Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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You ladies are too much!! I have GE for the desktop on my powerbook (actually, the pic changes every 15 min) -- I was mortified the day that it was still out and turned on when my husband came home and saw it. He still makes fun of me.

Hey Babs - I'm a Barbara too. Only nobody calls me Babs. Nobody. Okay, maybe it would be alright if GE did. Maybe. :p
Ok. Now I'm going to have to try and post a pic for you, cake...he's 36, 6' 2" brown hair, blue eyes...I'll see what I can do.
My mother was named Barbara. Her family called her Barbie, I think...

Anyway, I decide to go to bed early for once and fifteen minutes later the winner to the Jacquie's theme is posted! Yay me... anyway...

Someone once mentioned that finding good pictures of Nick and Grissom together was hard, and I'll have to agree! Grissom is my second favorite character, so that's what I want! Grissom and Nick or Billy and George, whatever! I'd prefer if it was just those two, but if you have to throw in an extra character everyonce in a while, I can deal with that... Let's limit this to six for now because it's supposed to be hard... If it proves not to be I'll bum up the max to 12!

All right... enough gibbering...

On your mark, get set, GO!!!!!!!!!!
:D I never come in an hit you all with water when you expect it, you all know that. :lol:
Wow missed all the hot topic this morning. Got a call from the store just after 9am and there was a bit of a water problem. Turns out the hot water heater was leaking. Such is life. I have my own laptop thanks to my father-in-law. He got a new laptop and generously gave me his old one. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles the new ones do but it allows to be on here when I want and allows me to keep randomly changing my wallpaper. Currently it is on of my favourites from Swap Meet.

On to the theme of Nick and Griss

I'm sorry Griss but it's my ward.
Nick and Griss
some guy with bugs beat me also
yep they sure like they are high up there
now they are below us
heading toward the doghouse with little stoker
my you ladies were busy today! im trying to sneak on at work but doesnt like im going to get through all this! :p see you in a few hours then :D

eta: oh sure, now you slow down :p

oh my god! is that george eads??
honestly george, youre impossible to work with
now whats he up to... i like these candids from the set, i only wish they let us see more of them
double profiles although i think griss is better looking with the beard, at least nickys always a cutie :D
griss my tummy hurts!! :lol:
dont get your hopes up griss, those girl are here for me :D
Yeah, we had a nice little GE-conversation while all you ladies oversea were having dirty little dreams about our favorite guy :devil:
Right now, it's 11.30 pm here in Germany and I'm about to go to bed - but it's still SO HOT! And seeing all the goodies you posted doesn't really cool me down for a good night's sleep...
Where's Destiny's hose when you need it *sighs* ;)
Now that we are getting towards the end of another thread has anyone thought of a name for the 12th thread. I like the current one we are using.
well, if you ladies go at it tomorrow like you did today i wont be around for the opening of the 12th thread. so your gonna have to fight over who gets to (or in Babas case who doesnt get too :p) open the next one.
although i like doing it i feel like i have a monopoly on starting the new threads so unless otherwise required i shall graciously step aside :) as for name, my thoughts were 'stokes syndrome annonymous' im running out of ideas to play off the syndrome part. i dont want to lose it since i think it sets us apart from the other character threads.
allmaple Destiny has kindly asked me to start the next thread and I have agreed to do it. So the pressure is off your shoulders. I said I would start it Thurdsay evening so that will give us time to come up with a name.
Wow, I missed a lot of discussion and pictures here. We had bad storms here last night and had no power, phone, or water for over 24 hours. Most people still don't have power, so I guess I'm lucky. It has been very hot without air conditioning though, now that the AC is back on, I can safely look at these pics.

Here are a few for the Nick & Grissom theme:
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
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