Re: Talk LIMS #8: Challenge 4
Kat, thanks so much for taking over this round! Your help is much appreciated
Challenge 4
Character: Riley Adams (Las Vegas)
Restriction: Name - Your icon must include the character's name (first, last or both, doesn't matter). It can be only the name, or other text can be included as well, but the name must be there, and it must be readable.

(I had trouble finding good caps of Riley. This is all I could come up with :lol
~ This is an anonymous challenge, so don't go posting your icon anywhere until this round is over.
~ Your icon must not exceed 100x100px. It should be in .jpg, .png or .gif format.
~ You must use only the images provided
~ No animations will be permitted.
~ Submit your icon by sending me (
Dragonfly) a PM with the subject line
LIMS Round 4 or similar.
~ If you are unable to send PM's, you may use the hotmail address in my profile. Just include TalkCSI in the subject so it doesn't go in the junk folder

~ You may submit only ONE icon
~ If you wish to use your free pass for this round, you must send me a PM to let me know.
~ The deadline for submissions will be
Saturday, March 13th. No extensions will be given.
Alright everyone, have fun, and don't hesitate if there are any questions!