It's very easy to look at statistics without context and join, as La_Guera called it, "Camp Chicken Little,"
Just stepped outside and I'm happy to report the sky is still intact over here!:thumbsup::lol:
And people, some SMACked fans more than others, have been vocal about hoping for the show to die after Melina left and some have predicted that this will be the show's last season.
You have seen a tally board and you know this for a fact that smackies more than others are awaiting the shows demise? People can predict all they want only time will tell. Me I could care less what happens with the show as my Friday nights go on as planned.
Would hate not being able to look into those Baby Blues of Flacks though
Thats good.
But they better leave the phyiscal challenges for Stella, Jo has a hard time in that area... she is a bit older and if I remember she had an awkward myopathic gait as she tried to run in one of the episodes:lol:
Anything is better than keeping Lindsay :lol:
Nice try... They do it all the time
So it seems you assume they would not approach Melina then?
Both the show and the actress have moved on.
But one never knows now do they.
My not wanting Melina to return has absolutely nothing to do with Jo or Sela.
So do tell......