Spiderman 3

I wasn't particularly pleased with that movie either...Had its shortcomings..
No offence...I'm a fan of both franchises...
The Xmen movie,like this,was good,just not memorable for me...
Ever since Batman Begins,every other superhero movie fails to live up to the standard set by Batman Begins...
BB raised the standard real high...That was a great movie,if i ever saw one...
I haven't seen batman yet but i did like the new Superman (forgot the title). But if there's any superhero movie that i'm really disappointed with, it would be Fantastic 4.

Whoah! :eek: Is it just me or are we out of the topic. :cool: Hehe! :lol: I have a question, can anyone explain to me why Peter Parker didn't get the real amount of money he was suppose to in the wrestling match in the first movie? I know it's kind of too late to ask but I still don't get it. :D
He would have had to give his real name and social security number for taxes to be withheld from his winnings.
This movie was a disappointment to me. My favorite part was Venom. I thought the use of Gwen Stacey was a waste because i feel they used her as a filler character. I liked her better as Peter's girlfriend before MJ in the comics. And the whole mask thing kept pissing me off. I feel bad cause i was supposed to go again tonight but i can't do it.
Ok I have to admit that I had never watched the Spiderman movies until this week when I borrowed from a friend. I loved the first one and the second was ok but I liked the third one. I liked the Sandman character and found "Bad Spiderman" interesting and the Venom character was creepy.

Now I seem to be in the minority here because I liked the third but maybe it is because I just discovered Spiderman this week and everything is so new and not years old already. I find Tobey great as Spiderman. He has such a sappy look on his face when he is riding that bike of his--like he is in his own world and everything is great. I don't think I have really seen him in anything else but he seems like a good actor and can carry a movie.

I was just listening to the news and they had on the box office amounts for Spiderman and said that there will be a 4th Spiderman as long as all the original stars are in it.
Comte said:
Tink..I'm sorry if i spoiled it...Won't happen again...
No problem. ;)

Argh. I have to wait until next week to watch Spiderman. :eek: Jeez, it sucks that I'm so busy. :(
Went to see this yesterday. I liked it, but Spiderman films are generally good anyway. The only fault I had was that it was a little bit long and it seemed like they tried to do too much in it.

Enjoy it anyone who has yet to see it!! :)
I enjoyed it completely!! Saw it about 3 times now and soon will make it four this coming weekend!! hehe

Did you here about a possible fourth spidey movie? The entire cast said they were up for it as long as the original actors came back and reprised their roles and if the same director filmed it.
saw spiderman 3 last week even though it was a bit long i still thought it was brilliant but i realli didnt like peter wen he was a cocky idiot
I saw this movie today. It was good. It was funny too at times, funnier than the last two have been. The end was sort of sad though, but I was glad Harry learned the truth.