Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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:D pic 10 is from a intervieuw from season 1 or 2 I forgot that, pic 11 is from the intervieuw with Taratino from season 5. You find the intervieuws on your dvd's. I made those screenshots myself.
Can't afford the DVD's, and it's slow going at my closest Blockbuster.

I'm going to have to pay close attention to the pics you post. You always manage to come up with some that I haven't seen. I'll just have to stop getting frustrated when they come up slowly for me. I snagged 4, 10, and 11 and added them to my collection. :)

yay, thread 12!!! I love the all the pics. Nick is my favorite csi. SO HOT!!! ****catching breath after looking at those pics*** ok, i am good now
wow, I love those interview pics. I've seen the season 5 one but the pic from season one is a new one for me. Very well done. *applauds*
Think everyone has submitted their pictures so I'll announce the winner :)
I had a real hard time selecting the best ones, because I began to suffer from hot flashes all of a sudden, maybe it was because of the pics, maybe not ... :rolleyes:
There where too much really good ones, I started saving all the ones I liked and I had like 20 winners ;) But after serious deliberation, here are the runners up...
This one from Jacquie I couldn't stop looking at, such a manly neck he has.
Then the second runner up is this one from blackflag, his neck looks so soft, I wanna kiss it ;)
I also liked LaRoseNoir's for the same reason.
This picture from Nicksarafan2 is just plain gorgeous overall, but I wanted his neck to be more explicitly in the pic so ...
Then for the final runner up: it's from Babs

But the winner is * drumroll*
nicksarafan2 with this wonderful close up of his absolutely delicious neck!!!
Congrats on winning nicksarafan2. That was some delicious theme.

I did something today I don't usually do. I went to work. I normally don't work Sunday's but every so often I will go in and shock the customers :lol:. The only problem today was it was dead due to a combination of heat and holidays. It did give me some time to think of Nicky though :p

Jacquie are you trying to tell me
you thought of me well you were suppose to be working
yes dear I did let my mind wander
and wander :devil:
and it wandered a bit more
until it was time to come home
hey all, i'm back!!!

there was a little, urm, trouble and yeah, anyway i'm back, and first off i wanna appologize for the inconvenience (sp?) of the timing of my trouble, seeing as i was about to pick a winner, but i see everything sorted itself out nicely so thats wonderful to see.

not to mention how good it is to be back with all this GE goodness!!! i was going stir crazy with it lol, but i'm all good now, i'm back in the ward where i belong :D
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