Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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Oh I know you didn't think he was fat of course not :D and yes I love the hunkier, meatier man, he's way too cute :D

oh and lovely pics every one, He's so cute ;)
First, Happy Birthday Blackflag (at least I think it's still your birthday as I post this -- your cake is gone). Anyway, hope all of your Nicky dreams come true.

I've been one of those folks who didn't participate much last week. Happy to say that vacation Bible school is so totally over now and I have a bit more time. Still, so many pictures posted .... I think I'll sit out this theme, catch up on the thread, and join in next time :)
Welcome back to the ward OnlyTruth. Lovely pics everyone. Alot I haven't seen before. It seems we all have a secret stash hidden somewhere :)

allmaple I send Nick on his way once he wakes up in the morning. That's assuming he sleeps at all :D
I'm finally back home! I haven't totally caught up on the posts, but I figured I'd jump into this theme since I do have a lot of labcoat pictures.

And, happy birthday blackflag!

Here are my labcoat theme pics:
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5
Theme 6
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
That's assuming he sleeps at all :D

you saucey minx! just be a doll and make sure hes here in time for brunch, k? :lol:
poor hearty, shes definately one who needs a daily dose of nicky to maintain sanity. way to step up to the plate in times of need Destiny! although youve been bad and havent visited us too much lately, maybe weve been too good at watching our behaviour :p
it has been one heck of a long day, so im gonna crawl into bed, even if nicky wont be here til morning ;)
I have to get my peice of nicky before i fly out to France for a week with the family, kids want to go to disney land paris even tho there is one in florida, typical, so i was forced to take them i knew they wouldn't shut up if i didn't hopefully there will be a DVD player there if not i'll go made, 3 kids for a week. Well 2 but my hubby is just as good as a Kid.
Wonder if George will be in Paris that week, plz plz plz!
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
I did forgot to thank Destiny for being a pinch hitter in place of heart. Job well done and not just because I won.
You're welcome and not just because you won. :lol: It was a tough decision, there were alot of great pictures as ususal.

I know I haven't stopped in to talk as much and yep you all have been pretty good at behaving, but don't think that doesn't mean I don't read the thread. ;) But I promise to make a statement a little more often. :D
wowie is it ever hot outside!! :eek: nicky and i have chosen to take cover inside today. sure could have used him last night to kick my brothers friends butts who were being super loud at 3am this morning!!!

thats right nicky, you stare those stupid boys down
id be as mad as this right now if i wasnt so deprived of sleep
need something to concentrate on to calm self down....
thatll work :devil:
thats pretty nice too
and who could say no to the little guy? :lol:

not sure how much longer i can resist that pool, even if it is almost 40 degrees out!!!
I know I said I would announce the winner around the Toronto dinner hour but it seems to quiet in here on a nice overly hot day. So unless no one has any objections here are the runners up in the usual no particular order.

Babs I find the smoke rising up from the tank that holds the plastic bag creep in light of what happens to Nick later.
LaRoseNoir Nick does have the stare down pact
nicksarafan2 what can I say but Nick is cute here
LaRoseNoir again. Nick senses something is not right here
blackflag What can I say but sigh

And the winner of the lab coat theme is the future doctor km444 this pic seemed to have a bit of everything- soft hair, lighting, head tilt and of course Nick himself. :) So congrats Km444 on winning the theme. We all await your next theme.
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