Stetler/Horatio Slash Thread

Yay! Two of my favorite slashable guys! I love their yearning looks and their hallway love spats.

So, let me throw a couple of topics out there:

1) What about Rick and Horatio makes them so doggoned slashable?

2) How would everyone at the lab react if they found out about their little love-fest?
Yes! Horatio/Stetler is the new black.

To answer lament's questions:

1) I think it's the love/hate relationship that's so hot. It takes a lot to pull that off because it's been done to death. Basically today, I think very few actors can pull it off. I usually hate love/hate relationships because they're so predictable, but I'm a fan of two of them: House and Cuddy from House and Horatio and Stetler. The chemistry is just there. Sometimes Horatio and Stetler are fighting and you see this immense hunger in their eyes, like they just wanna tear each other's clothes off and do it right there. It's so flipping hot.

I also love the fact that deep down, Stetler cares about Horatio and I think the same is true for Horatio.

2) I don't think people at the lab would be weirded out or anything. This is Miami, after all. They may be shocked, considering they think Horatio and Stetler are mortal enemies, but then I think they'd just be amused, and then pretty much indifferent.
yeah horatio/stetler slash !!!!!!!!!!!! this is a hot ship :p

1)im sorry if im being gross lol but STETLER is hot, lol at least for me and when ive seen him with horatio, i dunno why , i thought "GOD there can be something between them" they whispered, the way they stand so close from each other, the hate/love realtionship they have (we all know love can start from hate....), and i was totally surprised when horatio shared his family secret with Rick, meaning that he have confidence on him.....and im not mentionning that they are pretty endowed with handcuffs....( sorry my mind starts to think about sexual stuff lol)...anyway i think Franck is gonna be jealous of their relationship, poor franck!!

2)dunno how they could think some of them are homophobic?? since csiM seems to be an homophobic show...:rolleyes:
Yay! I love this ship! :D Random aside--the featured ship of the week is a really nice idea for the smaller ships. :) Thank you! :)

midnight_tiptoes said:
Yes! Horatio/Stetler is the new black.

To answer lament's questions:

1) I think it's the love/hate relationship that's so hot. It takes a lot to pull that off because it's been done to death. Basically today, I think very few actors can pull it off. I usually hate love/hate relationships because they're so predictable, but I'm a fan of two of them: House and Cuddy from House and Horatio and Stetler. The chemistry is just there. Sometimes Horatio and Stetler are fighting and you see this immense hunger in their eyes, like they just wanna tear each other's clothes off and do it right there. It's so flipping hot.

I also love the fact that deep down, Stetler cares about Horatio and I think the same is true for Horatio.

What midnight said. Usually the love/hate thing bores me...Shakespeare did it well, since then, it usually feels forced or stilted. But not with Horatio and Stetler (or House and Cuddy for that matter ;) ). They sell the hate, and they sell the lust in all they don't say. Come on--these two are obsessed with each other! There's definitely something there.

2) I don't think people at the lab would be weirded out or anything. This is Miami, after all. They may be shocked, considering they think Horatio and Stetler are mortal enemies, but then I think they'd just be amused, and then pretty much indifferent.

Yeah, the shock would come more from, "Didn't you two used to hate each other?" I bet Calleigh knows, though. She's really sharp and insightful. And I think they'll be happy for them, especially once they start getting free pies from the House of Pies every Friday. :cool:
Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

All right! I'm home and unecumbered for a while.

1) I agree with what everyone else has said about love/hate relationships. Usually, they seem contrived and melodramatic. But with Horatio and Rick, there is an undercurrent of tenderness that makes it work. The chemistry between the two actors is a dream. They take an overdone dynamic and give it the kind of depth that it needs to be successful.

2) I agree with Top that Calleigh totally knows. Poor Eric, though, would have a hard time wrapping his mind around the relationship.

Another question: Where would you all like to see the writers take the Horatio/Rick dynamic?
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

1. I don't know where exactly to start this comment, but maybe the best place would be by stating that I really really really like the Stetler/Horatio ship, even if my next statements make it sound like I don't.

Ok, first things first. I think that the writing on Miami is lamentable most of the time and mediocre at best. Therefore, I think the Stetler/Horatio chemistry is, say, 75% accident. (The other 25% that isn't attributed to accident, is, of course, attributed to the actors.) It seems like the writers are so intent on making it such an intense hate relationship that it fails. What I mean is that it seems (and it's not like I've gathered poll results on this or anything, just going by comments I've seen here and there on the boards) that those of us who actually see the Stetler/Horatio pairing don't find Stetler to be as evil as the writers want to make him. We *see* that he's merely doing his job and so we read different meanings into his comments. Meanings that I honestly don't think the writers realize in their endeavor to give Stetler the title of "Worst Bastard in Miami" that he actually comes across as...human? Does that make sense?

2. I agree with those above who said that the thing the people in the lab would most comment on would be Stetler and Horatio's previous Archenemy status. I also agree that Calleigh probably knows. Hell, maybe she's the one sitting there telling Horatio, "Just ask him out already, he likes you, I know he does, ok?" and then saying essentially the same thing to Stetler later. Aww, Matchmaker!Calleigh.
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash


One of the reasons why I love this ship so much is because it is accidental. The Miami writers can make Horatio look so incredibly gay sometimes, though I get the feeling they're trying to go for "intense." Still, when you have a guy arguing with another guy, and one of the guys puts his hands on his hips daringly and approaches the other guy, and keeps staring at the other guy's lips... dude, you have sex.

It also explains why Horatio refuses to touch Marisol or be near her, and yet with Stetler, they get all close and intense and yowsa, the UST, people!

So, if Horatio and Stetler hook up, how would it happen?
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

hey guys i did not expect such fun in this therad :D but ur post just make me hurt from laughing :lol:

maybe will see Stetler more often in S4 just because of this pic....
H is try to betray him with dr. House :lol: :lol: :lol:

post by : brittany0710


btw midnight_tiptoes i love to read ur comments in Episodes Miami ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** therad:)

So, if Horatio and Stetler hook up, how would it happen?

H and S already rid of Y - they was send her to is Marisol turn and last obstacle so H and S to be together. well we see in S4 what is going on ... H by accident pregnant Marisol and S kill her by jealousy...and clearly go to jail...but H long time ago in hi NY past was kill his dad...and the case is re-open...and hi to go to the what will happen ?! they tow will share one prison cell HAHAH and we all guys know what is come about in plase like this ...

Horatio: Here's what I want you to do. Give me the soap that i drop my friend...
Stetler: But Horatio...
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

Oh :lol: MT. That is just so funny. Well, I've never really thought of them hooking up but :lol: their scenes are hilarious.
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

Why is House hugging Horatio? Is he about to strangle him? That's the only explanation I could think of.

Prison sex is always hot. Since Stetler would get there first he'd make Horatio his bitch and nobody could mess with him.

But why ruin their lives? Marisol is going to die anyway. So Mari dies, and Horatio has to take care of his HoBaby all the time. One night, after everyone has gone home, Stetler walks through the lab to mess around with the night shift, and as he approaches Horatio's office he hears a lot of crying. Thinking he has a woman in there, Stetler turns to leave, but stops when he realizes Horatio isn't putting another woman through stiff, uncomfortable sex, it's HoBaby who's crying. Stetler peeps in to see Horatio desperately trying to shoosh the HoBaby, who's wailing at the top of his lungs. Stetler asks Horatio if he wants some help, but Horatio's HoStubborness kicks in and tells Stetler to scram. Stetler knows Horatio is just exhausted, so he grabs the baby, who immediately becomes enchanted by Stetler's mole and gradually falls asleep. Horatio is impressed, both by Stetler's gentle nature with the HoBaby and the Sweet Mole of Lust, which must be almost as powerful as the Sunglasses of Justice if it managed to get HoBaby to sleep (though the Sweet Mole of Lust is definitely a bigger whore).

He takes Stetler out to dinner as a thank you, and during their outing Stetler reveals he's always wanted to have a child but never found the right person to have it with (note he never used a gender specific pronoun). Horatio admits that's never been a problem for him: for some unknown reason, he gets a new soul mate every 6 months. Horatio offers Stetler a babysitting gig, which Stetler takes, but it has nothing to do with the HoBaby. One night, when Horatio comes home all exhausted from work, he finds Stetler in his kitchen both entertaining HoBaby and cooking a delicious filet mignon au poivre with mashed sweet potatoes and broccoli florets with crispy red peppers and crème brûlée for desert. The red and pink "kiss the cook" apron Stetler is wearing makes him look especially dashing tonight, Horatio thinks, but he shakes those thoughts away. Damn mole.

After dinner, they put HoBaby to sleep and head downstairs, where they slump on the couch in front of a burning fireplace. Horatio thanks Stetler for all his help with HoBaby, and Stetler admits it's been a pleasure being around. Horatio isn't aware of the fact that his body is scooting closer to Stetler, he's too busy wondering why the room is so hot. Well, you live in Miami and you have a fireplace, asshat, so it may have something to do with that. But Horatio is much too metaphorical to think of the simplest explanation, and though Marisol has only been dead for two months and surely it's too soon for him to get a new soul mate, he starts to wonder if there's something about Stetler he's failed to notice before. Like how smooth his skin is from a two inch distance, with the... ooooohhhh, shit.

Stetler gently brushes Horatio's lips with his own and Horatio thinks it would be a really, really terrific idea to push Stetler away and tell him he's not gay. And as the sultry little kiss starts to cross into the frontiers of something dangerous, he thinks he should also tell Stetler the stove is still on, but soon all those pesky little thoughts dissolve as Stetler's tongue teases his lower lip and all the blood rushes from Horatio's brain to his abdomen. As he grabs Stetler's shirt and pulls him towards him, the Sweet Mole of Lust and the Sunglasses of Justice congratulate each other loudly, "kick ass. Let's do Dan and Aaron next!"

Upstairs, HoBaby cries, but no one cares.
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

wow what long post have to read hahah big fun i love this story :D

no no no...H is H...he have these holy sunnglasses....Stetler will be H bitch :p

Why is House hugging Horatio? Is he about to strangle him? That's the only explanation I could think of.

the joke come from here :p

Sweet Mole of Lust and the Sunglasses of Justice

Horatio admits that's never been a problem for him: for some unknown reason, he gets a new soul mate every 6 months.

i just can`t stop from laughing :lol:

But why ruin their lives ?!

ok next try... Marisol die, H have baby on his hands...hi is piss of by everyone woman around him - they only seduce him or giv him advice for the baby. honestly he don`t like womans, we already see this with Y...this Cane must be 'hidden' gay. H suspect that S love him...but in Miami they two know a lot of peoples...and decide to make one little NY understanding... in S4 we all see that first Steteler was in NY after this H was there too ...( by personally works hahha)...for me they have start theirs relationship in NY...but H was a lot of confounded and with Marisol try to prove to him slef that hi is a man...but m_t already write what will come next :devil: noone can go against his nature

Stetler: to waiting is my narure
Horatio: and to follow u is my nature
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

I worship me some midnight_tiptoes. It should happen just. like. that. :devil: :D
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

:lol: Can you imagine? I'd jump from my chair and dance around. Horatio has to be gay. There's gotta be a reason why he never wants to touch the women he's supposed to be with. But I bet with Stetler it's like, "all hands on Rick!"

I forgot to mention they move to Vermont and open up their own House of Pies, but at this point that's implied, right?
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

wauh :lol: i loved your mini scenario midnight :lol: it could be a fic you know :p

i found this pic where hORATIO has the "eyes of love" , i dont remember seeing him giving that look to somebody else
Re: Featured Ship of the Week--Stetler/Horatio Slash

Just dropping by to say best ship ever :)
Also, Carol's right, Ho would totally be Stetler's prison bitch. Hey, that could be a new spinoff! Eric and Calleigh could take over Miami, and H and Stetler could head up CSI: Alcatrass! Ho might have a problem there though,he'd say one of his cheesy lines and some other inmate would probably kick his punk ass. Oh, but then Stetler could nurse him back to health ;)