Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

ok, i dont understand how everything works and all, but why call an election before he has to? he could have had another two years right?

I think there was only a year left on Harper's mandate. The hubby and I talked the election call over and the only reason can come up with for an election is that the government is at a stand still. Even if we get another minority there will be some work done until that gov't gets stale.

I will probably be voting Conservative. I don't at this point see any viable options. Dion is a weak leader, Layton and the NDP are a joke and there is no way a BQ leader will run Canada. They would ruin it.

allmaple I would have taken the bus to Winnipeg to protest the protesters. From what I hear the WBC is more talk than action.
^ we could have carpooled ;) :lol:

it really sucks the way the political parties are, i feel like i have to choose between the lesser of evils, instead of the best person for the job. basically, if there is one thing that really pisses me off you arent getting my vote. harper was one of those 'traditional definition of marriage' types, luckily he never acted on it like he said he would. i just dont think a person should lead a country when their own personal beliefs and biases influence what they do as a leader and alienate a certain population of their country. its unfortunate, but we are a long way away from fixing that problem.
Yup but allmaple what I do have to admire Harper for is his sticking to his beliefs but at the same time allowing a free vote in The House of Commons on same sex marriages. He did say that if he was elected he would hold a vote on it. He was elected and the House had there free vote. Fortunately it was in favour of same sex marriage. Since that free vote he's not brought the issue up. If I recall correctly I did see something about some one wanting it to be an election issue and he said no. So he may not believe in same sex marriages but he's not forced his own beliefs on the country. Not like a particular country to the south of US. Ok it's north for allmaple but south for the rest of us :D
ok, so heres what i am severely missing about ontario (one has already passed, one is coming up):

peach season!! oh my goodness how i have missed ontario peaches :( i left right before the really good ones came out, and ill miss it every year for the next two. ive been getting canned peaches because fresh fruit is expensive here but it is so not the same

next is apple season! the apples they import here are not even worth the effort, and my favourites are the honey crisp. i think this kind is only in ontario, as it is a new type of apple, and there arent a lot of them. you can usually only find them from mid september to thanksgiving and then they are gone. so there wont be any when im home at christmas :( i asked my mom to snag me a bunch of them and put them in the cold cellar, hopefully they will still be good!!
allmaple sorry about missing the fresh fruits. I guess that can be a bummer when you are so use to them. I'm just waiting for you to start missing the snow :D
yeah, i dont see that happening any time soon :p my mom emailed me the other day when she was getting ready for work in the morning, and it was 6 degrees out! :eek: the high here hasnt been less than 30. my roommate is going to come visit one christmas break, shes from alabama and has never seen more than a light dusting of snow on the odd occasion they get it.
lalala... this thread has seriously been lacking in the love. i need my canada connection!

so in my class of about 80 im the only canadian. and i get picked on (in a fun way of course) for the way i say words like capillary, musculoskeletal, duodenum etc. one of my friends likes to point out every time i say about (i still never here ooo in there!). its cute, i just tell them they are the ones saying it wrong :lol:
allmaple other than you being the only Canadian what is the make up of you class. And if they're mostly American, you'll get them talking Canadian in no time :D

So you're missing Canada, eh :) The leaves are starting to change and the colours are gorgeous this year. Much more vibrant than last year. The election is in full swing and there is only 2 more weeks of campaigning. The leaders are having there debates this week and for the first time the Green Party will be in on the debates.

Pre season hockey is upon us :brickwall: for those of us that don't care and for those that do care :thumbsup:Hockey being upon us means that every sports section around covers hockey instead of what's really important-The World Series.

Nova Scotia got hit with Hurricane Kyle but it only came ashore as a category 1.

Sorry I don't have anything to report on Western Canada but maybe some of the westerner will help up :)
there are two from botswana, two from england, and there is actually an older woman from montreal but she has lived in like 15 different countries and montreal was just where she was before coming here. the rest are american, mostly from the south or new york it seems. so far 'y'all' has not crept into my vocabulary, even though i hear it at least a dozen times a day :lol:

there wasnt enough time for me to vote in the election, because our mail system seems to suck so bad. my mom paid for 8 day shipping to send something here, and 15 days later still no package... i would have had to mail a registration form and then mail a ballot or something, it would have gotten there by february or so.

its very strange here not having a change of seasons, hard to get into the mindset that it is october and midterms are a week a way when the weather is the same as august :eek:
ahhh election, another waste of money. Whatever, i don't pay attention to it anyways. Canadian elections are so boring. I know the issues, so why debate over it? I will never vote for Harper, so its done. The american election, now there's the entertaining train wreak :lol: I can't stand american style politics, but it sure is funny. And kind of sad.

its very strange here not having a change of seasons, hard to get into the mindset that it is october and midterms are a week a way when the weather is the same as august

oh COME ON!! I am kidding...but consider yourself luckey when winter rolls around. If Americans make fun of you, just respond with 'At least Bush isn't my president' LOL...maybe too mean?
I will never vote for Harper, so its done.

same here, one day when i phoned home dad jokingly said he would vote for me. and i yelled out 'no!! you vote conservative!!' :lol: hes not even that conservative, he just hates the liberals now. i told him if he were to vote for me instead of himself he would have to vote green party, or even worse, ndp :eek: (dad hates ndp, and obama for some reasaon...)

oh COME ON!!

is it bad that i hear this said in the voice of gob bluth? :p
allmaple so you don't think you're missing anything here in Ontario, we've had our first frost warning of the autumn season. Frost warnings were for Monday night. We didn't get any but the temperature did drop to 2C. We've actually had to put the heat on at home. Was jsut starting to get a little nippy in the house. The long range forecast for the Thanksgiving Weekend is for day time temperatures to be 18C-20C and with plenty of sun :)

The leaves this year have started to change but they are not yet in full bloom. Last year they went so quickly this year they're taking their time to change.
hehe, last time i phoned home on the weekend mom and dad were moving the plants inside because of the frost warning. it poured here today and that knocked the temperature down to...25 :p and then the lecture halls are super chilled with the air conditioning so we were all soaking wet going to the midterm in the rain and sitting in the cold room.

i am missing my pixie cat, but when my roommate and i move into an apartment next semester we will foster kitties from the gspca to fill the animal gap in our daily lives :D
Happy Thanksgiving everyone :D Turkey day! And an excuse to drink lots :p It's always hectic for us, since its my mother's bday as well, and she turns 60 this year.
Happy Thanksgiving guys! Tomorrow I'm going to a brunch at a club we're part of. I'm excited because they have the best turkey and salad and ahh. It's kind of a family tradition so we go every year. :)