Heya Stellarinas!
Nut, beloved and tender and special NUT!
And you´re right: once again Stella will be on a mission for justice and truth and even risk her life to prove that this woman didn´t commit suicide, but was killed as well as her twin brother. Oh, I love this episode already even without having it watched yet, it sounds sooooooooo much like Stella- the Stella we love and adore

I agree, Stella´s story is long not told: Who´s her Dad, does she have family in Greece, was her Mum married to an Italian or why is Stella´s surname Bonasera, though she was born in Greece? And what about the other two guys on the photo next to her Mum, could one of them be her Dad, or was it even Prof. P.? Questions, questions, questions and we want answers :lol:.
Well, I don´t know about the promotion, gotta watch this episode again, can´t really remember what Mac said to Stella

I truly, truly, TRULY want 6.18 right now

I know it's gonna be powerful and emotional and huge for my Stella

besides i like who wrote it:bolian:
Stella has always had a strong emotional compound. Some people must think the emotional side is overrated (and belong to the same club who produced the last Oscar ceremony:lol

but if you analyze carefully every single episode you can tell the best of Stella was shown every time she has taken a case "personal":drool::drool::drool: Besides this storyline promises us a continuity regarding what we have seen last year about our Stella's story. Marina won't be able to find answers, so it will be our Stella in charge of looking for justice and a proper goodbye to Marina to make her rest in peace
Regarding her origin, we have talked about this before, NUT!:lol: for me Stella's mom was kicked out of her family because she chose the wrong guy (and probably just because she chose him) and she found herself alone, pregnant without family and without her missing lover (who left Greece only God knows why). Baby Stella was born in the country where their parents had fallen in love and then, since Professor P. wasn't her dad, he just found out about Stella years after the accident.
I have the feeling Professor P. DID know who her father was too but he was trying to protect Stella again. If Stella's dad was in the maffia or something (again maffia DOES exist and even Berlusconi's party was accused of having connections with La Cosa Nostra!) it could explain why Stella's parents had to split up, why her dad couldn't stay with both of them and somehow why Professor P. didn't raise Stella. I bet he loved the baby but he couldn't be in charge of her until the "danger" was over for Stella.
It would be truly shocking if some day Father and daughter could be face to face specially if they are in opossite sides of justice:drool::drool::drool: would she feel (under that scenario) guilty for his actions? would she feel love? would he feel regret for what he (hypothetically) was?
AHHHHHHHHHH a world is open for Stella's story!:drool::drool::drool:
dear, Lindsay would be really the utter shocker, if it was her :lol:. I think the fans would go crazy and TPTB would have to hide in the deepest cave they could find and stay there forever :lol:. Naaaah, still I´m sure it´s not her, but who knows, maybe Mac´s choice will be the cliffhanger and we´ll have then the whole summer to go on speculating

don't worry NUT! TPTB would have to hide in the deepest cave right now

Not for Linds, tough:lol:
I think they will spare us from this horror and since it looks as though the cliffhanger might be about Danny and Lindsay, we can assume that they are still married happily

yeah, the cliffahanger could be how NOT to horrify me every time someone mentions DL possible HUGE storyline:lol:
I TOTALLY know what you mean...I really hope that there will be an episode similar to GfD, that actually ties up the loose ends about Stella backround..I mean, we get to know A lot about Macs backround and all that but, Stella's backround is really kinda hidden......you know what i mean??? I would really like to know about her REAL

father-was it really Prof. P, or was it some italian guy??
the truth about Stella's dad still could last more than just one season

I mean, it could be like a "big search" that could take more seasons until she finds out where he is and mainly WHO he is:drool:
all my love darlings and sorry for being absent. I have been helping Lizzie with her Stella forum:thumbsup:
my love to all and specially my dearest NUT