"SQWEEGEL" Discussion **Spoilers**

Discussion in 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' started by DJRideout, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. byline

    byline CSI Level One

    Nov 16, 2007
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    Both of the above are probably better assessments of the scene than mine.:thumbsup:

    The thing that I felt was so out-of-place in that scene was that, if this is such a well-known theory, then shouldn't the more experienced team members have been aware of it? So why was Ray, the newbie, lecturing them on that? I kept expecting someone to blurt out, "Hey, Ray, you're telling us stuff we already know!"
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  2. Desertwind

    Desertwind Head of the Day Shift

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Ray is not a "newbie" he's been on since S/9, and is not a bumbling idiot, he's a smart experienced man who's been around and knows what he's talking about. That hourglass explanation was interesting and all the CSI's were also riveted by his remarkable dialogue. The whole team was involved in this mystery and brought their expertise to the table. Ray and Margot did have "sparks" why not, they are both "cute":p
  3. hiphugger17

    hiphugger17 Coroner

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I agree that Ray is smart but the CSI's were more amused than riveted by his dialogue IMO. I doubt that anything he said they hadn't heard or learned before. Their reactions were actually quite funny. I think that's about the only thing that made the scene interesting for me, they way they all looked at each other and reacted :lol:.
  4. Smokey

    Smokey Nickaholic Moderator

    May 11, 2007
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    No one called him a bumbling idiot, but the rest of the team aren't idiots either. I wouldn't call them "riveted" tho, judging by their eye-rolling and smirks. Seemed a bit more like, "Here we go again." All good-natured, of course. :)
  5. A. FineLabrats

    A. FineLabrats Rookie

    Aug 7, 2009
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    The explanation was fine, but why did he have to DRAW something. It was totally redundant. He could have just explained it. Like, "Hey guys, let's flip the thingies and look at the lack of evidence we have." Done.
    And no, they definitely weren't riveted, they were amused. I thought it was Zuiker getting a dig at the way the writers have portrayed Ray so far.
  6. K-Bug

    K-Bug Lab Technician

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Uh, so far, you are the only one who has called him a bumbling idiot. Twice. People are just saying they didn't see the point in it, which I didn't. Neither did Greg, Nick, or Cath, as they were more bemused and like "Here we go again." Certainly not riveted, lol...
  7. CazzBlade

    CazzBlade Lab Technician

    Aug 12, 2010
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    I agree, I enjoyed that scene purely for the reactions of the others. I hope we see more scenes like that as it makes Ray and his interactions with the others more entertaining, and make me like Ray more as I can see him through the eyes of the other characters.
  8. Desertwind

    Desertwind Head of the Day Shift

    Jul 29, 2005
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    I didn't see anyone rolling their eyes, but quite the opposite they seemed intrigued, and liked his presentation. If they were bemused or amused then why didn't any of them jump up and show a different scenerio? I felt they liked what he said and showed. It was a great scene:bolian:
  9. Gremine

    Gremine Rookie

    Jan 12, 2008
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    I loved that scene a lot, their face was funny. Actually i thought maybe Ray's behaviour is a old habit about being a theacher at somewhere. I thought that just because i am a daughter of an old teacher and i always tease with my mum when she acts like that :lol:Just an idea. Runs away fiiiiiivvvvv... :angel:
  10. PraetorCorvinus

    PraetorCorvinus Moderator Moderator

    Apr 17, 2009
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    That's basically how I felt about the scene. He kinda reminded me of some of my professors. The way they go on, even over topics that we've covered before. And the looks between the other three were great. I kinda expected one of them to say "Hey, Ray? Yeah. We know." :lol:
  11. Desertwind

    Desertwind Head of the Day Shift

    Jul 29, 2005
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    I didn't call him anything but a "smart, experienced man", was defending his expertise in this particular scene, due to the constant slams he gets. They were all intrigued by this, and in "awe" my take and opinion on this scene, as were the fans~
  12. Speedystokesgirl

    Speedystokesgirl Judge

    Dec 15, 2007
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    This is what I mean by a skewed opinion. Every fan could tell they were all looking at each other like 'oh god, here he goes again' :rolleyes:

    Theey were not 'riveted' by it, the were not 'awed' by it, quite the opposite. What fans thought this? 99.999% of the fans on here saw that.
  13. waiting4summer

    waiting4summer Police Officer

    May 20, 2010
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    I suspect everyone's views of any scene are skewed by their feelings towards the characters in it. It would be really uninteresting to come here and see everyone reiterate the same things over and over. We all have our views on what happened in any particular scene and will continue to feel that way, although sometimes hearing someone else's views might give us additional insight into what may have been intended. Sometimes I think the writers leave a little bit up to interpretation.

    Personally I thought that the others were just waiting for Ray to move on and finish. I REALLY wanted Catherine to take charge of the whole scene and ask each of the other CSIs for their thoughts. BE THE LEADER, Catherine! <anyone think she heard me?>
  14. vegaslights

    vegaslights Brute

    Oct 30, 2004
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    I usually don't like living in the past, but I remember numerous occasions where you would "slam" various characters throughout the years. Most recently, in the premiere. It's a bit hypocritical for you to tell people not to "slam" characters when you very well know that you do the same thing.

    This is a show. The characters are fictional. Everyone is going to have their favorites and least favorites. You have to remember that actors and characters are not one in the same, and people are going to express their opinions--whether it is positive OR negative, as long as they have the facts to back them up.

    We understand that you love Ray. I think that's pretty well known. But the fact remains, you have to remain objective or else people aren't going to respect your opinions. Listen, I could say that Catherine is my favorite character on the show (she is). But I'm not going to "oooh!" and "aaah!" and sing her praises every damn day. And I'm definitely not going to stand up for her irresponsible actions (which she has made in the past).

    And FYI: Greg rolled his eyes at Langston's "presentation." And Nick and someone else exchanged "WTF" looks, because c'mon... nothing Langston said was new or significantly brilliant.
  15. PraetorCorvinus

    PraetorCorvinus Moderator Moderator

    Apr 17, 2009
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    If I were you, I'd try not speaking for all fans everywhere. There is no possible way that you know what everyone watching the show was thinking during that scene. If each member of this site represents one aspect of the fanbase (hypothetically) then I'd say that the fans viewed it with all possible interpretations. Though the majority appears to be in favor of the team being amused at best, annoyed at worst, with Ray's speech.

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