I wanted to address something else as I think of it now - Horatio is a hero and heroes can sometimes fall.
Antonio Riaz - although I am happy the guy met with a different form of justice, it is true that Horatio AND Eric willingly went to Rio to dispatch with Riaz. That was indeed wrong. Although again, I do understand the pains both these men were suffering - they didn't listen to what the higher ups told them to do - that they were after the 'bigger fish' and needed Riaz to draw them out hence letting him go despite the hideous murders he authorized. Horatio and Eric did take justice into their own hands and even though I am glad Riaz is gone - he was of NO USE to society and was using young boys to mule his drugs - H and E shouldn't have gone after him like that. In the end, it was Horatio having to rescue the life of his nephew which made it even in the wash as far as I was concerned. Riaz had in fact murdered again by beating Raymond to death - so, justice was served - just not in the court of law. Does it make it right? I think it can be debated to death and both sides will have excellent and valid points. So before another war of words results - there's my point of view on that one.
Ron Saris - if Horatio feels he needs to get his posse and hunt this guy down, Horatio - you got my approval. This guy is horribly dangerous and will stop at nothing to get what he wants - money, power, etc... The sad thing is that in Horatio's case - his one and only son - a son he didn't know about until now - is smack in the middle of this mess. Saris married Julia for her fortune - Kyle is her heir and if Saris dispatches Julia - which he just might to get her money - Kyle is in the way as her heir to her fortune. Horatio is going into protective father mode - again, we might not agree with his methods - but if you were in his shoes, would you really turn your nose up and let the law run its course if it were your kid in danger? I think people need to look outside their own little box and attempt to put themselves into the situations that are being argued about. Would you want to wait for things to play out and maybe see your child die in the end? Horatio's one big thing that really drives him is family - he now has a son - flesh of his flesh - and he's not going to just sit by and wait if he can do something about it. Ron is another person who is of no use to society and poses a HUGE threat to every civilian walking the streets - if H has to do what he feels he needs to do, he's got my support because in the end, he'd be protecting me - fictionally speaking...
ladyd10 - you state a mess of great examples that Calleigh has had to deal with - but one thing is for certain, and this isn't to be a sexist - but women handle things differently than men. Men are not emotional - women are - we ladies are not afraid to say we are afraid. We are not afraid to admit to feeling down. We are not afraid to deal with our emotional issues. For the most part, I'll add. There are always exceptions. Horatio's a guy through and through. He's come from a dysfunctional family - the child of abuse. He's watched his loved ones die right under his nose. He's done his best to stand tall. He deserves a little mental breakdown at this point. But honestly - to say he's become creepy - put yourself into his shoes attempting to think like a guy. I would still trust him with my life. Deep down inside, he's still that lovable guy that I am sure is giggling mad every time he sees Yelina (hoping he will end up with her - maybe a happy series finale) - right now, he's at an emotional crossroad where his choices have him acting a bit outside the law. Stick it out - I have faith the writers will pull him back. Some of the extra drama is probably to pull more male fans into the fold. It is very possible the entire series is laid out - I am sure the writers will want CSI Miami to go out with a bang and not a boo. It seems many series are ending on high notes with large fan bases instead of dropping away due to low ratings. I would hate to see the show come to an end as I always look forward to seeing what my dear redhead cop is going to face in a new show, but all good things must come to an end at some point. Ten years seems to be a typical good run these days - perhaps having 9 seasons will be it... sad... but oh well... thank god for the DVDs...
What I really do wish the writers would do is focus on the little things they tend to let slide. What ever happened to Madison after the bone marrow transplant? Where and how did Horatio meet Julia? Why did she leave him? Why didn't she track him down when she learned she was having his baby? Why is it that Eric said he had older sisters when it seemed that Marisol was younger than he (look at her age on the headstone after her death - 28 if I do my math right- isn't Eric over 30?).
What I do love about this show - besides a total addiction and affection for Horatio - is the camaraderie and chemistry between all the characters - the sense of adoptive family Horatio can have in place of what he lost (and something I hope the writers capitalize on as Horatio travels back to the light from his darkness) - and the idea that each and every character brings something to the table. Every character involved in the show has a purpose and isn't just put there because. I hate Rick but love him because he offsets Horatio - Rick is ambitious and jealous and uses his position inappropriately many times. Horatio tries to stand tall.
As a woman, I adore this character because he is what I feel more men need to learn to be like. Be respectful, honest, caring, compassionate - he'd hug us when we feel down and lift us up when we are successful. He's not the jealous type, he's not arrogant, and would be the kind of guy I'd want to walk beside and I would do so proudly. He's endearing and charming - and ok - thanks DC, for being a snappy dresser!!
He's got the right sort of punch to be attractive to the ladies and he's got the fire and action to be attractive to the guys. He's just .... well... coooooolllll!!! Yeah.....