Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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*waves* hello! new people! :D

hey am I dreaming or did i just see a kick ass rambo stella in the spoilers foldie O_O omg! :eek: yay!

^_^ cant wait!
^^ good to know CSI Willows ;) Here in England next episode is 'Heart of Glass'.

I expect a lot from the last episode. The spoilers are so exciting. I hope there will be alot things to talk about the whole summer until season 4 starts.

Hi sydneycsi!! :)
My wishes for season 4 for are:
- More things about Stella's past
- Our idea about Stella being the boss of the team :lol:
- Happy Stella! (maybe a boyfriend? :))
- An episode featuring some Greek culture things?
- Seeing more about Stella's private life?

And sure, I hope that the seasons finale will rock our socks :lol:
CSI_Willows said:
- Happy Stella! (maybe a boyfriend? :))

Yeah, boyfriend... I watched a rerun of Criminal Intent the other day and I obviously saw Chris Noth on screen as the last person before I fell asleep, so for some weird reason, I ended up dreaming of him being the new boyfriend of Stella... Crazy, isn't it??? I woke up, remembering that dream, and thought, that would be actually a very nice crossover idea for S4!!! ;) :lol:
Yes! Finale's tonight (in the U.S. anyway)! :) I am so flippin' excited and can't wait to see the episode! I hope Stella uber pwns (and hopefully we'll get to see some Rambo Stella too! :lol:)

But anyway, as for season four, I'm not gonna be happy if they leave a cliffhanger. I can't wait all summer, people! I'll go insane! :( But, I hope all goes well for Stella in the finale and in season four. :) And yes, I too would be open to Stella getting a boyfriend. She deserves it! :)
CSI_Willows said:
My wishes for season 4 for are:
- More things about Stella's past
- Our idea about Stella being the boss of the team :lol:
- Happy Stella! (maybe a boyfriend? :))
- An episode featuring some Greek culture things?
- Seeing more about Stella's private life?

And sure, I hope that the seasons finale will rock our socks :lol:

I agree, I want to know more about her.

We heart the finale for Stella :D
Anyone see Melina's CBS Cares ad during the CMA awards last night? I was only watching because mom was...was surprised to see the ad come on. It was about strokes. (I'd thought maybe she'd do an HIV one considering her storyline but not this time)
I got a question : in one episode in season 1, Stella said she stayed in St Basil's Orphanage until she was 18 and then got out. why the sudden foster parents and 'blood sister'? :confused:
Cassie said:
I got a question : in one episode in season 1, Stella said she stayed in St Basil's Orphanage until she was 18 and then got out. why the sudden foster parents and 'blood sister'? :confused:

You're right, she said that in season 1 ;) But I haven't watched the episode about Stella's past yet, so I'm confused about it too. But I think the writers also look at the fans and the fans wanted more about Stella's past. That's why they brought the foster parents and the 'blood sister' I think.

And US people, did you al enjoyed the seasons finale? :D Lynny spoiled me a little bit with a review but I can't wait, I think I'm going to watch it tommorow. So, bring on the pictures Melina/Stella Addicts! :D
^^ :confused:

BonaTaylor, thank you for the explanation about RamboStella ;)

Welcome althea and sydneycsi to Melina/Stella thread. I hope you enjoy it here with us!

Stella has indeed a very nice and pleasant style. I like it a lot. She's probably one of the best dressed characters, in my opinion.

About the wish of knowing more about Stella's past, I am all for it, too. Even more considering you have seen episodes that give away some of it, that I haven't yet. Though I am here waiting for them.

I would also like to see Stella having a boyfriend, but I don't think it would be that easy for her, considering everything with Frank. Do you still remember the episodes where he seemed so much of a great guy for Stella? Yeah, I do. And I hate thinking about how much he disappointed me. I just wanted to slap his face :mad: *Dani thinks that she is living CSI:NY instead of watching it* :p Though it would be nice to see how she is going to deal with a possible 'love' situation/interest. An interesting storyline, I would say :rolleyes:

To end my post, Stella being the boss for a while :rolleyes: Hmm, that would be interesting too. She would be just fine, I am pretty sure. She is a very good CSI and I think she has a good personality to lead, if need be. Go Stella! New boss in the crime lab, Det. Stella Bonasera replaces Det. Mac Taylor, because her fans want it to happen :lol: Well, OK, I don't go this far (poor great CSI and team leader Mac :p), but imagine like Mac has to go somewhere and he puts Stella in charge for one shift. That would be cool enough for me ;)
MacsGirlMel said:
Anyone see Melina's CBS Cares ad during the CMA awards last night? I was only watching because mom was...was surprised to see the ad come on. It was about strokes. (I'd thought maybe she'd do an HIV one considering her storyline but not this time)

I didn't see this.. What she wear??
My wish for the next season is that we'll find out more about Stella's past maybe some great flashback scenes or whatever. Maybe she could tell Mac more about her past because we know he is probably the only one who is so close to her that she could speak with him about those kind of things. I hope the writers will make more of Stel's past with an interesting storyline.. We'll see.. :)

And if Stella really beeing the boss of the lab for only one shift my heart would make such a jump..No kidding, guys. :D
Stella is a really good CSI like Mac said once and she would be a fine boss I'm sure about that. That means Mac trusts her so much(what we already know.. ;))that he choose Stella to be the one who take care of the lab while he is not around. And that have to mean a lot..ya know. ;):D
This would be a awesome scene in the show when Mac tells Stella she is the boss of the lab for a while.. :)

I would also like to see Stella having a boyfriend, but I don't think it would be that easy for her, considering everything with Frank. Do you still remember the episodes where he seemed so much of a great guy for Stella? Yeah, I do. And I hate thinking about how much he disappointed me. I just wanted to slap his face
A boyfriend for Stel? Yeah, why not? When Mac has a girlfriend..Stella could have a boyfriend, too. I really like the idea of her having someone in her personal life again after Frankie.
No one ever said it would be easy for her with a new relationship, Dani because it'll be hard for her IMO. First she'll have to start to trust this new guy in her life and that could be difficult because of Frankie.. Oh yes, I remember very good.. I thought Frankie was a nice guy and that he was good for Stel. And then this happened..He turned out as a psych and disappointed me, too. Evertime when I see pics of him and Stella from season two I hate him more for what he did to our Stella. :mad:
oh god... Stella was really good in the last episode. Love her how she was working with Mac. They are a great team and good friends. She was strong and... and... as always the Stella i love. Melina did a fantastic job. I'm glad that tptb has such a good storyline for this character. She's wonderful in everything from scenes like with Sid in the morgue when she told him about the HIV to Rambo Stella. She can play everything and I'll buy it.

In 'SD'... it was nice to see that she can show her fears but still stay strong. I liked it that at the beginning she had not idea what to do and asked Mac. I don't think it made her weak, just more realistic. And the hug at the end... really nice and sweeet :D

I can't wait to see what tptb will have for her in the next season...

Hey guys! Thankyou for the warm welcome! :)

Is there nothing this great woman can't do?
I would definately love to see more of Stella's past she is such an amazing character, and yes I would love our Stella to find love again, God knows she does deserve it.
Stella is such a great, strong ,independent and passionate woman she really is the heart and soul of CSINY.
I would love for Stella to maybe meet or find out if either one of her parents are still alive, or maybe she might have some siblings out there.
I'd like to see more of young Stella as a young police cadet or when she and Mac first met and started working together, how much their relationship has grown from when they first met.
As much as I love how great Mac and Stella are together and how both trust eachother I really do love when Mac and Stella lock heads with one another when one doesn't agree with the other.
Oh yeah, there definately isn't anything wrong with throwing in Rambo/Stella from time to time next season.
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