Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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;)Anj, the expert in CSI NY books is MJ:lol:. She made a comment Stella dated a fireman:wtf: but at the end Stella dumped him because he is too young:bolian: (my Stella knows she needs maturity by her side;):drool:)

I hope it will take just THAT episode to get rid of him:scream:

I don't want new relationships for her (or for Mac) until Season 9 a.k.a "THE SMACKED SEASON":drool::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I guess i can stand just one episode flirting.:wtf:
Beyond that it would be unfair for us who are waiting so much when the "day" comes (I hope you understand what i want to say;) LOL! I better remember this is the Stellarina thread:lol:

On the other hand i do want more Stella-centric episodes. Right Next Door i think it was fan-tas-tic (well i have seen only some clips;)) but tomorrow it will be aired in my country so my tape is ready:drool:

Jenn-->!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Youtube is the best thing created in 50 years LOL! A questions: Have you seen "personal Foul" clips? (4x19)??? I'm looking for the scene where Stella is know....:lol: The episode is in several parts but i don't know in which one (I have dial up so it's imposible to see all the clips. It could take me forever:() I only can watch any when i go to the cibercafe

No complaints about the Hostage. I really enjoyed. It's Mac after all;) you gotta love this guy:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: (Stella does:guffaw:

Take care all of you

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Note to all: if you think it might be a spoiler please put it in spoiler code. Secondly,

Well the fireman's name isn't Devlin. I think people have got confused because there was a fireman mentioned in a book once? I haven't read it so I don't know, but I do know that, unless it changes, the fireman scene alluded to in season 5 spoilers is short and open to interpretation. I personally think it's more flirty/friendly banter than anything else. ;)
Uppss sorry Elsie! don't harm intended :)

But yes, i was referring to one of the CSI NY novels as well as Anj did. MJ mentioned in another thread the novel #3 where Stella dated a fireman. That was our confussion, sorry!

Debbie :D

ps: I LOVE you avvie :D It reminds me our fav "Rambo Stella" :D
On the other hand i do want more Stella-centric episodes. Right Next Door i think it was fan-tas-tic (well i have seen only some clips;)) but tomorrow it will be aired in my country so my tape is ready:drool:

Jenn-->!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Youtube is the best thing created in 50 years LOL! A questions: Have you seen "personal Foul" clips? (4x19)??? I'm looking for the scene where Stella is know....:lol: The episode is in several parts but i don't know in which one (I have dial up so it's imposible to see all the clips. It could take me forever:() I only can watch any when i go to the cibercafe

Right next Door is the one with the apartment fire right? I watched parts of it on youtube I think. I'm not sure which one personal foul is though. I don't think I've seen clips of it. Care to enlighten me?

Take care everyone. xx

They surely had gone through a lot of training before and during the making of these episodes. Imagine Melina going through artillery and ballistics routine trainings and the like. “Officer Blue” really made my jaw drop when Stella assembled the riffle used to shoot the vic and shoved it to Mac’s face (nearly!)
Right next Door is the one with the apartment fire right? I watched parts of it on youtube I think. I'm not sure which one personal foul is though. I don't think I've seen clips of it. Care to enlighten me?
Yep right next door is the one with the fire in stella's apartment and Personal Foul was the one where Danny and Flack go to the basketball game and mac/Stella/Hawkes investigate another cabbie killer victim ;) Here's the review
ok in right next door I've seen a couple of scenes (Melina was awesome as usual) but not the whole ep.
and I think I've seen parts of Personal foul on youtube. Melina kicks ass lol.
Both of them are nice episodes..

Being in this thread means you'll enjoy Right Next Door,since it is Stella-centric.
Sorry I am such a workaholic, I am unable to come on as frequently as I wish too. Yes, we all bless youtube, but I actually have the third season! It's money well spent! I love the episode "Open & Shut". This is because I feel that it shows how strong Stella is. The murderer who pretended to fight as a result of battered women's syndrome tried to make Stella look not so different. I think she's been through a lot, but her strength allows her to continue on.

Deb! - I enjoyed when she was working with the guns it was fun to watch.
Oh Oh i love that eppy! It was a hard time for Stella when she solved but she came back to her senses despite that horrid woman with her knowledge of Psychology made everything to look so innocent. Mucvh more considering she knew Stella from the news!

I want to write a review on RND but i can't right now. I'll until Friday after i watch 4.17 :D
Only i can say the action sequences are amazing this year! :D

Debbie :D
my best friend bought me season 2. i've now officially seen all access.


it was incredible. I'd seen clips of it on youtube but it was sooooooooo much more horrific in context. my best friend and i were literally on the edge of our seats screaming at the tv. melina ROCKED! not that im surprised. but it was just ... wow.
Great to hear that you liked 'All Access', shopping_luvah! :D It's one of my favourite episodes, Melina is really good in it :) And did you have the same feeling as Stella in the last scene where she comes back and decides to pack her bags?

Have a nice Sunday everyone! :)
^Thanks,you too!!:lol:

It really wasn't something I wish it happened but was very good as an episode.The situation etc was interesting but still,it wasn't something you like to see one of your favorite characters go through;)
I love "All Acccess" too. It is my favourite episode of the seasons 1-3. As you said Melina played very well:drool:. As Stel is my favourite chara I also didn't like to see her go through this.
But it was really a very intresting and well done eppie!:bolian::bolian::thumbsup:
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