Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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I think a military hospital is like the VA hospital we have in our town, where vetrans and soldiers can go and get medical care. I don't know much more than that. I wonder what is gonna happen though. Any ideas? Something good, I hope. I wonder why the w
K, I don't mean to change the subject but today I received an autographed photo from Melina Kanakaredes!!! *squee* :D
She basically thanked me for the fan project a few months back. From what she wrote I can tell she's so sweet & her writing is lovely. Gawd, I *love* this woman :D.
Thank you :). And don't worry, if things go my way there will definitely be another Melina project going on. All I can say for now is that it'll have a birthday theme to it ;)...
Military lab..that was the right one...Sorry..

:rolleyes: :p

If is to get that way out of topic,the fact that she received the project and she responded is great! :D
jorja_fan86 said:
Thank you :). And don't worry, if things go my way there will definitely be another Melina project going on. All I can say for now is that it'll have a birthday theme to it ;)...

Birthday theme???? Oooh, I like how you think!!! I am already excited!!! :) :) I'll totally do it!
That's awsome Mina!!!! :D

Another project??? How can I take part??? :)

Did you guys see all the beautiful pics in the Picture thread??? there are like 45874385 of Melina :p
Whoever watches the show can participate. That's all I'll say for now ;).

I have seen all the photos of her & my god, she's lovely! I cannot find one bad thing about her. Seriously, she's so awesome!
My Best Stella moment is in Oficer Blue Mac shouts at her 'End of conversation' then she storms into Mac's office in a white tank top with a sniper's gun gives off all the spec's cock's it and slams it down and says 'now we get the bullet- End of conversation'
Made me go wow what a cool chick she kicks ass!
^ Haha of lot of us Stella fans love that scene too. In fact, that's what started the whole rambo!Stella craze :lol:.

She does indeed kick ass. One of the things I love about her is that she fears nobody. I hope to see her go rambo mode at least once before the season ends.
Yeah that's an excellent Stella and SMACked moment!!!

I watched the episode again yesterday *kisses DVDs* *sighs*

I've seen that scene so many times and I still love it :D
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