Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #11

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Thanks everyone. So far you've given some of the best presents. Although the 4 8oz packages of personalized m&m's do look yummy. And my niece and nephew may have given the best of all - they are at their mother's for the weekend and not here! Off I go to finish making my cake.

Jacquie May not survive the summer. He's still on the same chapter - was full of don't, can't, won't and any other reason to not do anything that was asked of him yesterday.

Happy Birthday blackflag may wonderful wishes your way.

Also Folks I have Contacted T'Bonz regarding the problem with heartagram getting on I don't know how long it will take. So for now you all can pick an alternate to pick a winner, or I can do it not a problem.

Here is another suggestion, for the future, there are "Theme" pictures posted and regular pictures posted, during the "Theme" pictures in part of the name of the picture how about something like this.

Theme: [insert name for picture]

This way it makes it easier to keep them separated. Something to take into consideration. :) Let me know how you want to do this.

Thanks. :)
Destiny I certainly can't and won't speak for everyone but I have no problem with you picking a winner of the theme, if that is how everyone else wants to do it. I also am just having a good time trying to come up with ideas on my own for posting pics of George/Nick.

I see by the cake icon that it is somebody's birthday today.

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday blackflag
happy birthday to you

and now for your cake and ice cream :devil:. Enjoy your birthday blackflag. As for you gold stars you'll get them regardless. :) :)
Oh i see yeah i guess there is nothing wrong with you picking the winner.

Hey BlackFlag Nick hopes he gives you the best B-Day present ever!
Well i would be happy if he did that for me!
This thread is getting a little dead.
Hay that rymed, but anyway hardly anyone has been posting in this thread latly, surely we haven't run out of pics of Georgy!
Jacquie_Sawyer said:

I see by the cake icon that it is somebody's birthday today.

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday blackflag
happy birthday to you

and now for your cake and ice cream :devil:. Enjoy your birthday blackflag. As for you gold stars you'll get them regardless. :) :)

I have to say that while I sit here eating my blue and yellow m&m's - that collection of pics makes my day. Who can't love that face, and the rest of the body isn't bad either.

Jacquie I'm likely to kill the kid before summer is over.

Since I don't participate in the game itself, my doing the picking would be from an outside stand point to at least restart the game.

So if no one else objects we can stop the themes right now and I will go through them. *off to look at themes*.
SamStokes said:
This thread is getting a little dead.
Hay that rymed, but anyway hardly anyone has been posting in this thread latly, surely we haven't run out of pics of Georgy!

It is not the thread that is dead by any means. There are people who have a life. There are some people who are involved in summer camps for their children, some who have new boyfriends, some who take summer school and some who even work. So give everybody time to get their Nick lives back together and you will see how many join in.
Ok sorry i know other people have lives, i do to have one, family and all just know the season has ended people have dropped of, maybe that is because kids are off school and stuff.
Sorry just.. Haven't you said that before further down the thread when some1 said something like what is said, nyway i will have to go soon packing, then i am of on holiday to france, DisneyLand needed a change from florida for last 2 years, so i won't be on for a week.
^ I understand people work ^
No need to apologize. If it weren't for work I'd be glued to this thread all day. :D

To start up a topic of conversation, has anyone noticed that George is getting a little bulkier lately? I know he's always been muscular and lean, but now he seems thicker. Building muscle for a new movie perhaps? Maybe he's just getting older(not meant in a mean way at all).

What do you gals think?
I did notice at the end of the season he did seem a "little thicker". I can think of 2 factors that might be causing it. First he quit smoking and I do hope he has still quit. And secondly I would say age may be a factor. For those of us who are on the other side of 35 know time catches up with all of us.

SamStokes no need to apologize. If I didn't have my business to deal with I would be like LaRoseNoir and be here all day. I am so thankful I have no computer at the store. When it is quiet I do have my DVD player and my knitting to fill in the time between customers. I get bored very easily so I have to have something to do.
Okay first, you all did such a wonderful job of finding pictures, and I would love to declare you all the honor but I can't, so I will just get to the winner/wiener or whatever your calling it. :lol:

Jacquie_Sawyer For Full body ... Congradulations!
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