Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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Congrats Jacquie_Sawyer! :)

Yeah, I was very happy when I found out he quit in a house with others that do, I know how tough it is to quit, and how taxing it is on a person's health. Huzzah for a happier, healthier George! *applauds*
I like that pic it is really good welldone Jacquie
and heck same here if it wasn't for work and family i might as well live on here, but then i would have no house or elctricity to run the computer...
Anyway, what are we doing know, are we still doing themes or not?
Well, the winner was announced, so unless we're taking a break from themes, I believe it's Jacquie's turn to pick a theme. *nods*
Has anybody realized here we are on a Saturday afternoon sitting indoors and being on a computer. Such dedicated members of the Ward we are. In my case it is too hot out for me. Its about 30c with a humidity reading of about 38c. Only good thing about it is there is a nice breeze.

Now on to the subject of the theme. Nick with a lab coat on. I know this has been done before but it has not been one of my themes. The pic limit is 12 and I will announce a winner Sunday around the dinner hour Toronto time. Bonus points will be given if there is an open neck shirt with said lab coats.

LaRoseNoir I myself have never smoked but my husband use to and there are members of my family that have and still do smoke. My husband quit over 16 years ago. I do understand it is a hard habit to quit and I admire anyone that can quit and does stay off them. I admire George for trying to quit while shooting season 6. It can't be easy.
Bah, I could only find one in my collection, I'll have to look for more later.

Theme: Labcoat 1
edit--Found another one.
Theme: Labcoat 2

I've never smoked either, but I live with people that do. George quitting is an incredible achievement, and I don't care if that means he's put on a little weight. *hugs him*
Hello Girls :D

I actually Don't think George is getting "fat" if you will, when he buzzed all his hair off he bulked up quite a bit, plus people say that George can't gain wight, I think he's just bulking up and eating more protein, because if we watch 'Rashomama' we see he is in fact fit as can be ;) if you know what I mean ;)
but I know what you mean, when his hair was long though, he looked rounder in the face even though he hadn't gained any weight, and of course he is 39,but I don't think he's getting older in that since, he looks really good for his age, and to be honest I like a little more beef on my men ;) not fat, beef ,:D but none the less, he's a cutie and nothing will ever change that :D

ok here are my theme pics:

Lab Coat
Lab Coat his pose in this one cracks me up, he looks so cute :D
Lab Coat
Lab Coat very funny as well :lol:
Lab Coat
Lab Coat

I like him in the lab coat, he'd make a cute doctor, maybe a kid doctor :D

any way those were my pics, and I if I used one all ready up there, tis ok ;)
Yeah, I didn't mean he was getting fat...quite the opposite. He looks like he's been hitting the gym more. I actually appreciate a thicker GE. Of course he was incredibly handsome when he was lean, but now... *faints*

You never know, maybe he's getting ready for a new movie project and we just don't know about it yet. ;)

Here's the final six of the labcoat theme pics.
Theme: Labcoat 7
Theme: Labcoat 8:lol:
Theme: Labcoat 9
Theme: Labcoat 10
Theme: Labcoat 11
Theme: Labcoat 12 This one is very lonely and sad. :(

Good luck to everyone! *sits back and looks at the other pictures*

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