Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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I didn't get to watch it either. ::cries:: It's so unfair. My friend told me about it at gym class and I was so mad I didn't get to watch it.
Crap! I missed it. Actually wasn't even inside the house at that moment. Actually was out taking the dogs for a walk and enjoying the break of dawn watching the sky glow of the cloudy night merge into the bluish gray of the morning. Blissful actually.
Well i was browsing around youtube to see if anyone did, by chance put it up, and came acroos a raunchy vid (not too raunchy, and kinda funny) I would assume is from that Greek soapie she was in (i think) As far as I know noones posted it already. And she walks in on 2 gay guys in the shower, I love cliche soaps. Perhaps someone can translate it:

Unfortunatley, noone seems 2 have the Rachel Ray vid.
May I join the discussion?!
I think that video is from "Providence", Pilot episode, translated to greek or any other language, anyway. Though I am not sure, I seem to remember that. I watched that series a couple of months ago. Well, and I have to admit that I just watched it because Melina was in it. I became curious about seeing her doing another role after being totally in love with Det. Stella Bonasera. And I must say that I love her work, too. I think she is a great actress, not to mention that she seems incredibly nice!
That video is in german :D, we discussed about it some pages ago ;), I found it and didn't understand what they were saying so I asked it here and a girl (sorry I don't remember your name *blushes*) told me it was in german and that's her voice in CSI: NY when it's in german :p
Yep..those are not Greek!!..

Does anyone know if J_ is coming back after leaving the mod place???

I hope someone will upload it on the internet or some caps maybe ;)..

Welcome here CSI_Dani! :D
That is such a really cool scene! I didn't even know that it was in German though I thought it was her speaking in a thick accent. Really nice. :D
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