Talk Law & Order Here

Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

Hey I have a question about the main Law and Order show. I've been watching the repeats and have they explained where Fontane gets all the money for his expensive car and clothes?

Just curious.
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

Not full out to my knowledge they started to make mention of it with simple little things like "investments this or that" but then they dropped it from there and nothing more was really said about how he obtained all that, again to my knowledge.
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

I just wondered if they even discussed it. It could be foreshadowing of something to come (someday) but that is just speculation on my part.
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

I wouldn't mind if he turned out to be dirty and ohhh had to leave lol i can not get into him, i do not hate him nor do i care for him, i am on the fence thinking this dude this part no go together at all.

Sure i miss Jerry and Dennis was going to fill the role even if jerry hadn't have passed, but even then i thought hmm not seeing it, they need someone for Ed to be around who has similar comic traits and such.

Top of that they brought Fontana on as this flashy guy who thought everyone is dirt, expensive shirts, cars, flashing money around (which for a cop isn't smart in public) and all this talk about expensive crap, heck Ed's having money through hard work and savings only came up when briscoe was popping a joke about it. :D

I don't know what they plan to do, it looked like they were heading in a direction with the money angle and all but then they dropped it, hopefully they will pick it up or explain it away just let us know.
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

***SVU topic post****

I saw one of the old, old, old episodes of SVU. One of the ones where the still had Skoda as the shrink (as a guest appearance, never full-time) and the woman who was replaced with Tutuola (no idea of spelling)

I saw the episode when the woman (whose name eludes me, I really wasn't all that fond of her) met (at the end) Tuttuola. (Said he was coming to replace her)

Figures. I see the connecting episode AFTER I had to make the assumption on my own that she was replaced with Tuttola.

Just interesting.

**Spelling is inconsistent, because I HOPE I got it right one time**
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

"Michelle Hurd" Played "Det. Monique Jefferies" (1999-2001)
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

"Michelle Hurd" Played "Det. Monique Jefferies" (1999-2001)

Wow. :) Where do you get all your info from? Thats surprising, I thought she had been on longer. Has it really been that long? Yeesh. :)
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

Quick Law and Order (original) question:

Anyone remember what the new ADA's name is? I think the actress is Annie Praisse, but her character's name has escaped me.
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

Re: info on SVU, you can get the info at course i have it on my (still waiting to get half way done website based on several tv shows) :D

Re: New ADA name question, Annie Parisse plays ADA Alexandra Borgia.
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

Season Premieres. :)

Law & Order SVU: 9/20/2005 (tuesday) 7th season premiere on nbc, time: 10:00 PM


Law & Order: 9/21/2005 (wednesday) 16th season premiere on nbc, time: 10:00 PM

Law & Order CI: Has several premieres,
Regular: 9/25/2005 (sunday) 5th season premiere on nbc, time: 9:00 PM

9/19/2005 (monday)cable run series premiere on usa, time: 8:00 PM

10/9/2005 (sunday) cable run series premiere on bravo, time: 4:00 PM
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

Okay SVU Fans two bits of info if you didn't know...

Stablers separation isn't going to change his relationship with benson.
"Q- Fans want to see Benson and Stabler hook up. Are you planning for that as well?
Hargitay : They want us together bad. He's such a father figure and I'm such the mother figure, so all the kids want mommy and daddy to get together. It's so sweet. But we didn't want to turn the show into a soap opera.
Meloni : That'll be the day that the shark tank has been jumped. You can't have it."


Congrads!! to Diane Neal (Ada Casey Novak) 29, and Marcus Fitzgerald, 32, a former model, tied the knot July 9 on the beach in the Dominican Republic, PEOPLE reports.
The bride, who met her groom through a mutual friend, wore a Lazaro dress.

... and that's why I know realistically that Goren/Eames ship is never gonna happen but we can all dream, right? *sigh*
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

Does anyone else see the parrallels between Goren {D'nofrio's character on Criminal intent) and Grissom? I think it would be so awesome to have a crossover episode where they worked a case together.

I dunno, I always thought that Goren and Mulder would get on well.
Re: Talk Law & Order Here.

All I have to say is Law and Order SVU rocks! whoot whoot. Go B.d. wong. lol.

I was waiting for someone to say that. I hate saying it, but I sometimes just tune into old episodes because it has BD Wong in them.

Can I help it if I like psychology, and hes such a good actor?

But I do actually enjoy the storylines and other characters too :D