He would have been silly had he had done so. At least from where he stood.
Though to me that would have been as if Stella had been dating her little brother...
Yes, he could only wait and see what she´d choose for: another night or whether to continue the affair at all. But I never considered him as a sort of brother to her.
But what do they need five months for if it's Jo's first day on the job? I think it might be rather for Lindsay because she's supposed to have her last day of therapy and receive the medal and since those things don't happen quickly...
Yes, maybe these five months are for Lindsay to jump in time and see how was coping or not coping with the events during the past months.
They could at least give the writers some inside about how they feel about the character, if they feel something is right for the character or not.
I wonder if we were to have a TV show if we did the same mistakes. It's so hard to imagine; of course, it's difficult and you cannot ask everyone and take on everyone's opinion because then it's going to be a mess but I'm sure you can work with the actors you're writing and can make changes to the script if an actor suggests them.
I agree, especially after so many years of shooting, the actors have a good feeling for their characters, they grew with them and know now how they tick and what could happen next with them. Would they deny a Robert de Niro the right to suggest how his character should develop or progress? Certainly not, but not only super actors like him know method acting, TV-show actors can have that certain feeling and intuition, too. And though you can´t please anybody and ask anybody, there should be a basic from where to write the stuff.
There are quite some characters which could have been interesting... as we said about Aubrey. Flack's sister as well, she could have played a great role while Flack was mourning Angell, for example.
We're back at the potential and only a fraction of it used
Yes, I always thought Sam should have been there for Flack when he was there for her when she was low. And the list goes on....
Was Aubrey that empathetic? Maybe they wanted her to be but I think there's more to that than wanting to see where Mac works and bringing up Afghanistan. I don't think they showed enough of Aubrey for us to know what she was like, really. (Not that I want them to show more, just saying

At least she wasn´t a character like Haylen where everybody wished for her to hit the road immediately. They couldn´t really show who she really was, because obviously they chose not to continue the story and the triangle.
Yes, I assume that was their intention, also someone who understands her job because a firefighter is close enough.
But did he not have brains? I don't know, there was so little of him... seemed she was playing with him; sort of like Stella had her puppet doll. And the way she treated him, I never really considered it to be something serious, she just didn't behave as if it was going to be.
Well, he was so stupid, I couldn´t even imagine him to understand his job

. He was a braindead and Stella didn´t hide what she thought of him, so what this story was supposed to be good for....nobody knows

Well, I just said that

Anyway, maybe MK had some sort of a "mysterious" hunch that it wasn't going to be popular with fans and wouldn't last... Because that was so very hard to figure out... PV still doesn't know what goes over well and what doesn't...
And since it happened in S5 when MK wrote GFD... I don't think she wanted a boyfriend around for that episode
Well, that hunch can´t have been too mysterious, since that was clear from the start that it wouldn´t work out. And imagine Dumbo Fireman following Stella to Greece :lol:.
MK ran away from Mac and Stella after she wrote GFD? Yeah...
No, I think PV said that because she knew there would be a vast majority who wouldn't be happy about Aubrey and the triangle (after all, as far as I know, Peyton never was popular which is why they sacked her) and she threw in that Mac and Stella comment to soothe. Maybe that's part of the reason why MK left, because there were too many empty promises from PV and she wasn't actually doing what she said.
Well, according to MK´s interviews it needs to be said that she never really was keen for a Mac/Stella-romance, unless perhaps in the very last season of the show. Because she thought this could spoil their closeness and friendship, of which she thought was more special than going for the obvious option of a romance, it was more special as a non-romance and I always shared her opinion. So PV talking at first of a triangle with Aubrey and Peyton and then not excluding a Mac/Stella romance might have been too much for MK, she maybe asked: "Where´s the crime show"?
Which once again shows how stupid that triangle was.
Yes, utterly useless.
Yeah, that made him very credible in that scene
Didn´t it?
Me too. I'm not sure if they actually think that as in if they even think about what they're writing. As in thinking about it in connection with something that happened three episodes ago or maybe even the season before. I think they're just writing for the moment which is sort of the problem. And also, I think, part of the reason why characters like Mac turn out so one-dimensional. If you have an actor who is content with his role and how it is written, then you don't get much out of that (and I'm not saying GS is a bad actor; he's a good actor but I think he's just sort of resting on his laurels with Mac quite the contrary to what I felt MK did)
What I always thought though was that there was someone who would be paid to sort of guarantee continuity. They have that for movies, maybe they don't bother for TV shows. It would be a great investment though.
I agree, they often seem to lose the thread and the coherence of stories which suggests they don´t care or remember what they´ve written before, but just write for the moment. Actors like GS give them an easy life if they´re content with their simple structure while MK was surely more demanding. I never check the credits if there´s a continuity guy like in the movies, but it rather doesn´t seem to be so

Right because it was just so likely that they kill two characters in one episode
They spread the rumours for a while that they might have to cut off a main crew member, too, due to the financial collapse. But that was only to keep people interested in the premiere of S6.
Sure it would have been possible but not without people like me whining that others were affected by the shooting too and that it doesn't make sense that only those two should have been traumatized
Well, as I said they could have let the two be surrounded by the others with their minor traumas to be portrayed from time to time. But doing justice to all would have been just impossible.
Yes but they could have left her out and bring in the Hawkes love interest or not. It's not like Aubrey contributed to the cases of the episodes she was in, so she wasn't really needed and the episodes could have been done without her. Why bother?
Even Point of View could have been done without any Aubrey before, if they had insisted on bringing Peyton back though even that wasn't even necessary.
Which is what makes that triangle even more pointless.
Why they changed their plans so drastically- no-one knows. Suddenly they decided to bring in a new love interest for Mac, plus Peyton and the triangle. I agree, Peyton´s comeback wasn´t necessary either, especially not in "Point of View", it should have been Stella who went to the opposite apartment, observed and kept watched by Mac and not Peyton. It would have been a great Mac/Stella- case episode, but no, they had to spoil it

Yes and they saw where it was going by the drop in ratings. If you consider it, it's not surprising. Those who watch NY because it's on don't care about the personal stuff; they might have missed an episode or two or don't follow it that closely so they're likely to be a bit confused and uninterested in the personal stuff, additionally, many fans weren't too happy with the way things were going. It's strange, you'd expect changes to happen now, with three people gone from NY, not when it's still the same team.
I agree, those who don´t watch NY regularly must have thought they´re watching a completely different show with all the changes and new characters coming and going after a few episodes. It was impossible to follow when they were constantly changing directions.
Who cares about family if they watch CSI?
If they wanted to show that a baby and a family is very much possible while being a CSI they should have thought about that at the beginning and should have given one of the characters a family right from the start.
True, if they had given one character a family from the beginning, they would have been integrated, but they thought they´d be inventive to have the first CSI-family at that point.
Also, the family/personal stuff didn't take over in S5. There was a lot especially with Danny and Linds and the baby but there was also a lot of case(s). I didn't feel like watching a soap opera and S5 wasn't focusing on just one character's personal life as S6 seemed to have done. There was something from everyone; some were overdone and too heroic others were good.
Yes, as I said it wasn´t such a nuisance yet in S5, because there was a lot of other stuff going on that was good, even great. But that changed in S6, unfortunately.
Well, I hope they at least respect that part... I doubt they're respecting a lot of other things but that part... please!!
Stella's and Mac's understanding was extraordinary. It cannot be matched and even if they let SW have that, it cannot be copied, so they should leave their hands off that.
We can only hope that. They cannot even dream of putting SW ever in Stella´s footprints; whatever partnership Mac will have with Jo, it can never be so special and extraordinary as it was with Mac and Stella.
I hope not because they'd not only have lost Stella but they would also lose Mac because let's face it: He's in his late 40s (apparently) and after Peyton and Gillian and Aubrey he doesn't need the fourth woman chasing after him in a row. That would be so ridiculous. Besides, she just came on to the team. Now if she tried to hit on him and he wouldn't be interested, that would be something else yet still, it would be ridiculous since we agreed, he was no Adonis. Keep him single or put him together with Aubrey, if they must and cannot resist giving him a girl. Though I prefer single and leave any love out of his life for the next decade please.
(Aside from the fact that I know a lot of people who would be more than upset if he was allowed to get together with the new character so quickly while the Mac and Stella angle always was denied... and it would shine a very bad light on PV as well in regards to whether she liked MK or not... a very negative light...)
Agreed. It cannot be that he had two women running after him in S6 and now another one coming up- how ridiculous would that be??? If things had gone on as planned and MK would have stayed for another season, PV could have written finally the Mac/Stella romance, because as we now know, MK would have left after S7 and since she said she could only imagine a romance in the very last season, it could have happened then, because it would have been her very last season and her fear of a romance being too cheesy and spoil the show and the relationship between the two would have been gone then. But they messed it all up, including MK´s negotiations, so they should keep Mac a single, everything else wouldn´t be credible.
We're talking CSI NY here, so it
should cause differences in their working methods and also in their way of thinking.
It could be very interesting... if only Stella hadn't left for it...

I could actually like that new aspect... although, I would like it more with new writers..
Yes, it could have been interesting with Stella still there AND a new character, even with the old writers

Well... surely not

However, she could have only stretched the writers imagination had she actually had a say in her character which I don't believe she did to the point that it would have made a difference to an episode and how her character was written in that episode. If anything, she stretched the imagination of the directors, giving in her input and acting Stella out like she felt.
I agree that MK was surely more demanding for the directors, but I also think she had some kind of say, at least in S5 with Stella´s arc, since it was clear from the beginning that MK should write the final episode of the arc. So she was more involved with the story and Stella´s character than usual, I´m sure of that.
True. Though it was never revealled if she thought her mother might be alive. In a way it's strange though that she, as a police officer, never tried to dig up more about her family. My 20 year old adopted cousin tried to find out something about her father last year (mother's dead).
So, you would think that Stella actually had tried to find out something about her family by then, wouldn't you? Especially with all the resources she had at hand. And given her relationship with the professor it's strange she should have never asked him about her parents either.
I agree. Though I always assumed for some reason that she thought of her parents as being dead, maybe because she never tried to find out more about her family, like you said, though she would have had all opportunities and possibilities as a police officer and detective. Yes, one would think that at that time when Prof. P. told her about her Mum she should have already known it, because one would assume she investigated her parents´history. But that she never asked Prof P. before about her parents is probably because she didn´t know that he had known her Mum, he never told her that, only when he had to after Mac had shown her the picture of her Mum and Prof. P.. Why he never told her before is another mystery, maybe because he wanted to protect her and didn´t want her to know that her Mum was involved in something fishy?
You can have a brother-sister relationship and be friends, can't you? There actually are siblings who get along well and are friends
I know

, but I just think of them as "just" friends

Yes I agree. Mac would have been too close to Stella. And he was the one poking around her apartment - by himself which I guess also was because she wouldn't feel like her privacy was invaded. Not sure if that would actually have been possible, probably not but for the TV show he could go alone and maintain Stella's right to privacy since she had gone through enough.
Well, it would probably not be possible in reality as every detective has their specific job to do at a crime scene, but for the TV show I suppose they let Mac investigate Stella´s apartment on his own to show her privacy was kept.
Me, too, I was quite surprised. Quite scary actually, in a way, if you think about that they're running around with guns afterwards
However, do forensic studies take only 2 years? I would think that they would take four years? Which puts her back on the very tight schedule

Especially since she, as an orphan, would definitely have had to work and might not have had time to have such a tight class schedule. But maybe she graduated early
That´s so true :lol:. Hm, considering the versatile knowledge that they all have, one should think that forensic studies take more than two years. But it´s TV

and maybe you´re right and she graduated early, maybe because she was so gifted and above average intelligent, who knows

Well, since they've worked together since 1999 she must have known him

(at least they mentioned that Mac had worked with her for over 10 years in GFD).
But I still think she was little bit too young. A couple of years more would have made it more credible with everything that she has supposed to been doing and the position she was in.
Yes, they had worked together for about 11 years, BEFORE they came to the crime lab, that is the thing that makes the time schedule so tight. But yes, she knew him very well

I agree, it´s silly that they made her 34 or 35 in the show and Mac about 10 years older, why not take the actors´ real age, it would make more sense.
Which basically is another aspect why that baby wasn't a good idea. It hindered the development of Lindsay's character.
True, now she just became Mummy Lindsay, but if she wouldn´t mention Lucy from time to time and had it not been for the cliffhanger, it would go unnoticed that there had been a major change in her life- she behaves as always. So maybe this story she seems to get is a new chance for the character and AB, though I don´t really care

Well, if only.....(once more

Probably not the last If Only

MReese: thanks for the pics

. Now that Melina has left CSI NY, she´s got eventually time to stroll around in real NY with her kids- ironic, isn´t it

Zoe looks like her Mum and Karina is a look-alike of her Dad
