Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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I loved Stella last night. The scene where her & Danny caught Ava was priceless, especially the part where she says, "Congratulations. It's twins!" right after the two compacts(??) fell out.

At the end we got to see her sweet side when she talked to Ava in the interogation room. I loved how she tried to show that she understood Ava's situation & I liked how she gave Ava her card & told her to contact her in case of any problems. I think it warmed Stella's heart to know that she has the strength to help out a person just like her. Knowing that she can help out & save another domestic violence victim probably means so much to her & that's really nice to know. It's good to see that she has a heart. I doubt they'll continue on but I just love seeing Stella helping someone out instead of being in dectective mood 24/7. She's capable of knowing when to do her job & when to lend out a hand.

jorja_fan86 said:
I loved Stella last night. The scene where her & Danny caught Ava was priceless, especially the part where she says, "Congratulations. It's twins!" right after the two compacts(??) fell out.

:lol: I'm still laughing about that. Stella was great in this one, I'm loving her more and more in each episode. :)
So let me understand too..The last episode was the one with Nally Furtado..And she was playing two people? :confused:

j_ that's an icon with a point! :lol: ;)
Orison said:
jorja_fan86 said:
I loved Stella last night. The scene where her & Danny caught Ava was priceless, especially the part where she says, "Congratulations. It's twins!" right after the two compacts(??) fell out.

:lol: I'm still laughing about that. Stella was great in this one, I'm loving her more and more in each episode. :)

I agree :D. I also loved how she casually strolled up to Ava & asked her how far along she was & then told her that story about her cousin. Priceless :lol:.

athens, Nelly Furtado played one character but everytime she would hit a new store she'd change her outfits. So, in a way she's a klepto with many personalities, if that makes sense :lol:.

Oh, and I agree. The little Greek pride icon is awesome ;).
I loved the episode!! Woot!! Can't wait for next week. The episode looks really good. And I also like the little Greek pride icon. If I was Greek, I would so use it.
Next episode is gonna rock, especially since we'll have some good Stella moments. Wooo :D!

It's nice to know that a non-Greek likes that icon :lol:.
Stella does indeed looking stunning in everything she wears. She has the the kind of body that could pull of every oufit. Lucky woman :( :lol:.

I think everyone loves her :D.
Stupid Dutch TV, there was a re-run :( I'll have to wait for a new episode like forever :lol:
You're right Mina, she can wear everything she want and she looks friggin hot in it :lol:
It was episode 2x13: Risk :) I have it on DVD but there was nothing else on TV, and I never can get enough of Melina so I watched the episode :lol:
Haha nice.

Yeah, Melina is frigging awesome. I keep meaning to watch her other work outside NY. Maybe I'll rent a film she was in this weekend, like 15 Minutes or whatever it was killed.
I finally got to watch the last episode!...and,I have to say she was simply great in it!..She sure knows what fits her body..The clothes she wears the most of the time-episodes are pretty nice!

MIna ,now I understand what you were talking about ;)..
^ That's good, 'cause most of the time I worry the things I say don't make much sense :lol:.

Stella was fantastic last episode, with the perfect mix of humour & sweetness, if that works. I love how she can have so many personalities in a episode & just make it work.
15 Minutes comes this week in Holland on TV :D I'm so excited *happy dance* I have waited so long to see that movie and now I can finally see it :)
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