each post must be at least three lines long and there must be five minutes between each post, as not to spam up the thread. Also, if you want an origional character, please pm me a bio. So have fun you guys! And YOU, yes you, the little lurker who has not rped before, get your butt in here and we'll help you! YES THAT MEANS YOU!