Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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has anyone noticed that photobucket has added a size restriction to the dimensions of your photos and not just the file size? i think its stupid but oh well, i guess i just wont upload promo shots there so as to keep them in all their giant glory :)
ive decided to go in the humour direction for the rest of my group shots, they may not be winners but they made me laugh so ill share them. plus they might be new to some of you as i just made them :)
group hug! this is the exception to the funny rule, obviously
um, you know what, ill just sit this song out
uh oh snake, i dont think your rocket works very well
and evel looks pissed
at least you have degrassi to fall back on...
ooh thats gotta hurt!
Hello all :D

congrats Only I like the theme idea, here are my subs:

my photobucket isn't working right now, so if I can get in I will submitt pics, if not, have fun peoples :D
youre being quite creative there Jacquie :lol:
i missed rashomama tonight because i was watching clerks with my dad :( oh well, i have georges naked torso etched into my brain so i can replay it for myself. loved this one when i was making group shots from evel and couldnt resist it:
why is maple coming at me with scissors and hair dye? i have a thing against red heads, and the mullet is obvious :p
Hello again, I'm going to try again with some theme pics :D

and might I add that tomarow is my little siters birthday, she's turning 18, and is fashon model like in every way, and is incredibly tolerant of my obsession with George :D

ok on to themes;

ok that be all mayties, Argg! (i don't know why I'm talking like a pirat :lol: )

love you all, peace out :cool:
allmaple we all know OnlyTruth likes us to be creative :lol:. I'm surprised nobody else came up with a morgue shot or one with horses.

It has been a very trying and busy week. Now on top of everything our hot water heater decided to spring a major leak tonight. Fortunately we rent the heater from Enbridge (our gas company) so they will be dealing with it sometime on Saturday morning. All I can say is thankfully I'm not working this weekend.
Wow. You guys found some great pics. I do love the creative pics, thanks Jac. Push those limits, girls -- who says a dummy can't count as part of a crowd.

Anyway, I totally couldn't make a decision about this group of pics. So I decided to go with the submission that had the largest group :) and, so the winner of this theme is:
Babs :D Congrats Babs !
:D I can't believe I won. :lol:

Oke, the new them. Lets see the man in uniform. You gotta love a man in uniform. 12 is the limit. Happy hunting. Tommorow around this time I pick a winner.
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