Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

Choose New Stellarina Thread!

  • Stella/Melina #7: 'Cause even Athene and Aphrodite worship her.

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Stella/Melina #7: The perfect combination of brains, looks, and personality.

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Stella/Melina #7: a goddess came down to earth !

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Stella/Melina #7:Athene in her mortal form.

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  • Stella/Melina #7: Zeus' gift to Hollywood.

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  • Stella/Melina#7 'Cause she is the angel that enlighten our hearts

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  • Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • Stella/Melina #7: Because she´s the Greek Goddess of Crimonology

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Stella/Melina #7Because she´s the heart and soul of the CSI-team

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Stella/Melina#7 Because Lady Liberty speaks in Greek!

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Stella/Melina#7 Because she is the light and soul of NY Lab

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stella/kelina#7 Because we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 1 3.0%

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If CSI:NY is over and out, after this season,
Is what is rumoured to be happening? I live in the UK so we get no news or indication on how a series is doing over in the states and ultimately if it is going to continue or not.

Personally NY has slowly become my favourite of the 3 CSI's. Although S7 is going take a lot of getting used to now there is no Stella in it.
If CSI:NY is over and out, after this season,
Is what is rumoured to be happening? I live in the UK so we get no news or indication on how a series is doing over in the states and ultimately if it is going to continue or not.

Personally NY has slowly become my favourite of the 3 CSI's. Although S7 is going take a lot of getting used to now there is no Stella in it.

Nothing is happening. People who are pissed about Melina leaving and pissed that Mac and Stella will never be a couple have been predicting and cheering for the shows end ever since it was announced Melina was leaving. Ratings are lower than last season, but they are strong for a Friday night. I don't see them ending it after this season. I could be wrong, obviously, but I just don't see it.

As for not giving Melina a choice. It was always her choice. They offered her a contract and she turned it down. Maybe she didn't like the contract they offered her and maybe she didn't like the direction they were taking Stella as a character, but that doesn't automatically mean that TPTB were the ones at fault. Considering the crapfest "Grounds for Deception" was and that Melina wrote it I'd be more willing to bet the direction she wanted to take the character would've done way more damage to the character of Stella than anything TPTB were intending to do. Obviously, that's only my opinion too, but I think it's ridiculous to say that TPTB essentially pushed her out the door. She CHOSE to leave for whatever reason and that is on her.

And personally I'd lose respect for her as an actress if she came back. It would seem pretty desperate to return to a show that you left because you didn't like the money they offered or the direction they were taking your character.
Nothing is happening. People who are pissed about Melina leaving and pissed that Mac and Stella will never be a couple have been predicting and cheering for the shows end ever since it was announced Melina was leaving. Ratings are lower than last season, but they are strong for a Friday night. I don't see them ending it after this season. I could be wrong, obviously, but I just don't see it.
Not really true. Stella and Smackie fans cant "predict and cheer" the show into poor ratings!:lol: They can and probably have quit watching though, and that would affect it as I do know some have done just that they have moved on.The ratings are slipping and the move to Friday night is not a good thing as it is said "Friday night is where shows go to die"! Some thought that Sela Ward was going to come in and save the day but I'm not sure that has been the case as the ratings are slipping and it could be for a number of reasons.

TV Ratings Friday: 'CSI:NY' Slips

Heading towards a January 21 series finale, Medium’s 1.4 adults 18-49 rating was the same as its last new episode on 12/3/10, while CSI:NY’s 1.6 adults 18-49 rating was down a tenth (vs. 12/3).

This was an email I received and there have been other news articles suggesting CSINY is losing viewership. I know when they moved it to Friday nights they paired it with Blue Bloods in the hope BB would boost the ratings but now BB is going to Wednesday night. They say only for several episodes but we will see. If you go to the "season seven ratings " thread you can read statistics and comments from all points of view not just Stella and Smackie fans and come to your own conclusion but I'm pretty sure the Stella and Smackie fans didnt "predict and cheer it on"!:)
And as for Mac and Stella not ever being a couple?...No one can predict the future matter how much they want to:)

Considering the crapfest "Grounds for Deception" was and that Melina wrote it I'd be more willing to bet the direction she wanted to take the character would've done way more damage to the character of Stella than anything TPTB were intending to do
Again a difference of opinion as I think Melina did a great job for her first try at writing an episode it was probably my favorite by the way:thumbsup:

And personally I'd lose respect for her as an actress if she came back. It would seem pretty desperate to return to a show that you left because you didn't like the money they offered or the direction they were taking your character.
Not me I LONG for that day!!:thumbsup: But I am sure there are those Sela Ward fans who would wonder what would become of there beloved "Jo" maybe feel a little threatened by the prospect even? And I would not call it "desperate" in the least. Just smart business if you ask me and a gift to all of those Stella fans... and Smackies of course:) By leaving the show she might have kept the character of Stella from becoming someone other then whom her fans have come to love and by coming back she would be giving us the greatest gift of all. What do you say Melina? Are you out there:adore:
Sure, I would like to see Stella again. :thumbsup: She will always be on my list of favorite characters. I know it's impossible for now but who knows?
It's very easy to look at statistics without context and join, as La_Guera called it, "Camp Chicken Little," but if you look at them and put them in context things don't look quite as bad as some people would have others believe. Yes, ratings are down from last season, but it moved to Friday night and a ratings decline of some sort was expected. Yes, last week was the lowest rated show to date, but it was the first Friday of the new year so people were more likely to not be home due to travelling, parties, etc, and football was on which always takes the top spot in the ratings.

And people, some SMACked fans more than others, have been vocal about hoping for the show to die after Melina left and some have predicted that this will be the show's last season. Both of those things are not only possible, they've happened. Just like I predict it won't be the end of the show and I hope it won't end.

As for being threatened by Melina coming back or not wanting her back because Sela is now a member of the cast, well that's just laughable. I liked Melina and Stella. I like Jo and Sela. As far as I'm concerned I'd much rather have the two female characters on the show be Jo and Stella as opposed to keeping Lindsay. I just don't see it as a smart move for Melina to come back to a show she left because she wasn't happy with the offered contract or the direction the character was taking. It would either look like she can't find work elsewhere or needs money or something like that. It would make no sense for her to suddenly approach the network and ask to come back. Both the show and the actress have moved on. My not wanting Melina to return has absolutely nothing to do with Jo or Sela.
It's very easy to look at statistics without context and join, as La_Guera called it, "Camp Chicken Little,"
Just stepped outside and I'm happy to report the sky is still intact over here!:thumbsup::lol:
And people, some SMACked fans more than others, have been vocal about hoping for the show to die after Melina left and some have predicted that this will be the show's last season.
You have seen a tally board and you know this for a fact that smackies more than others are awaiting the shows demise? People can predict all they want only time will tell. Me I could care less what happens with the show as my Friday nights go on as planned.:) Would hate not being able to look into those Baby Blues of Flacks though:(

As for being threatened by Melina coming back or not wanting her back because Sela is now a member of the cast, well that's just laughable. I liked Melina and Stella. I like Jo and Sela. As far as I'm concerned I'd much rather have the two female characters on the show be Jo and Stella as opposed to keeping Lindsay.
Thats good. :) But they better leave the phyiscal challenges for Stella, Jo has a hard time in that area... she is a bit older and if I remember she had an awkward myopathic gait as she tried to run in one of the episodes:lol:

as opposed to keeping Lindsay.
Anything is better than keeping Lindsay :lol:

I just don't see it as a smart move for Melina to come back to a show she left because she wasn't happy with the offered contract or the direction the character was taking. It would either look like she can't find work elsewhere or needs money or something like that.
Nice try... They do it all the time:)

It would make no sense for her to suddenly approach the network and ask to come back.
So it seems you assume they would not approach Melina then?
Both the show and the actress have moved on.
But one never knows now do they.

My not wanting Melina to return has absolutely nothing to do with Jo or Sela.
So do tell......
For heart-shattered Stella/Melina fans, I found a great site dedicated to MK called "Adoring Melina". I regularly surf here and found many great photos of her and her characters on various shows over the years. :D

Even more surprising are photo shoots of MK that I've never seen before as well as screen shots from movies I didn't even know she starred it. :D
It's very easy to look at statistics without context and join, as La_Guera called it, "Camp Chicken Little,"
Just stepped outside and I'm happy to report the sky is still intact over here!:thumbsup::lol:
And people, some SMACked fans more than others, have been vocal about hoping for the show to die after Melina left and some have predicted that this will be the show's last season.
You have seen a tally board and you know this for a fact that smackies more than others are awaiting the shows demise? People can predict all they want only time will tell. Me I could care less what happens with the show as my Friday nights go on as planned.:) Would hate not being able to look into those Baby Blues of Flacks though:(

Thats good. :) But they better leave the phyiscal challenges for Stella, Jo has a hard time in that area... she is a bit older and if I remember she had an awkward myopathic gait as she tried to run in one of the episodes:lol:

Anything is better than keeping Lindsay :lol:

Nice try... They do it all the time:)

So it seems you assume they would not approach Melina then?
Both the show and the actress have moved on.
But one never knows now do they.

My not wanting Melina to return has absolutely nothing to do with Jo or Sela.
So do tell......

I agree with you on all points, Lori. Especially on the very point that anything is better than keeping Lindsay.:lol:
For heart-shattered Stella/Melina fans, I found a great site dedicated to MK called "Adoring Melina". I regularly surf here and found many great photos of her and her characters on various shows over the years. :D

Even more surprising are photo shoots of MK that I've never seen before as well as screen shots from movies I didn't even know she starred it. :D

I checked that site out and immediately favourited it. The pictures they have are amazing. She looks so gorgeous in pretty much all those photoshoots.

I miss Melina so much. I hope she'll be in something soon. I really miss seeing her on my TV every week. Hopefully, she'll be in something soon. This at least gives me time to find everything she's in and watch them. I still haven't seen very many. Right now, I'm really wanting to watch 15 Minutes. It looks amazing.
What the Jo/Sela fans don't understand is chemistry between actors is a plus to any programme and that is what Stella/Melina had with the other members of the cast. She managed to have an adult relationship with Mac and always knew how to lightened him up plus she could banter and flirt with the younger member of the cast without coming on like their mother.

Melina brought sparkle to her character because playing a character in a series year after year can become boring, but she never made it boring over the six seasons.

However, people move on as did Melina and as much as I miss her character I know the producers have to find a replacement, the problem is that the producers brought in the most boring actress I have ever had to watch. If chosen wisely the right actress could have made a big difference. I think the producers got this right with Anna Belknapp's Lindsay replacing Aiden. I don't care what anyone says I like the Lindsay and Danny relationship.

But most of all I, like so many other fans, loved the fantastic chemistry between Mac and Stella, even through the Peyton and Aubrey sagas. May be we'll be lucky and Mac will run off to New Orleans to be with Stella, we can hope can't we.
Anyone see the question in this week's USA Weekend magazine? They didn't give any specifics about what she's working on though :(
I haven't seen anything either on what MK was working on even though I did see a recent clip of her talking about that she recently did a movie, and is working on a new TV series.

As of this writing, she has yet to reveal what the show and movie are. I hope her next character is something similar to Stella Bonasera, strong-willed, determined, and beauty all meshed in one. I would even like to see her play a charachter like Stella, but is on the OTHER side of the law.

While wishful thinking on my part but God, if she were to guest star on "Desperate Housewives", it would be a dream come true. That, and I would MOVE MOUNTAINS, and fight against foreign armies to have her back on CSI:NY as Stella again in the future. :D

Although I still feel incredibly empty since her sudden departure, when I see her either back on CSI:NY, or on another TV Show, Kanakaredes will become the Comeback Girl in my book. :) :bolian: :D