Hmm, how to say this.
I wouldn't be averse to having Stella mentioned in passing from time to time, nor indeed if the studio and TPTB approached MK with an idea for a guest return.
But. In the former option, it would have to not be gratuitous, meaning not just for the sake of acknowledging a past character, but somehow relevant to a situation or the like. I mean, how often was Aiden or Angell mentioned after the fact, especially if it wasn't somehow tied into related material for a case or another character. In the latter option, it would hafta be an idea and a script worthy of undertaking, and as substantial as POV or Point of No Return, for example.
In a way, a Gratuitous mention for the sake of it might even seem less "dignified" than a more deliberate storyline. Beyond that, I don't expect the show to make mention of characters who are no longer present cast members. I mean, the show has enough trouble dealing with those already relegated to the BHC

I think the main thing I wanted to say is that I don't see how or why MK or TPTB require Forgiveness or Redemption of any sort. MK left to move on to other things in her career and life. TPTB brought in a great successor and cast member as a result. It's business, not an error.
I like MK and I liked Stella. I like SW as I've gotten to know more of her, and I have grown to like Jo very much as a character. I happen to quite like the Bloody Water of S7 so far

The show has transitioned many characters. I don't recall Vanessa Ferlito being accused of any supposed treachery when she left. I don't begrudge MK her decision in the slightest. I also think TPTB have done rather well with the introduction of a new main cast member and with the season as a whole. One can like or loathe S7, or any season at all, but the comings and goings of staff in the life of a show is not really something anyone's in a position to pass judgement on.
If at some point there's an interest from all sides and time and means to do so, have Stella back. But. At this point it would just be another ep. Frankly, there are some
current characters I'd like to see get some attention as well. I'd be just as happy to see an ep where Sid or Adam got to step to the forefront as I would be to see Stella somehow make a return.