Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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I'd never seen an episode of this show until tonight. I've read what y'all have to say about it and I've read a few Wikipedia articles, but I hadn't actually watched.

I gotta say, the premiere was amazing even for a person who only knew what was going on half the time.

I think I may start watching because this episode was so freaking cool!

*whispers* I've read about Cas, and I was worried about him... even though I'd never actually seen him in the series. :D
^ You should definitely keep watching! :D Glad to hear you enjoyed the premiere.

Can I just say, Cas certainly held his own tonight. :D Hee! I can't wait to see more of him this season.

SlashFanBecky was hilarious. :lol: Love the poke at the fans through this.

The revelation about Dean = :eek: Wow! Never saw that one coming. That's a really cool development for his character and I'm interested in seeing where they go with it. Seems like he's about to play an even bigger part in the mythology of the show.

I was a bit confused at first as to who pulled Sam and Dean from the convent and who did their magic with Cas so I would assume it's God (although my first thought was Lucifer, lol).

Onto Lucifer -- interesting way to bring him into the picture. I wasn't sure about the actor who's supposed to play him this year but I'll give him a chance. So far, the vessel impressed me so we'll see, heh.

Some great lines by Dean tonight, Kripke was on a roll. :lol:

Honorable mention: AC/DC in the recap! Excellent.

Can't wait for next week.
Anyone up to reading one of Misha's crazy interviews :guffaw:

When Misha Collins heard that Oprah Winfrey had shut down Michigan Avenue this week to tape her talk show, he was immediately struck by a similar storyline in his CW series "Supernatural."

"As if this woman needed to feel that she had anymore power," he told me during a phone interview as Winfrey greeted her audience outside RedEye's windows on Tuesday. "I hope Oprah doesn't crowd your city too much for too long. That could be kind of apocalyptic in and of itself." :guffaw: ...


Collins knows about the apocalypse, at least the one his character, the angel Castiel, will try to prevent when "Supernatural" returns for its fifth season at 8 p.m. Thursday. Castiel is something of a fallen angel now. Having been fired from heaven, he teams with demon-hunting brothers Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles), but "we're also being collectively pursued by all of the forces of heaven and all of the forces of hell."

Collins, who studied social theory at the University of Chicago, says the season is intense.

"That's a lot of material for the writers to work with," he said of the season's mythology. "It's hugely ambitious and I think they are tackling it head-on and doing a great job of it. We're confronting Lucifer and the apocalypse. It's no small potatoes."

The latest "Supernatural" storyline may be an epic confrontation that could lead to the end of humanity, but Collins says the most hellish experience on set is trying not to crack up laughing.

"Sometimes it's too much fun. Sometimes it really is frustrating and hard [to not laugh]," he said. "We shot a scene that
had a cushion-fart gag in it
last week which nearly held up production. We simply could not get through it."

As has been the case throughout the show's four previous seasons, what we see onscreen isn't all gloom and doom. With Castiel striving to
have human experiences this season, Collins gets to have some fun onscreen as well. Watch for Dean to take his angelic buddy to a brothel this season.

"Yes, he's trying to deflower the angel," Collins said, laughing, "and it doesn't go quite according to plan."

Collins talked more about Castiel's future, working on "Supernatural" and how goofing off at the University of Chicago prepared him to become an actor.

How is acting opposite the devil, who I see from all these Twitter posts today is being played by Mark Pellegrino?
We haven't had any scenes together yet, but I imagine it's going to be good. Actually, Mark and I did a movie together several years ago. If it's anything like that was, it's great working opposite the devil. He's a really good actor.

Did you ever think you'd be playing an angel?
No, I never did. In fact I had done a string of sort of bad-guy characters for a couple of years. I played a serial killer, assassins. Actually I played two serial killers now that I reflect. I was thinking, "I gotta get out of this bad-gay stuff." Then the angel role came along and I thought "Fantastic!" Except that I kind of have a slightly bad-guy angel, but it's a very welcome reprieve for me.

Castiel's not like a white-robed, cheery, fluffy-winged angel, is he?
No, there is no harp in this ensemble.

That would be funny though.
[Laughs.] They should work that in.

There's humor on "Supernatural," but not that light. It's a fairly dark show with dark stories. Is it serious on the set?
It's not at all a dark set behind the scenes. I think that the biggest challenge to shooting the show is not laughing during takes, because there are always some antics going on. It's a lot of fun and literally, sometimes it's too much fun. Sometimes it really is frustrating and hard. We were talking about the apocalypse and simply could not stop laughing last week. We also shot a scene that had a cushion fart gag in it last week, which nearly held up production. We simply could not get through it. So it's a great crew and a really fun set to work on.

I hear Dean takes you to a whorehouse this season. That should be fun.
Yes, we've shot that already. I can vouch for that. Yes, he's trying to deflower the angel and it doesn't go quite according to plan.

Will Castiel be helping the brothers out this year?
Most of my stuff actually is with one or both of the guys. I'm helping them sort things out but I've also got a mission of my own, which is revealed in the second episode. I'm there helping them help sort stuff out, but we're also being collectively pursued by all of the forces of heaven and all of the forces of hell. We've got to all watch our backs pretty closely. It's pretty intense.

So you were fired from heaven?
Yeah, I was laid off. I was fired so I can't even collect unemployment.

Do you have powers this season?
I do have powers. My powers are slightly diminished. There are certain things I can't do. I don't think I'd be able to repair a person's broken leg anymore but I do have other powers like teleportation and I believe time travel as well. I'm not totally useless yet.

But Castiel is trying to become more human, right? That's sort of been his storyline, but I read it will be more prevalent this season.
I think Castiel is seeing more and more what the human experience is like. He's becoming more human as time goes by, partly from his exposure to people and learning about them and partly because his powers are diminishing and he's becoming less angelic.

Ultimately he's not going to be a human, is he?
I don't know the answer to that. I don't know where that ultimately goes. But I don't know that that would be impossible. In fact, there's an episode that we shot this season where we flash forward to the future and in that scenario there's, um, I don't know, that might be too spoilery. I'm not going to say what I was going to say. Self-edit.

OK, let's talk about your connection to Chicago then.
I went to the University of Chicago for undergrad, where I studied social theory and spent four years in the south side of Chicago, [in] Hyde Park, running like Forrest Gump up and down the midway. I loved Chicago. It's a really great place. It's a great place to go to school, if you're into books and the basement of the Regenstein Library, which at the time, I was.

And you were there for four years? Did you get to do much of anything besides study?
[Laughs.] Yes, but not as much as one would probably like in their college years. I remember while we were there, there was a study of the top 400 universities and they ranked them according to various different criteria and the University of Chicago, at the time, ranked 400 out of 400. Right under the Naval Academy.

So it wasn't the most social environment in the world. I interned briefly at WBEZ. That was awesome. I spent some time hanging out in the archives at the Field Museum picking up shrunken heads and things like that, which was really exciting.

Cool. Is there anything that happened in Chicago that sort of has stuck with you and that you kind of use all the time now?
Yeah. You know, I didn't study acting in school and I didn't know that I was going to go into acting when I was at Chicago, but I started goofing around a lot in character and I actually spent some of my class time pretending that I was a Russian foreign exchange student and things like that. I guess the general antics and freedom that I felt; just screwing around in character when I was in college, I think was a big factor in why I ended up going into acting as a career. It was sort of my first foray.

But then you went on to Nepal, right, to study at a Buddhist monastery? Was that before college or after college?
That was during college. I took a year off from college and went to Nepal and Tibet, yeah.

And you started a software company. You've done a lot of things that you don't see on an actors resume, I guess, that often.
Yeah. I think part of what helped was that I didn't really know that I [would end up acting]. I didn't get into acting until a little bit later, so I had a chance to do some other stuff first. Actually, once you get into it, it does become somewhat consuming. And you don't have as much time as it looks like you do to do other things because you're always hunting down that next job.

I certainly, since I've started being a professional actor, I haven't felt that I have had nearly as much freedom as I had before because I don't really feel that comfortable going away, going to Nepal for example, or going work in the White House or something like that because you end up missing out on a lot of opportunities when you leave LA.

Speaking of the White House. You worked there during the Clinton administration in the Office of Presidential Personnel. Did you like working in the White House?
I did. I did in the sense that it made me realize that I didn't want to go into politics anymore. So it was an educational experience. But frankly I didn't have that much fun there. It was what got me into acting. I thought I was going to be a politician when I grew up and that's what got me out of that, and actually into acting.

So what'd you do, just sort of flee Washington and then go to LA?
I did. I went directly. I didn't know anyone in LA, loaded up the car, drove across country. It was somewhat arbitrary. It was going to be either LA or New York and NY. I'll try that for a little while. That was a decade ago.


And click for an article from tvguide! Eric Kripke has struck again!! Also under the spoiler code episode details!

Castiel tells Sam and Dean that he is going to search for God, who will be able to defeat Lucifer. Bobby's old hunter friend, Rufus (guest star Steven Williams), is panicked about demons attacking his town, and begs Bobby for help. Sam and Dean arrive at the town and realize there is a spell over the townspeople, making them hallucinate that they are demons and causing them to kill one another. Source: The CW
08/30 - Anna does indeed return for Supernatural season five. She first appears in episode two and is slated for additional appearances. Source: Kristin on E!Online *Let's all hope she's played by someone else!

09/05 - Not sure he trusts himself anymore, Sam decides to give up hunting, but a late-night visitor (guest star Adrianne Palicki) won't let him off the hook that easily. Dean, intent on stopping the Apocalypse, continues hunting on his own and teams up with Castiel to find the Archangel Raphael, as Castiel believes Raphael knows God's location. Source: The CW
Lindsey: Mid 20s - 30; She is a pretty, passionate, quick witted and spunky bar waitress, Lindsey was once an addict but now is a chip-carrying member of AA. She assumes that Sam's guilty confession of heinous crimes revolve around some form of addiction. Possible recurring. Tim Janklow: In his mid 30s - early 40s, dustier and tougher than the average barroom customer. A hunter, he is rough around the edges, and respects his fellow hunters until a friend's death, when he goes off the deep end and gets very, very physical. Please submit all ethnicities.. Possible recurring. Source: SpoilerTV

Dean is transported through time and comes across a familiar face. The time he is transported to is a much darker world then he is accustomed to, and the demons have taken control of Earth. However Dean is also stunned to see that they are not led by Lucifer. O_O Ever wonder what Sam would be like if he was totally evil? You'll find out in episode 4. Source: The Ausiello Files

A demon who escaped from Hell decides to play pranks on the Winchester boys. Knowing Deans weakness for loose women, the demon takes shape of Paris Hilton.

One of the boys are surprised with a message from an old flame with startling news. The boys go to the town to meet up with the old flame and notice a peculiar boy with terrifying abilities. Castiel also goes out to a club with Dean and Sam. O_O Why am I thinking that this boy with terrifying abilities is Ben ... and the old flame is Lisa. I'm thinking it can only be either Lisa or Cassie ...

An elderly Dean finds peace in New Orleans even without Sam by his side. The peace that Dean has found is short lived as he begins to notice unexplained deaths in the city.
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:lol: at "self-edit".

I hope the old flame is the girl that had the kid that acted like Dean. Maybe he actually really is Dean's son. :lol:

They better not bring Megalyn E back on the show. That would suck! Couldn't stand her on there.

But then again, since we're assuming the old flame is one of Dean's that almost has to mean it's one of Sam's. :lol: And the boy with abilities... well, Dean never had any, so if the kid were his son, why would he have abilities? So, that may mean that Sam has a son out there somewhere. Maybe he did actually hookup with someone and we just never saw it. Maybe it was before Jessica.
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Once again i was left speachless by an absolutely amazing Supernatural episode!! One of the things i love about the show is that it is never predictable, just when you think you know what'll happen Kripke pulls the rug out from under you.

The fangirl did an awesome job and i crack up every second she was on screen. The writers did an amazing job keeping the episode light when it could have easily gone in a different direction.

And is it just me or does Castiel get sexier everytime i see him? Looks like our boys have some competttion in the looks department.
^^It's not just you. Cas was hot in this one. Of course, maybe that's because I really like it when he takes charge and kicks butt... :D

This episode was amazing! Sadly, I believed Bobby's comment about cutting Sam off until I saw him become a demon. I almost cried. :(

I can't wait to see next week's episode! :D
Yeah, I was sort of assuming God brought Castiel back- that would be the only reasonable explanation why Zachariah would be intimidated by Castiel because I believe technically Zach was the "higher up" angel. That may no longer be the case... ;) And I think the other angels (Zach and crew) are probably even more intimidated by the implications of God bringing Cas back- I'm pretty sure they thought God had stopped paying attention long ago, and now it seems that that's not the case and they're probably shaking in their boots because of what they started with Lucifer rising and all that.

I also think it could be a cool season if they make Lucifer really compelling... as in, in the end the boys (and probably Dean in particular since he's the angel condom :lol: ) have to decide if they really think Lucifer is all that bad after all. I think it's interesting that they established right away that he doesn't lie... Could make for some interesting interpretation of what he says, for sure. I seriously can't wait to see what they do with him. They could go all Ann Rice and portray him as someone who was just misunderstood, and actually doesn't have that big a problem with humanity...?

Who knows... all I can say is BRING IT! I can't wait for more! WOO! :D
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How come Lucifer had to ask Nick for permission to take him over, but the other demons that have been fallen angels didn't have to? Azazel for one. I'm sure he didn't get permission from John. And whatever demon possessed Bobby or Sam or Dean, they didn't get permission to do so.

How come Lucifer had to ask Nick for permission to take him over, but the other demons that have been fallen angels didn't have to? Azazel for one. I'm sure he didn't get permission from John. And whatever demon possessed Bobby or Sam or Dean, they didn't get permission to do so.

Yeah I wondered that as well. But you have to keep in mind that 1) Eric Kripke is trying to portray Lucifer differently then anyone has portrayed him before, in an interview he stated the he wants people to relate to him and 2) Maybe he was just playing nice, since Nick was already in a depressed state of mind. Maybe he isn't as evil as what everyone thinks him to be :shifty: you have no idea where Eric is getting with this to tell the truth :shifty:
It'd be interesting if he wasn't as evil as previously thought, but somehow I doubt he won't be evil. And I still don't believe that he never lies. :lol:

I just have to share this:

Last night when watching the episode, when they said Dean was the sword, my brother said: "He's the sword, huh? Funny, he doesn't look like a sword to me. He's the oddest looking sword I've ever seen." :guffaw:
I thought it was just angels who had to have permission? After all, Lucifer was (is?) an angel.
Oh cool Supernatural thread, wish i knew that was here earlier lol

And as for Lucifer needing permission, he is an angels. Difference is hes a fall angel. So I can see why he still needs permission like the others. And in case your wondering why he was kicked out of heaven lol he tried to over throw God, for he wanted control.

How do you guys feel bout last night episode? Cause some of it just seemed kinda off to me, i guess i just expected alittle more information lol
And as for Lucifer needing permission, he is an angels. Difference is hes a fall angel. So I can see why he still needs permission like the others. And in case your wondering why he was kicked out of heaven lol he tried to over throw God, for he wanted control.

So he DID lie! I knew it! He told Nick that his crime was loving God too much. Yeah if you love someone, trying to overthrow them is a terrible way to show it! :lol:
LOL yes he did lie. Lucifer wanted to control the world so God kinda got rid of him lol. And I dont know who the heck would actually listen to the devil. I dont know bout you guys but, there is no way....i would let him say that, and i sure as hell wouldnt trust him lol
LOL yes he did lie. Lucifer wanted to control the world so God kinda got rid of him lol. And I dont know who the heck would actually listen to the devil. I dont know bout you guys but, there is no way....i would let him say that, and i sure as hell wouldnt trust him lol

Yeah, I think I would have said, "Go back to Hell where you belong!" :lol: Or just to annoy him, I would start singing a church hymn.
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