**Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

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I wonder if the Adam-naysayers will be as dismissive when their favorite cast-members' contracts come up for renewal and the negotiations reach an impasse.

I gotta say at this point the person who is the happiest about Eric returning wouldn't have nothing on the extreme joy I would feel if David Caruso decided to move on. I would walk away and not look back.

So no. I wouldn't be angry if my favorite cast member left.

But for the past 4 seasons it hasn't been a question of a cast members leaving. It's been a question of a lot of fans not getting any chance to see the cast members they truly love because Eric and Calleigh are the focus of the show - to the exclusion of others. And not just the E/C story. All team members virtually excluded so that E/C could be together a majority of the time - both on work time and in private time. Since their story is the main focus of the show for the last couple of seasons, Ryan, Natalia and Frank has suffered tremendously for screen time.

The writers share in the responsiblity for this animosity, IMO. There have been a couple of scenes with Eric and Calleigh that just seem to have been written to make those who are not onboard with the relationship angry.

Eric daydreaming at a crime scene. And the very worst of all - going back and forth between Eric and Calleigh getting up in the morning with Ryan cleaning up after have the crap beat out of him all night long.

More and more I beginning to think fanning the hostility is almost intentional on their part. I really think they get joy out of watching the fans go at each other.

Delquesne said:
I agree with redanemone, wickdwtch, lusiana88 and others who are nostalgic for the days when this board was a lighthearted place for fans of CSIM to talk about their favorite show, and yes, share constructive criticism and ideas. All the recent negativity is just depressing, and IMO, unnecessary. Please hold onto your rotten tomatoes
... I'm just expressing an opinion.:)

It's a two-way street. To get respect you have to give it. Respect for both sides of an issue. E/C fans have been there when it comes to the story for Eric and Calleigh not going their way. They have also just experienced what it's like to have a character who is one of your favorites make little or no appearances.

But there doesn't seem to be any sympathy for those with favorites who are not Eric and Calleigh and who are rarely seen.

The anger and hostility is a result of a lack of respect - on both sides.

Just my opinion. :)

Excellent suggestion about the book. Haven't read "To Kill a Mockingbird" for a while. It's calling my name!
The writers share in the responsiblity for this animosity, IMO. There have been a couple of scenes with Eric and Calleigh that just seem to have been written to make those who are not onboard with the relationship angry. More and more I beginning to think fanning the hostility is almost intentional on their part. I really think they get joy out of watching the fans go at each other.

Well, if that's the case then maybe we shouldn't give them the satisfaction. :lol: :p

I am really looking forward to the Kyle episode though. I wonder when that will air. I just hope Julia doesn't make an appearance. :lol:
Maybe it's time the writers focus on creating a close, positive relationship between the new guy and the series lead. Aren't these characters supposed to be long-time friends? Where is the friendship "connection?"

I agree with this! They made an effort to show that Jesse wasn't just some newbie replacement, they gave him a connection to both Horatio and Speed, they put him in the flashback showing that he was there when the team started out. And supposedly Jesse wanted to come to Miami and Horatio gave him a way in. So these are two characters that are old friends who obviously knew each other well, so why not show it more often, more of that bond and connection.

Well, I suppose it means something that Horatio didn't call Jesse "Mr. Cardoza" like he did and still sometimes do with Ryan and Natalia. But I for one was hoping to see more interactions between the two, so far, they haven't really show the bond as well.....maybe the "LA" episode will see more of Horatio and Jesse's friendship.
The writers share in the responsiblity for this animosity, IMO. There have been a couple of scenes with Eric and Calleigh that just seem to have been written to make those who are not onboard with the relationship angry. More and more I beginning to think fanning the hostility is almost intentional on their part. I really think they get joy out of watching the fans go at each other.

Well, if that's the case then maybe we shouldn't give them the satisfaction. :lol: :p

Again, sweetie. It really does go both ways. It would require all hands on deck and everyone to show some respect for the other. :(

GregNickRyanFan said:
I am really looking forward to the Kyle episode though. I wonder when that will air. I just hope Julia doesn't make an appearance. :lol:

I am too! I like the way Horatio is when Kyle is around. And I enjoy Evan. He's very good and he and David have great chemistry.

You know, while Julia got on my nerves for the most part, towards the end I really started feeling sorry for her. I was never a big fan of Elizabeth Berkely, but I enjoyed her performance at the end. I thought she stepped up her game pretty good as Julia went further and further out of control.

Well, I suppose it means something that Horatio didn't call Jesse "Mr. Cardoza" like he did and still sometimes do with Ryan and Natalia. But I for one was hoping to see more interactions between the two, so far, they haven't really show the bond as well.....maybe the "LA" episode will see more of Horatio and Jesse's friendship.

At this point I think Horatio calling Ryan "Mr. Wolfe" is meant as a term of endearment! :lol:

I got the impression that "LA" would be more a Horatio/Eric episode. But I guess we'll have to wait and see. As someone else noted, most spoilers seem to be focused on E/C lately.
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I wouldn't be surprised if Julia is sitting at the bottom of the continuity hole along with Madison, Suzy, Duke, Ray Jr., Ron Saris...the list goes on.
Can't say I'd be disappointed either. I really like Kyle/Evan, & would rather tptb stick to Father&Son & leave Mommy Dearest out of it.
I also hope that when Kyle returns home in 8.18, it's for good; I want to see where this goes for them.
I hope Kyle is brought back permantly-I could see him at University or working full time..I don't think the show needs his mom around anymore except maybe a passing reference- "gee, gotta go visit mom in the hospital since coming home fr war"? that'd be enuf for now..look forward to how they will end this season-the episodes seemed disjointed and not very well written-hoping Dishonor changes that..
Thanks for the link! I am really looking forward to this episode, Rob Zombie is an amazing director/actor/musician.
Going to really love seeing all the special effects too, not to mention the guest cast is quiet a list of talent!
This board is supposed to be for spoilers for season 8, but all that have recently been going on is people arguing about Adam's return etc and who is behind it blah blah. For one we do not know the details of the how that agreement was reached so we actually need to stop the speculation and either you are glad he is back or not. I know not everybody agrees with E/C pairing and we get that, but you do not have to keep mentioning that in this board go over to the corresponding board please. Every time I come up here there is always something about the writers and peoples commenting on how they are approaching things. Someone start a board about random CSI Miami things and discuss them there so we who actually come up here for SPOILERS do not have to read your opinions on every little thing that is happening in the world of CSI Miami. PLEASE :cool:
This board is supposed to be for spoilers for season 8, but all that have recently been going on is people arguing about Adam's return etc and who is behind it blah blah. For one we do not know the details of the how that agreement was reached so we actually need to stop the speculation and either you are glad he is back or not. I know not everybody agrees with E/C pairing and we get that, but you do not have to keep mentioning that in this board go over to the corresponding board please. Every time I come up here there is always something about the writers and peoples commenting on how they are approaching things. Someone start a board about random CSI Miami things and discuss them there so we who actually come up here for SPOILERS do not have to read your opinions on every little thing that is happening in the world of CSI Miami. PLEASE :cool:

I think it'll eventually die down and go back to normal around here. Until it does, for those of you who don't get much time on the computer and just want to see the spoilers and not have to wade through all the other stuff, you can check out the Spoiler Reference Guide. The thread is locked, so there is nothing but spoilers posted there. :)
Promo for 8.16 'LA' is already released. :cool:

I'm quite intrigued by the dark, spooky feel of the preview clip:evil:, and I'm really looking forward to this episode. I tend to associate this ominous type of atmosphere :devil: with CSI (Vegas), while CSIM has traditionally stayed on the lighter side of things. It'll be really interesting to see what CSIM does with the horror/thriller genre. I like smart horror flicks, so I'm hoping that Rob Zombie brings that type of flavor to episode 8.16. And the guest cast list is top-notch, too. :thumbsup: Only one week left to go!
I'm quite intrigued by the dark, spooky feel of the preview clip:evil:, and I'm really looking forward to this episode. I tend to associate this ominous type of atmosphere :devil: with CSI (Vegas), while CSIM has traditionally stayed on the lighter side of things. It'll be really interesting to see what CSIM does with the horror/thriller genre. I like smart horror flicks, so I'm hoping that Rob Zombie brings that type of flavor to episode 8.16. And the guest cast list is top-notch, too. :thumbsup: Only one week left to go!

I am too!

I've got a feeling that once this episode is aired it might be a little hard to go back to "business as usual". I tend to like "dark" stories (HUGE X-Files fan - especially the first 4 seasons) and this one looks, as you said, dark and spooky.
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