Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Thanks Mina! :D I also posted it at the Melina spot on

And that's what I wanted to tell you guys. I'm a member on the site and I noticed that Melina hadn't got her own spot. So I created a spot especially for Melina and now I'm working on posting pictures, video clips and news! Please join or take a look! :)
I'm a member and i'll pay a visit. I promise!. When i looked for pictures of her,it reminded me i never could get that sweet poetry Ben recited when he was injured after Melina's character (anybody could forget Victoria? :D) left by train 8well she was running away actually :D)

Anybody could help me with that? I read in some place is a versicle from the Bible but i could never get the quote

Debbie :)
Hey guys, am I weird for wanting Mac and Stella together? But in an interview, she didn't say it would happen until later seasons (not guaranteed though).
hey CSI fan! welcome aboard!
May i ask you where did you read it? I'm curious because in another site someone said Melina said Smacked NEVER was going to happen SNIF! And of course i refused to believe it.Specially how close they seem to be. And I don't believe it and i don't want to believe

Debbie :(
Hey, cheer up, positive thinking will get us what we want, Ghawazee! :thumbsup:

Man, Stella has quickly become one of my favorite character's on the show. She definitely kicks ass! :D
Hi Meg! I'm so glad you have decided to join us! welcome aboard
I stay positive. I'm th only who think we will have smackd all over Season 5 lol
I was curious because and i only want next episode! Hopefully it will be somthing so big and great like this last episode :D

I read the interview and it was so funny!Melina makes me laugh and smile always:bolian: i love reading the great friendship she has with Gary. And the funniest thing is she knows Stella has sparks with Mac. Brother and sister???? ha-ha:lol: It's a crazy thing the brother and sister relationship she has with Danny or Sheldon, not Mac:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

Me too! i love her in every single scene with Flack. She becomes into Robo-Stella or Rambo Stella that i love so much :D
I adore how powerful they look in that kind of scene.
Under other circumstances i'd love very much a tv series with Eddie and Melina :)

Debbie :D

ps: Natty i'm having problems with your pics. I cannot save them into my pc. I'm dying for these lovely pics. Specially Stella conforting Mac(from Admissions) and Reed,Mac and Stella (Taxi)

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Hey everyone! My name's Jenny. I'm kind of new to this thread but I've recently started watch ny and melina/stella immediately became my favourite. She's so awesome! Mind if I join?
*Natty runs in a throws confetti*
Hey Jen :D It's great to have you...but I've had too much caffine this morning and over done it with the confetti :p Ooo you're from downunder :cool: Always wanted to go there :D Me and my coffee are off now but I leave you guys with a question:

Which is our favourite Stella episode and why?!?

*Natty goes off to sort out the pic problem ;)*
First of all, welcome to the thread Jen. You are more than welcome here :) I hope you have a great time posting here!

Second: my al time favourite Stella episode is 'All Access'. I just loved how strong Stella was during the whole episode and how she handled the situation with Frankie. But I have a lot of favourite episodes only because of Stella :rolleyes:

And just because the Melina and Gary friendship subject came around, I'm sharing this quote:
"Anna and I sing. She's a musical theatre cornball like I am, so we break out into duets all the time. Before Anna came, Gary Sinise and I would play this game: I'd sing a song and he'd have to guess what show it was from. Or he'd name a show, and I'd have to sing a song from it. He was always like, 'Melina, stop singing!'"

It always cracks me up :lol: Have a nice weekend guys!
So I am a new fan of Stella, and I want to know some good episodes to watch her with. I have seen All Access before and want to know what else to watch with her in it.

Snow Day has got to be my favorite because she totally kicks ass in that! Rambo anyone? :lol:
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