Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

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Of course we snag them maple. I posted 9 pics and all but 1 of them I got from someone else. Why go looking when there is an easier way to get them. :p

allmaple I thank you for a couple of the little stoker pics I will add to my collection. Here are some home made chocolate chip cookies. I hope you like them :)

I really hope George has not noticed how much he does stick his tongue out because we would be out of little stoker pics :lol:. When George does stick out little stoker he's usually in a very thoughtful moment.

anne have fun selecting the weiner. :lol: We never make any theme easy and some how little stoker seems to be a bit harder. That and the dress shirt pics. major drool there :devil:
sounds like we could start our own baking club in this thread!
i know youre staying spoiler free Jacquie, but if the promo pics for the season opener are any indication the little guy isnt going anywhere :D i know that if im laughing but dont want to make any noise (i snort, thats right, im a geek) my tongue shoots right out, i cant stop it :lol:
oy boy, do i ever have to put down drop clothes if there are dress shirt pics around! i really love the one he wears in nesting dolls, its such a different colour for him and i looks so good. he really is perfectly shaped for them :)

eta: ok this is really weird, for every episode with the long hair i didnt like it. now that spike is playing all of them when i see it again i like it! i always thought unusual suspects was the worst, but now watching it again its really cute! i think i jump to conclusions too fast
*huggles Jacquie* that would be the one! :D
those shirts look so good on him with the extra bit of muscle and the shaved head. i wonder if he realized how comfortable it is for the summer and thats why he did it again. i know my brother grows his hair all winter and buzzes it for the summer every year. while i like the look on nicky i do like hair too, and when he shaves it theres that weird in between length in the middle of the season that looks funny.
Can't I just declare all you ladies the winner? No? You're really going to make me choose between all the lil stokers? Fine...if I have to. The runners up in no particular order are:

km444 He looks so pissed and dangerous here. I love it.
Jacquie Poor dear! Let's all give him and Evel a hug.
nicksarafan2 Aww, lil stoker's being shy. Only the tip is out. Maybe we can do something about that?
allmaple Lil stoker plus those beautiful eyes.
allmaple again. The first thing I thought was "Yeah, baby. Get those lips ready." :devil:

And the winner of the lil stokes challenge is... Only! This pic has everything - lil stokes, great glasses, a nice shirt, and a hint of the vest. Congrats!!
anne_wolfe said:
And the winner of the lil stokes challenge is... Only! This pic has everything - lil stokes, great glasses, a nice shirt, and a hint of the vest. Congrats!!
Golly, I win? I saw so many wonderful stokers I didn't think I had a chance. Thanks Anne!

Well, Nick is really good with people. So, I'd like to see him with a group of people. A group, in this definition, is 2 or more additional people (that is, there need to be at least 3 people in the pic). I guess this could be expanded beyond Nick to any character or GE himself. 12 pic max. Winner in 24 hours. Have fun.
Congrats OnlyTruth

I'll start off with only 1:
Group shot 1

be back with more later. That is the only 1 I know I have without looking. Don't have time to look.

Jacquie_Sawyer said:
nice and tight :p would have been better if one more button was undone. :)

oh ive been there before! i didnt wear my white blouse for a couple months and then needed it for a band performance. but i, erm, couldnt get it closed over the girls :lol: i had to get pretty creative to make sure i didnt expose myself in the middle of our performance :lol:

whos the best looking cowboy? my mom said tom sellek and i laughed at her
i didnt know you liked threesomes nicky :devil: sorry, i dont share
maybe its just me but nick looked really out of place at a hip hop party
triple tushies but we all know which ones the best ;)
the gangs all here
everybody was kung fu fighting, hooah! :lol:
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