
I don't think I've seen a lot of the early episodes. I only got into Stargate cause it was something my dad was watching and I saw episodes every now and then and fell in love. That actually happened with a lot of shows, CSI included.

I'm just about to start a mini Stargate marathon (all on my lonesome unfortunately) to get me all caught up to where I should be. I haven't even had a chance to watch any Atlantis at all yet.
Ooooh! Teal'c looks funny as a bobblehead!
Teal'c BobbleHead
:lol: :lol:

I've already done my little mini marathon. We have seasons 1, 2 and 6 on DVD. So i began watching season 1 and 2 and decided to wait until i've at least seen 3, 4 and 5 to rewatch season 6. Shame my little promise to myself didn't exactly work out. I started watching it this arvo' and alreayd i'm halfway through.

No matter how much i annoy my parents, they haven't gotten the hint about buying the movie. I still haven't seen it.
I haven't seen the movie either, but I've been tempted to read the book for it, I see it at the library all the time.

I really should get off the net and get on with it, I've only got about 3 days to get through about 20 eps at least.
Yes, I'm a Jack/Daniel kind of gal.

*hugs IvoryRaven* Me too! I've even written fanfic. ;)

*cheers* :D Jack/Daniel was the OTP in the first few seasons.. but then came the big bad ugly Jack/Sam moments.. which were so obviously forced. Besides, Jack can fool around with Daniel all he wants, afterall, Daniel's a civilian. But, Sam's a part of his command chain, and it would be a big no-no to be caught with his 2IC. A big one. Therefore, Jack/Daniel is and forever will be the OTP, and infinitely easier to write believable fanfiction about.

Thank you.
Lol. There's been nothing on TV recently so i haven't bothered going on with my usual schedule. It's really easy to randomly watch Stargate now that schools started. :] It's just a shame that i've gotten through it so quickly, though. :p
As i was saying, i've been watching season six. But it's so aweful because i've run into multiple stumps. I really need to so three, four and five to know what's going on.
I didn't even know there was a novel. Shame, our library probably wouldn't have it anyways.
I was shocked to here about the London bombings on Thursday. It interrupted Atlantis. Shame. It was getting interesting.
Erm. There are ok characters and great characters. For instance, i really don't like Sheppard. I love McKay, though. :]
There are some great storylines and some are just rip-offs from the orinal. Also there are some really un-beleiveable ones that makes sense in the end.
All in all, it's a good series.
But that's just my opinion. :]
I don't like Sheppard either :eek: And McKay *loves* I don't know is it because he has been guest start few times in SG-1 and I just love the scenes between him and Sam. But McKay.. in Atlantis. he's just damn hilarious character. Especially in episode where he drinks coffee like mad :lol:
Oooh, i loved when McKay got the personal sheild thing! It was hilarious. Didn't he jump off a balcony or something? Also, Sheppard shot him. :] Funny.
OMG. I like Sheppard. He's hot. :lol: But damn it, he's so indecisive! He goes no, maybe, no, ok then. That's kinda annoying. But I can't comment on anymore since I've only seen the 2nd half of the 1st episode of...season 1. IF Sheppard is the guy you're talking about is what I'm thinking of. :rolleyes:
Sheppard is the lead guy. Joe Flanigan was in CSIM episode "Slow Burn" don't watch Miami :p :lol:

I agree with that shield episode :lol: it was hilarious. And some later episode, where they found something strange what caused them to see strange things and they dropped dead. McKay was telling what has to be told to his sister. And when they were sending those messages to Earth, all the stuff Mckay wanted to say :lol:
Woah...Stop there Sanna. I do watch CSI:M when it's on :p Is that the episode where Alexx and Delko was in a fire flashover? BUT nope, I don't remember Shepard from that episode. :D
Hmm, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm gonna have to get on to watching Atlantis soon I guess.

Watched The Lost City this morning. There was a hilarious conversation where Daniel was a little drunk and talking about how deep Teal'c is. And Teal'c saying how his depth is irrelevant to the conversation. And it all had something to do with Jack comparing the Simpsons to their real life.