Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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Well, supposedly somebody is getting fired on CSI: Miami. I haven't heard anything about NY.

ETA: top of the page! I'm important.
Hey I found this on another website - i don't know if uve seen it before so i thought i would put it up here just in case:

Episode 3.21 will be titled “Past Imperfect.” The episode will feature various sideshow “freaks” including a sword swallower, a lizardman, a dwarf who can juggle, a bearded woman, etc. Mac helps a disoriented man who believes someone is trying to kill him. The team tries to locate missing 20ish years old Katie Lawrence. [Source: TV Squad]
Kimmychu said:
allstar12 said:

Talk about the typical BDSM submissive pose. :lol: And it's not helping that Hawkes looks like that Urban Legend ghostly dude either!

Canon proof that Danny is bottom. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ceindreadh said:
A rumor was posted to one of the NCIS lists about there being major cast shake ups in both CSI Miami and CSI New York (okay, the rumor said C NCIS, but we think it meant NY)

Has anybody heard anything about this?

What makes you think it's CSI: NY and not NCIS? I'd love to see a link to the board/post if you've got one! Cast shakeups--depending on who is out--could be very interesting indeed.

As for Miami...(I'm putting this in code so that people who don't want to be spoiled on Miami won't be)...

I believe the firing might be Ryan...I read a spoiler a few weeks ago that he gets caught gambling or something? My guess is that the character will leave the lab for a while, but not the actor. However, the 'cast shake-up' rumor could be from that spoiler...as in, someone read it and assumed the actor was leaving. That's not to say that no one is leaving--I don't know for sure, but that could be what started the rumor.

It's hard to say one way or another about a rumor until they're confirmed or disproven. The news of Rory Cochrane's leaving was leaked in a gossip column in a Texas newspaper, and I believe this site broke the news about Vanessa Ferlito leaving CSI: NY (after hearing a rumor about someone leaving NY, I think). So who knows...stay tuned I guess....

What would sweeps be without some type of CSI crossover? On May 2, Cold Case's Danny Pino visits CSI:NY when Scotty finds a bloody jacket covered with DNA belonging to Stella. During the investigation, Stella's true identity will be revealed.

MEEEEEEEP! I love Cold Case! Scotty!

So this means Stella could be from Philadelphia. Mmm. How the hell did she end up in NY? Why no Lilly? So many questions, such an odd crossover... Oh, I don't care. I LOVE YOU, SCOTTY!
I love Scotty Pino, but I'm not sure which stinks worse: that news or the acrid stench of burning rubber as I run screaming into the night.
The news of the crossover does not sit well with La_Guera, ergo, it stinks... and have you ever smelled burning rubber? Nasty stuff!
Ok wait--so is it just the actor from "Cold Case" on the show, or is it the character specifically? I don't know the "Cold Case" characters very well, so I can't tell. Maybe it's just the actor making an appearance, rather than being an actual crossover? I'm...really confused.
I think Faylinn meant the crossover made no sense, but I'm not sure. If so, she's right. Have the Cold Casers ever ventured out of Philly before?

Anyway, if they give Stella a twin just so she can be a murder victim and Stella can add to her angst library of woes, I'm going to scream.
La_Guera said:
I'm not sure which stinks worse: that news or the acrid stench of burning rubber as I run screaming into the night.



Cowahfee in bed. Hot, smoldering stare. Jeans of caliente. Resistance is futile.

I don't think this is such a bad thing, really. Stella's case is a cold case. Sure it's a stretch, but it's kinda cool seeing two of my favorite shows come together. Whatever. I'll judge it when I see it. It really can't be worse than fucking ninjas and gorgeous stick people killing each other week after week for monetary reasons.

Honestly, this is the closest we'll ever get to seeing a Hispanic person on CSI: New York. LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT!
Yes, I was referring to the original blurb from TV Guide. Your comments always make sense to me, La Guera, except when they don't. ;)

Maybe Stella is really a superhero who lost her memory and went to NY to be a CSI, never knowing who she really is. And now that this guy is coming to NYC with her DNA, the memories will come flooding back and she'll have to (literally) fly off into the sunset to create a new identity for herself--but she will show up in NYC from time to time to help her old friends fight crime. :)

Midnight--Hispanic people in NYC? :lol: Oh, you're so funny. *wipes away a tear of mirth* That was a good one. I think my superhero idea is more realistic. ;)
:confused: A crossover? Might be fun. The main downside to crossovers is that you kind of need to be a fan of both shows and what happends with two part crossovers when the shows get realsed on DVD? Will the box set have both shows on it? While it's in reruns you'll only get half the story.

I'm leaning towards the theory it's just the actor not the actual character guest staring. But either way it should be interesting.
According to TV Guide the charcter crosses over from Cold Case, because in a case of theirs they find Stella's DNA on a jacket. I'm excited for this episide, bith shows are wonderful and I'm excited to see a multi series cross over.
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