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:lol: oh my good god i was just reminded of the episode where sam was taken by hunter people and it was such a scary eppy i was like oh god! and i was jumping outta my seat but when someone was talking i was like DUDE SHUT UP!
obsession_360 said:
i saw the one eppy where dean was in trouble for raping a girl right? and the whole time i was like NO DONT RIP YOUR BEAUTIFUL CHEST!!! :lol:

That's Skin. But he wasn't in trouble for raping anyone, his double tied up the girl and somewhat tortured her. Then he escaped the police, so now the cops are looking for Dean .. but at the end Dean's double died so Dean's cleared, sort of.

LOL, sorry for the recap :lol:

Yummmmm :D
:eek: *stares at piccie*

I love Skin. I have said it over and over again, that it's my favorite episode.

I don't really like their dad either, I don't know why. I think that it's because they haven't really written his character as to where the audience is actually concerned about him. They should make him seem more human and not -posessed. :lol:

*waits patiently for season two to start*
Last night was "Skin" and all I could say is... gross eppy. :lol: But we got a glimpse of Dean shirtless, so it's all good! :D
Shirtless Dean is definitely worth looking at. *drool* We had Dead In The Water last night and I loved the look of vulnerability on Deans face when he was telling Lucas about how he figured his Mom wanted him to be brave. How he thinks about it every day. *hugs Dean*
:lol: I know I've probably said it before but I love the vampire one, my best friend loves vampires, so I managed to talk her into watching it, and now she loves the show. I'm just going to be waiting for them to do a episode with werewolves in season two. I have always liked werewolves more then vampires for some reason. :D
We just had Phantom Traveller. Poor Dean. I can SO relate. I am scared of flying too. The demon was probably the lesser of two evils for Dean.
:eek: I'm also afarid of flying, so I can also relate too. The only way anyone could get me on a plane is if they dragged me onto it. I love that episode though it was kind of funny though when he was humming to calm himself down.
Sam: Are you humming Metallica?
Dean: It calms me down.

:lol: Oh man how I love that episode. Another few of my favorite quotes is:

Dean: I look like one of the Blue's Brothers.
Sam: No, you look more like a 7th grader at his first dance.
Dean: *looks down* Man I hate this thing.

Dean may have hated the suit but he sure looked fine in it! Cleans up really nice as my mother used to say.

I loved his expression when he told Sam to "stow the self-help, touchy-feely, yoga crap, because it's not helpinng!"
:lol: I loved that line too. Another one of my favorite lines is:

Dean: *mumbles* I still don't know what we're doing here at 5:30 in the morning...

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