Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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A 8-year-old Stella? Awwwww OMG I wanna see that :eek: all these stories about her past sound interesting. In what episode will the little Stella appear? :confused:
Question: Do you have any new spoilers about CSI: NY?— Hannie
Ausiello: The show has put out a casting call for a child actress who looks like Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) at 8 years old. Not so coincidentally, they're also looking for a thirtysomething female to play a woman from Stella's past who harbors a secret identity.
As much as I do wanna see that, will it be too much with Stella's HIV storyline? Even though, I'm not convinced about that at all. :rolleyes: Or maybe TPTB would just like to wrap up the foster care line along with this one. That's more interesting than the HIV storyline.

Oh God, its April 18th when we get the next episode. That really sucks. :(
As much as I do wanna see that, will it be too much with Stella's HIV storyline?
There is a tie-in, and knowing Melina, I'm sure it will make for some great character-driven scenes. :D

I'm already starting to not like him for not liking Mac lol but I wanna know what his motive is...
It makes you wonder if "Raising Shane" was the first time that he and Mac have butted heads over something. I definitely think that there is a difference of method and viewpoint there, but as was pointed out in the episode review (which was lovely, as usual :D), it would have been nice if they hadn't put Gerrard in a position above Mac--the way that they clashed in "Raising Shane" was really interesting and it provided a bit of meat for Eddie as well since the poor man was in the middle...
Awww, with that curly hair little Stella is sure to be adorable! :) I want to see that too, especially since it'll tie in with her HIV storyline. I don't think they brought it up in last night's episode, did they? :confused: I forgot.
You know, I was glancing at an interview that CSIFiles did with Anthony Zuiker before season 3 started, and I came across this line, which I'm sure we all remember: "We felt like Gary Sinise in particular needed to have a real big game plan this season, meaning he needed a love interest and he needed a nemesis, and we're working on both of those right now,"

Early on we thought that Shane Casey was meant to be the nemesis, which was a bit of a letdown since he was only in two episodes, but could that actually have been referring to this Gerrard character instead? Just a thought. ;)
I posted these in the Danny thread, but I figure I'll bring them over here too. They're behind-the-scene shots from 3x21 - Past Imperfect.





We're safe now Fay, you wanna fill me in on why he's on the ground :p
:lol: Yeah. It's some sort of trick that involves poking money up through the boardwalk from underneath--I guess to get people walking by to bend down to grab it before you jerk it back down? Anyway, Danny knows about the game and wants to talk to the kids who are under there, to see if they know someone from the case. He says something about doing it when he was a kid, and I think it might allude to Louie. Hopefully we'll get some info about him in this episode, since it seems to have some brotherly stuff in it... :)

ETA: Oh, and picture 3 looks kind of naughty. :devil: Why don't you get down there with him, Sheldon? *whistles innocently*
Faylinn said:
ETA: Oh, and picture 3 looks kind of naughty. :devil: Why don't you get down there with him, Sheldon? *whistles innocently*
I agree, it is a rather *ahem* suggestive pose, is it not?? :devil:
It kind of looks like Sheldon is eating a sandwich or something and going "don't you want a pillow or something? That boardwalk is pretty hard." And Danny is just like "why am I still waiting?" :lol:
*drums fingers with impatience*
this dial up, which is the only access I can get, is so excrutiatingly slow, that I had to wait 10 minutes for the pics to load
*rant over*

@ allstar: where did you get those pics?

ETA: Oh, and picture 3 looks kind of naughty. Why don't you get down there with him, Sheldon? *whistles innocently*

don't you know that's why he was posing like that in the first place? waiting on Sheldon! :devil:
Cool pics! Danny on all fours...where's Flack? :confused: :lol: ;) Those are seriously some of the funniest promo pics I've seen. :lol:
A rumor was posted to one of the NCIS lists about there being major cast shake ups in both CSI Miami and CSI New York (okay, the rumor said C NCIS, but we think it meant NY)

Has anybody heard anything about this?
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