Stetler/Horatio Slash Thread

HAH! Oh man, I can't believe this thread is here, and I can't believe what I'm reading in it. :: settles in :: I thought I was the only one who thought Rick and Horatio had ridiculously angsty love simmering under the surface. :lol:
Welcome, hollyholy! Nope, you're most definitely not the only one! The H/R love is all around, baby.

Wasn't Rick supposed to be on Monday's episode? I wonder where he was.

Imagine the look on Marisol's face when Horatio shows up at her apartment with Rick. Heh.
I wonder where he is every week, my week isn't right until Horatio's practically thrown him against the wall and done... things with him. :devil:

Better yet, imagine what was going through his head when Marisol went away all bouncy flouncy! "Hey, wait... what am I gonna tell Rick this time?!"
Ooooh, boy. Horatio is in big trouble, mister. Rick is going to have to punish him.

Poor Rick. Horatio keeps breaking his heart.
God, I've been waiting for someone to bump this thread for... YEARS!

Someone's writing a fic? Who? Where? I want it. Mine!

I wonder where Ricky Poo has gone to. He hasn't been on the show lately. That makes me worry. Oh well, maybe he's on bed rest. Being pregnant isn't easy.
I wonder where our darling Rick has gone, as well. I hope he hasn't let the whole Marisol thing cause him to doubt Horatio's love...
Aw, I hope not. He needs to continue to fight for Horatio's love.

Poor thing is probably exhausted, though. He really needs to hook up with someone and make Horatio jealous. That'll show him not to play with his emotions.
I'm hoping we see another subtext-laden hallway love spat, complete with hands on hips, yearning stares, and sincerity. Everytime they interact, I'm half-expecting Rick to reach out, grab Horatio by the collar in black and white movie fashion, and say, "Horatio, this is silly. I can't stand it anymore." And then plant one on him in the middle of headquarters.

Horatio is playing all hard to get. Poor Rick.



(Cap from Miami Style)
Rick really needs to start playing the field. He should date Frank for a couple of weeks. That would drive Horatio mad with jealousy and he'd come to his senses.
Hang on a minute guys ...

Horatio has gone out with Frank.

There's proof, in Under Suspicion.

After they have pulled the woman out of the drink H asks Frank to go with procedure and question him.

Frank: "Where were you last night."

Horatio: (Hurt) "I was with you!"

You can even see the upset look oh his face hurt .

BTW: yes, the rumours of a slash story about our two are true. I'm trying my best but the two boys are not making things easy. Doing lots of research (which is fun) but still having a difficult time trying to work out how to do this.
hamstermoon said:

Horatio has gone out with Frank.

There's proof, in Under Suspicion.

After they have pulled the woman out of the drink H asks Frank to go with procedure and question him.

Frank: "Where were you last night."

Horatio: (Hurt) "I was with you!"

You can even see the upset look oh his face hurt

GASP! You're right! That cheating hussy! I wonder if Rick knows about this.
Oh my God, Horatio, say it isn't so, you whore! Oh, Rick SO needs to get him back for that one. His thing with Marisol I can understand, I mean, they're probably just using her to have a baby (perfect plan, too!), but Frank?

Rick, make him sleep on the couch for a month, make him!