Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

Wow! A German thread! I'm German in heritage, although sadly, I don't speak the language. :( I wish I could, though. So, how is everyone here?
well i can only speak for myself, but i'm fine! just got me a night snack because i was so hungry :lol:
you are german in heritage? better than nothing ;)
and you don't speak the language 4ENSIX ??? you are really missing something!
I know, I know! It's actually a really long story as to why I don't speak it...I'll tell you later. I wish I could speak German - I'd give anything for it!

:eek: cathwillows, you changed your location! You're no longer cruisin' the streets of Vegas?!?
nope, now i'm busy because i became a pathologist and have to work with doc robbins ;)
work first and then the pleasure....
well sounds pretty dull but i wanted to translate the german saying "erst die arbeit, dann das vergnügen" :lol:
i think it's ok to write it in german as we are here in the GERMAN thread :p
maybe you can learn one or two german words here...
cathwillows said:
well sounds pretty dull but i wanted to translate the german saying "erst die arbeit, dann das vergnügen" :lol:
What about "business before pleasure"? I think we had that saying in school several months ago.
oh yes! that sounds much better! :lol:
well the last thing we did in english in school was interpreting poems or reading macbeth :rolleyes:
and unfortunately there aren't sayings like that in it.
cathwillows said:
well the last thing we did in english in school was interpreting poems or reading macbeth :rolleyes:
We had Macbeth last year. I didn't like this topic, because I didn't understand all this Elizabethan language. Have you seen already the film "Macbeth"? I think it's really awful.
And Shakespeare sonnets are a real pain (for me). :(

Next week when I'm going to write my "Abiturklausur" in English I won't take the Shakespeare topic. At least we can choose between 2 topics.
I'd like to have a speech or something about globalization or genetic engineering or Utopia&Dystopia. That would be great
Wow. We never did much in our english 'Leistungskurs'. :D
We had to buy a little book with general stuff (it has cost us 10€) and we just worked with it 3 times in one year. :rolleyes:

But I made a presentation about MacBeth and I got 13points. :D
I was so proud. *g*

Does anybody has read 'The Great Gatsby'?
We had to. The first chapter was so difiicult to read but later it was very easy. Everyone in my course had to write an essay about one of the characters. We were only 6 people on that course.
As I always have been the quitest in the course, guess what..I had to characterize Gatsby himself.
I wrote around 20 pages. And my essay was the best of the course. 14 points. My teacher also asked me if she would be allowed to use it as a shining example for the next class. Made me so proud. :D

We hadn't had the choice to choose something 'Shakespeare'-like during the 'Abiturprüfung' because we did it in the last quarter right before the exams. Made all of us very glad. :D

We could choose between a short story the 'Apartheid' and the other one has been a newspaper article concerning the education of children. I was the only one who took the education stuff. I read that short story, which was written as a letter of a son to his mum, and it just didn't fancy me much and I thought that everyone else would take this one.
So I took the other task.

Finally I got 10points. And my teacher told me:"Damn, Jenny! Couldn't you also take the 'Apartheid' task as everyone else? Would have saved much time though!" But she was grinning as she told me so it wasn't really meant as that. :D

Has been really cool.

Just make sure you have enough time to check all your writing on mistakes! :)

My english teacher was cool..and she's still very cool!
We could choose the themes for the lessons on our owns. She didn't want to make the same as everyone else did. We didn't read a whole Shakespeare books e.g. and we read "Alan and Naomi" during the 'relationship theme'. I have to check my english folders to be sure.

Wow...that's a very long post. :lol:
FreakyLady said:
We had Macbeth last year. I didn't like this topic, because I didn't understand all this Elizabethan language. Have you seen already the film "Macbeth"? I think it's really awful.
And Shakespeare sonnets are a real pain (for me). :(

Next week when I'm going to write my "Abiturklausur" in English I won't take the Shakespeare topic. At least we can choose between 2 topics.
I'd like to have a speech or something about globalization or genetic engineering or Utopia&Dystopia. That would be great
we did the same topics in the jahrgangsstufe 13! i was pretty good at the shakespear topic :D i had 10 points in the klausur! :eek: that's pretty good for me...and i still know the sonnet "shall i compare thee to a summer's day" by heart :lol:
i hated utopia&dystopia!!! 1984 and stuff like that just drove me crazy! :rolleyes:
i wish you luck with your abiturklausur FreakyLady

eta: oh yes i've seen the movie, it sucked i think :lol: we had to analyze it :rolleyes: but again i was pretty good, got 10 or 9 points...
and i hated my english teacher! she was the biggest freak ever! sometimes she just started to laugh and noone knew why :rolleyes: or she said "a rose is a rose is a rose" :eek: and nobody understood that, we only laughed a bit so she won't notice that we were absolutely clueless about her intention :lol:
cathwillows said:
eta: oh yes i've seen the movie, it sucked i think :lol: we had to analyze it :rolleyes: but again i was pretty good, got 10 or 9 points...

You mean 'Gatsby'?

We also watched it. But it's been right before x-mas and I wasn't at school that day. hm...no it's been in October and I wasn't at school the whole week. Only on Monday. Many lessons has been cancelled that week and the most boring courses were lectured and as my mum and dad weren't home that week (they've been in Croatia for holiday) I simply stayed home the whole week. It was..cool? :D

But in the 12th grade we were writing the second klausur and it was an analization of a movie. The movie has been 'The English Patient'. It was cool. It was so different as every other test before. I got 12 points.
Mainly based on the letter I've written. I got an A for it. No mistakes! Really cool. :D
no i meant the shakespear movie :lol:
i've never seen "gatsby"....

*eta YAY i started the second page of our wonderful thread!!! woohoo :rolleyes: sorry for being a bit childish
Oh. Okay. Sorry for misunderstanding that. ^^ My fault. Sounded like it.

Already two pages... cool...but we're still the same people...not many germans I'm afraid..though I've seen some more than just us. :D
no problem....i'm great in misunderstanding things! you could say i'm the queen of misunderstanding :lol:
the other germans miss all the fun we can have here :p
i'm sure Stoky and FreakyLady will be here soon. i'm only here because i don't have anything to do right now :lol: i just had dinner *yummy* :D
Can I join in? My only links to Germany are; my Granddad has been there many times (speaks a little german) and I take the language as a GCSE; so far I'm a grade A in the first modular test I took for my exams.

I'd also like to have a more knowledgable grasp of german culture. So am I allowed to play? :D
sure! everyone with the tiniest link to germany is welcome!!!
glad you want to join us germans here CSIannalysse :D
btw is there a shorter version of your name? :lol: anna maybe or something else?