Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Well, i guess ill have to listen to that one a billion times then :D ive recorded the sound. AWSOME voice, i repeat AWSOME!
BonaseraFan remember that here at Talkcsi you can Edit your post within 24hours if you have anything to add ;) It reduces spam and if continued can lead to warnings and so on but dont worry- you are still new and still learning ;)
omg I squealed so much just then because I realised that Right Next Door airs here in 2 weeks. I thought I had missed it but it's still to come! I'm so excited. Go Melina!
That's great shopping_luvah, in Holland they began with re-runs AGAIN! :rolleyes:

But thank God for the internet :p

I really don't know what the song is called. I would love it if Melina sang in CSI:NY :D
Ohh I haven't posted here for a while..

BonaseraFan I think it is..I searched twice in youtube and on other pages and this was the only one I found.

Ghawazee I love (!) the new pics..thanks for the hint.
I really like Right next door was soo emotional ;):eek:
I have a question who or what is SVU?

First the First :thumbsup:

WElcome Bonnaserafan to the Stellarina's thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's always a loving thing to have more and more Stell's fans around the world :D

That vid Natty posted it's the only one i watched so i dunno but i'll let you know as soon as i know something new:bolian: I'm not sure but i think someone posted the name of that song (read the comments) It was a world famous song. Athens or Dims could help us with the lyrics :D

Anj--> SVU stands for Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Another Jerry Buckheimer (sp?) franchise show as CSI :cool:

Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was going to post my review but i'll wait until you watch the eppy because i want to read your opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sor--> i don't forget you dear!:bolian:

Hugs to everyone

Debbie;):eek:(waiting for Jenn's review)

Debbie, the ep doesn't air for 2 weeks. Well it's one week from Monday lol. You can post the review. I've seen some of it on youtube anyway :p
shopping_luva91 me too...I love this pic :D
Ghawazee ah ok I watched it several times..thanks

I watched "The long Kiss goodnight" yesterday. ( Ok Melina's role wasn't the most important) I loved the scenes with Melina, they were very well played:drool:. The next time I have to watch "15 Minutes" I alread saw some trailers and I'm really looking forward to it...
AnJella, '15 Minutes' is a great movie. Melina has a great part in it. She plays her role very realistic and especially very strong :) Great movie if you're looking for some material from Melina outside CSI:NY ;)

Have a nice day everyone! :D
allright, i found out that the song is called San Me Kitas, but i cant find any lyrics (with greek letters i can, but not with the american alphabet.) anyone of you who might happen to know the lyrics?

by the way, on a Melina kanakaredes fansite called divine providence there are some songs that she sings, i just found them yesterday.
you are right. I couldn't find the translation into English.

Athens or Dims are our last chance to get the meaning of this song (or my sister. But i don¡t know when i will be able to see her. She can translate it. And i'm not sure but "S'agapo2 i think it means "i love you" (not sure)

Mia mera isos na ksanasinantithume
Se mia parea, se ena spiti filiko
Ke san dio kseni ksana tha sistithume
Ma esi tha kseris pos akoma s' agapo

Ke tha me kitas sta matia
Ke tha ginome kommatia
San karavi pu 'spase sta dio
Ke tha kripso ena dakri
Apo ton mation tin akri
Pu tha lei akoma s' agapo
Pu tha lei akoma s' agapo

Mia mera isos kapu na ksanavrethume
Se ena fanari mes sto kentro ksafnika
Ke san dio kseni apla tha kitahtume
Ke isos na pume ena gia su filika

Ke tha me kitas sta matia
Ke tha ginome kommatia
San karavi pu 'spase sta dio
Ke tha kripso ena dakri
Apo ton mation tin akri
Pu tha lei akoma s' agapo
Pu tha lei akoma s' agapo

Ke tha me kitas sta matia
Ke tha ginome kommatia
San karavi pu 'spase sta dio
Ke tha kripso ena dakri
Apo ton mation tin akri
Pu tha lei akoma s' agapo
Pu tha lei akoma s' agapo

******I got a little bit of the translation!!!!!!!

kai tha me kitas sta matia.. (and you will look at me in the eyes)
kai tha ginome komatia..(and we will become parts)
san karavi pou espase sta dio...(like some ship that broke into two)
kai tha kripso ena "driaki"(it is probably dakri)..apo to mation tin arki(it is akri)...(and I will hide one tear from the end of the eyes)
pou tha lie(it is leei) akoma s'agapo"... ( that will say I still love you)
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It's not double posting. I got the lyrics YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (too long to post in my lastest post)

Μια μέρα ίσως να ξανασυναντηθούμε—
One day maybe we’ll meet again
σε μια παρέα, σε ένα σπίτι φιλικό—
In a group of friends, in a friendly house
και σαν δυο ξένοι ξανά θα συστηθούμε
And like two strangers we’ll introduce each other again
μα εσύ θα ξέρεις πως ακόμα σ' αγαπώ.
But you will know that I still love you

Και θα με κοιτάς στα μάτια και θα γίνομαι κομμάτια—
And you’ll look me in the eyes and I’ll break up in pieces
σαν καράβι που 'σπασε στα δυο,---
Like a boat that breaks in two
και θα κρύψω ένα δάκρυ από των ματιών την άκρη—
And I will hide a tear from the corner of the eyes
που θα λέει ακόμα σ' αγαπώ, που θα λέει ακόμα σ' αγαπώ.
That will tell you I still love you, that will tell you I still love you

Μια μέρα ίσως κάπου να ξαναβρεθούμε--
One day maybe we’ll meet again
σε ένα φανάρι μες στο κέντρο ξαφνικά—
at a traffic light downtown suddenly
και σαν δυο ξένοι απλά θα κοιταχτούμε –
and like two strangers we will simply look at each other
και ίσως να πούμε ένα γεια σου φιλικά.---
and maybe we’ll say a friendly “hello”

Και θα με κοιτάς στα μάτια και θα γίνομαι κομμάτια--
And you’ll look me in the eyes and I’ll break up in pieces
σαν καράβι που 'σπασε στα δυο,--
Like a boat that breaks in two
και θα κρύψω ένα δάκρυ από των ματιών την άκρη--
And I will hide a tear from the corner of the eyes
που θα λέει ακόμα σ' αγαπώ, που θα λέει ακόμα σ' αγαπώ.---
That will tell you I still love you, that will tell you I still love you
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