Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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^^^Me :D

Erm off memory Officer Down (1.09), 'Summer In the City' (2.01), 'Stuck On You' (2.14)

In my opinion, 'Creatures of the NIght' (1.02), 'Open and Shut' (3.06), 'Heart of Glass' (3.16) and maybe 'And here's To, Mrs Azreal' (3.09)are good if you liked All Access.
you're so very welcome CSI fan01:D !!!!!!!!!!

Jenny &Meg be welcome to the Stella thread as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you have decided to jump into here :D

Natty: your are our Angel!

An regarding your question: My fav episode is All Access. Not only because it was a fantastic episode for Melina as actress but because how Stella handled the violence on this episode as well
Season 1: Creatures of the night, Officer Blue, 20. Supply and Demand (and All Season 1)
Season 2:Trapped, All Access, Manhattan Manhunt
Season 3: and here's to you Mr Azrael, Consequences, Heart of Glass, Open and Shut and Snow Day

It was truly difficult to pick just one. And it's so darn difficult to pick between "Stella" episodes and "Smacked " episodes :D :D

I guess my Smacked side is so strong as my Stell's side (have we a name for Stella thread? Mac are Mackers. we need one too


ps: Ok Sor you got it again! I'm melting over the idea of Macky with his guitar and Stella by his side singing soflty . I'm running to the Smacked thread! :D :D :D
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Is that what we are in the ac thread 'Mackers'?!?! Never heard that before :lol: Hang on while I pic my self up :guffaw:
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lol someone mentioned Mackers in the slash flack/mac thread i think :D
I couldn't watch RND yet but it will be my episode. That's sure. I watched the first 5 minutes and it's incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Csifan-->in the smacked thread we are talking what kind of scene we would like to have with these two. Some made us blush LOL

Fav episode from Season 4? I have many. Melina got more screentime and Decent screentime to shine :D

I loved the Second Life episode, Can you hear me now, 4.09 (when the puzzle was discovered on her car) and Things about Heroes. I loved how all boys followed her orders without any single reply!:D Usually they give Mac some migraines time to time but they cannot do that with Stell.Female touch? :D :D :D

I honestly just wish there was an episode where they would ultimately unleash their desire for each other. hahahaha Ghawazee
Call me Debbie or Debs :D I wish just the same. Stella is a complex character. And she only needs to be understood by someone exactly like her. I cannot imagine her with another man. Beyond the fact I'm a Smacked fan, i cannot think another man more perfect to her than Mac. Because they have always been together and they have shared experiences she is not going to have with another man. Just like she did in 2001 (because she knew Claire before 9/11)

Debbie :D

ps: Season 5 needs to be "Stella season" just is so complex and interesting character! I hope she is going to star looking for her long lost biological family (she already have her emotional family. See my avatar :D
Hey Deb, the name's Mari. I just love their chemistry. It's way more than the sister-brother relationship Melina claims they have. Maybe shes just trying to hold what will happen in the fifth season. hahaha
Hey you Mari! Yes, i think the same. Stella has a brother and sister relationship with Sheldon,Donnie,Danny and Adam (who has such a nice crush on her lol). But Mac? No way! They are adorable with each other and they are more than just the best friends. I can tell because i have male friends :D
I think oall main stars say the same. They cannot say"i want my character to be together with) because it would be like forcing to the writers to do something they still don't have planned
Lisa E. from House is silent now after years of struggling with writers about Cuddy and House (and she got what she wanted. She is the best ha-ha). I remember gillian Anderson saying the same about Scully. And see what she's got!

The only thing i ask from writers is writing a mature love story if it happens someday.
Stella deserves that and Melina much better :D

ps: Ok Sor you got it again! I'm melting over the idea of Macky with his guitar and Stella by his side singing soflty . I'm running to the Smacked thread! :D :D :D


It was in my head too *shuts up because this is the Stella/Melina thread*
So also a big welcome to Meg and Mari! :D Have a great time posting here ;)
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I honestly can't say I've seen enough to choose a favourite Stella episode. I've seen all of s1 (I bought the dvds lol) and I've seen from 'Down the rabbit hole' up until the one with the puzzle on her car. the next ep is tomorrow night. I have favourite stella scenes though!
I loved rambo stella in officer blue. lol.
I loved the scene at the end of ... I can't remember what it's called but her and mac go to the dog show and she beats him in a bet :p
I loved her with the baby in ... I think it was on the job. But it was adorable to see her maternal side come out.
I loved her online flirting in down the rabbit hole. "you have no game!" lol. that's actually the ep that drew me into watching ny in the first place. after that scene, she was pegged as my fave character.
I loved her in snow day as well. that was awesome in every way possible.
I've seen some clips from all access and I loved that too.

What can I say? Melina seems to be awesome in all of it! lol.

Oh and whoever it was that said the Mac fans are Mackers?
We should be the Stellarinas (as in like ballerina but stella?). lol. dont mind me. im so lame.
Oh Jenn! i think i love your nickaname as Stellarinas:D
The betting in Recycling was so in-character for both of them! very funny that scene and i liked the only human being Mac could open his feeling was Stella. It was funny how he didn't wear a tie and Stella looked so surprised for it!:drool:

The scene in Down the rabbit hole was priceless among Adam, Mac and Stella. And Adam's funny face in desesperation because Mac is a no-no with anything related to the net:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I love Pissy Stella in Officer Blue and Rambo Stella in Snow Day. She is so strong and vulnerable at the same time!:bolian:

Actually i'd love to see Pissy Stella once again just like in that episode from Season 1 when she had her career on risk because she showed pics from the autopshy to that liar girl!

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