Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Found some tiny pictures from Behind the Scenes with Providence :)



*credit to Divine Providence*
^ Ooh thanks for those photos :D. She looks so pretty in all of them, especially the last one.

Athena, I think it's a crime-drama film & Melina has a role as a reporter. I think she teaches Greek to Robert De Niro's character in the film :). I have yet to see it too.
Yeah, I have to admit, I haven't seen anything else with Melina in it. I know, I'm a bad fan. :( Anyway, I was talking with my aunt yesterday and we were talking about CSI:NY and I mentioned Melina and she said "Oh, I loved her on Providence. She has such nice hair." and we talked about her for a while. It was really cool. :)
I think a lot of the older people know Melina 'cause of Providence. I didn't know who she was until 2004 when I saw an ad from NY at the bus stop. Anyhoo, I think a few of us haven't really seen Melina in anything else so it's all good :lol:.
Yeah I heard something about Providence having a compliations of episode on DVD. I doubt they have a DVD with every single & season though :(.
CathStokes said:
They better or I'm gonna be a whiney brat!

:lol: I saw once that they only have a DVD set with the best episodes or something ;) I think Providence was a great programme, I can't understand why it stopped.. :(
You're just jealous J, cause I'm a better brat then you :D

Ain't it one now? :p hahaha

Because their morons, and they stopped it. Jerks.
^ :lol: Oh Lynn. You know me too well :lol:.

Bad Beat was on tonight on channel 44 & guess who laughed like a dork.

Lynn, let someone else figure it out :p.
:lol: Ya know I luvz ya. *huggles* :D

I want to see Stella have some more scenes with Angell. They're two pretty cool characters.
CathStokes said:
Crap! Spoil my fun.. *whispers in Sor's ear* Say J!

That's my name! :D Missing al the fun in here :lol: I love Angel, she's one tough detective and Stella is also so they are a great combination :)
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