Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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heres a little hint ladies, always check your school email just in case your prof sends you a message saying class is cancelled. that way you dont have to walk all the way to school only to turn around and come back :lol: although i shouldnt have waited an hour to come on here, youve been busy!!

lookin mighty fine in stripes
its true, im adorable
coming a little undone...
oops, how did that happen? :lol:
wide open neck
double the dress shirts, double the fun

has anyone noticed that when they do episode stills for an episode if they use grissom or catherine there will be like 20 pictures but if its nick or sara (or anyone else for that matter) there are only 5 or so. its not fair!!
Yeah true, I don't think thats fair but then they ARE, sadly the main two characters.
Nice pics by the way, nice to come home to Nick/George in diferent coloured shirts, love all the tight shirts he wears and also opened Neck one's hopefully we see shirtless Nick this season but so far it has been every 3 season, 1,3 and 6, don't think I can wait till season 9.
Nice pics ladies. I've narrowed it down to 10 possible pics and since Destiny won't let us post that many I'll do a little more fine tuning. So hang on for a minute or 2 or 3 or 4 :)

Ok I'm made my decision and it was a tough one. In no particular order here are the runners up.

km444 whats to say but thank you :devil:
blackflag so yummy ;)
miko so hesitant and yet so georgeous :)
km444 again. I love the buzz when it dresses up :D
allmaple just like doublemint gum. :lol:

And finally the winner is Elsie with this georgeous pic. It's a little revealing and oh so lovely to look at. :devil: Congrats on winning and have fun with your theme idea
Wow, thanks Jacquie ! :D

Just give me a couple of minutes to drink my second cup of tea of the day and I will be back with a theme...

Sorry for the short delay, real life intervened! Thanks Miko and Softcake.

Hmmm, theme... I know it has been done before but I would really like to see those beautiful arms , so toned and yummy... Pics of George/Nick etc. welcome. Bare arms good, bonus points for arm encased within tight tshirts! :devil:

12 pic limit (6 per post I believe is the rule) will try and pick winner this time tomorrow but, as it is the weekend, it may not be possible until Sunday. Hope that is OK with everyone.

Happy hunting :)
Good morning! 3 more hours, then I'm off for today. Weekend, finally! It's my sister's 40th b-day tomorrow, we're going to have a huge party :D

Where's the party?
I'm going to have at least one beer
I wonder if softcake wants me to buy a present for big sis' Considering you earn more than I do, sweetie...yes! :D
I'll dress up nicely, that's for sure :devil: Alright, perfect gift for my sister :D

Oh, I almost forgot - the second part of BTK was on last night, huh? Can't wait to see new Nicky pics ;)

ETA: Where are my manners? Congrats on winning the theme, Elsie!
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