Gah! Curves. Well, I guess this is a "challenge" so it's only right that the theme reflect it! :lol: I have to admit I'm a little stumped. I cannot think of anything new to capture but I do have an old pic that I'm gonna PM to you wibble - I think it reflects the theme...
Ooh, this one is proving harder to be than expected. I took some pics today, but I'm not sure they're curvey enough. Hmm, gotta put my thinking cap on.
Well, after I had some time to think about it, I've got a few ideas. Not sure how they'll work out though. But I'll have to wait until tomorrow to try them out.
This contest was an interesting one. I took a bunch of pics that turned out useless for the theme, but are going to end up on my walls anyway. When the contest is over, I'll share them. They're pretty cool-even if they weren't curvy enough.