Stetler/Horatio Slash Thread

No couch sex for Horatio. He's been a bad, bad lieutenant, sleeping with Frank. No, Horatio! No!

But we all know Rick will forgive him all too soon.
midnight has been waiting for that for a loooonnng time, hampstermoon. :D

I can't wait to read it... :D Yay! H/S have a fanfic! Now Stetler just needs to come back to the show...
hamstermoon, that was great! :D

CSIM has been pretty uninspiring lately, so I'm really looking forward to seeing Rick next week. H must be suffering withdrawal symptoms from his long absence. :(
Rick has been in Vermont this whole time, closing in a great deal on a nice, cozy little location for their House of Pies. He's also been scouting the world for the best pie recipes.

Plan A has come to completion. Now all they need to do is poke Horatio's condoms with needles, get Marisol pregnant, wait until she dies and boom, insta-family. Marisol's baby has two daddies.
It's all set up perfectly. As Rick wanted H's job anyway (so it transpires in weird Season 4 Land), they can now job share and share childcare duties. Good planning guys! ;)
Well, marriage is a two way street, as they say. And God knows kids are a handful. And then the House of Pies? Hard to run a business on top of all that.

I sure hope Rick isn't taking Little Violet's Ritalin to give himself a little pick-me-up. Horatio's gonna have to take him on a well deserved vacation to free up some tension.

God, what the hell am I talking about.
^Awww...Horatio and Rick on vacation! :D Where would they go? They're already in Miami, which is gorgeous and warm, so maybe Horatio would take Rick to Europe. Couldn't you see them stomping around London or Paris with matching fannypacks, fighting over whether to go to the art museum or the history museum? Awww. Gotta get some fun in before the baby comes!

midnight_tiptoes said:
I think he will be in next week's episode. Oh, how I miss the HoYay. Too bad CSI is so homophobic, or else... boom chicka wah!

Yay!!! Stetler's back!! I missed him!!! :D And I'm sick of the CSI homophobia, too. Most of the best couples on the shows are slash couples anyway. Why fight it, CSI???
Okay, we finally got some Stetler last night, but he didn't get a scene with his little cuddlebum :(.

But once Marisol kicks the bucket, who do you think is gonna help Horatio raise that child?
midnight_tiptoes said:

But once Marisol kicks the bucket, who do you think is gonna help Horatio raise that child?

Clearly, that's what Horatio is thinking. He wouldn't cheat on Rick unless it was for a good reason. He just wants to have a baby for him and Rick to love. Aww.

You have to hand it to Rick for being so professional. He probably wanted to ditch Ryan's interview and go cuddle Horatio, after that scary shooting.
Welcome to week two of the Featured Ship of the Week! In case you missed it first time around, here's a quick recap:

We're starting a new feature in Shipper Central--the Featured Ship of the Week! Let me explain. We've noticed that a few of the bigger ships from each show are always active and have lots of posts. Other ships get less action. We want to give those smaller, less active ships a leg up.

Each week, we'll select a ship thread that hasn't been active as often as it could be and give it its Fifteen Minutes of Fame.

NOTE: We won't be featuring the already-popular ships, and we're not featuring a ship because we think it's cooler than all the other ships. We just want to let people see some of the different, lesser-seen ships!

This could be a great opportunity for all of you to experiment with posting in a thread for a ship you've never thought about before!

This week is the turn of Horatio & Stetler. So lets get this party started...