Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

Seeing as this is the German thread, are we actually allowed to talk soley in German? Not that I want to, I was just wondering...What with all the rules this board has...
I think they said since this is an international board we're asked to keep it English. German Floskeln should be okay I guess but it would be unfair to the rest of the users to exclude them from the conversations by using a language foreign to them.

But I haven't read the rules in all detail so I wouldn't know.

So... semester holidays are over here in Germany, that's back to Uni... first day was fun, our English teacher made fun of the German school system and how Germans tend to simplify grammar rules when teaching English.
Haha, like you ever read the rules in the first place :p

Anyhow, you have so few classes you asked me to take you to one of mine, now that's desperate :lol: And your English teacher is funny, I love her. Even though she has her weird British accent ;)

So, anyone else a student in here?
Student yeah. Not at university though. :p
I'm still stuck at high school.

Why do I have to be in 13th grade? I believe, Germany is the only freaking country where people have to go to school for 13 years.
They're cutting it down to 12 now, but all the helpful stuff is alway done for the years after mine... Like when I came into 4th grade, they started teaching languages in 3rd grade. :rolleyes:
I hate German schools for everything they've done to me! :p

My English teacher is not that good but she likes me and she always gives me 15 points (A+), so I have no reason to complain. :lol:
My English teachers in high school were all losers. I was suprised they even made it through university. Now I'm not as suprised anymore, seeing how many morons study with me in their third year and still can't keep basic grammar rules straight. :rolleyes:
13 years of school are not that bad, I know people say it all the time and I never believed it but school is really the best time of your life, at least the easiest. Uni is so exhausting, you have to take up so much resposnibility and you have to actually make decisions about your future, back at school it was all "oh well, it's only 3 lessons today, I think I'm gonna feign sickness" (at least the last year, after I had turned 18)

Uni life is different, miss 2 lessons and you've failed. You don't get a timetable, you don't know where to go, you don't know many people... it takes a while to get settled and used to life as a grown up.

As for the English in grade 3, I was soo jealous of everyone younger than me who had English when I first had it in grade 5.

But well, the past is in the past... at least I didn't have afternoon school, like the poor kids who live in the new 12 year to Abi system...
Only 3 hours of school? In my dreams maybe :rolleyes:... I always have 8 or 9... always start in 1st hour and don't have any free hours. (even if I dropped the classes that I don't have to take, my schedule would still be packed)
And I never skip because I have the kind of tutor that will totally kick your ass if you don't show a sick note within two days or if you don't call in sick in the morning, if you're not coming to school.
I think I wouldn't survive uni anyway. :lol:

Yeah, I felt the same about being the last year to start languages so late. I was in 5th grade an the 4th graders already had one year more than I did... how is that fair?
Btw, I didn't start studying English until 7th grade, because I chose French in 5th.

But since this is the GERMAN topic :D : All the German teachers I've had were real nut jobs. No wonder it's my least favorite subject.
Actually there was only one day on which I had 3, the others were a little longer too.

And I always dutyfully wrote my own sick notes :lol:

I actually liked German at school, so much that I chose it to be my primary subject along with English. Problem was my German teacher in grade 12 sucked and I started hating the subject. We read so many pointless books and plays...
Oh my god, you chose German? Craaaaaaaazy. :lol: What grade did you get in the end? (If I may ask )
I had the same German teacher for 4 years from 7th to 10th and I just couldn't stand him. No matter if I did read the books or not, he would always just assume that I did not, critize one single thing in my summary and give me a C- .... I've really really learned how to hate this class. xD

Ha ha, one girl in my math class, has only one single hour on Fridays (maths :rolleyes: ) ... :lol:
My German end grade was 10 I think. Not bad considering I started with 4 :lol:

Now I sound like a loser. I had 14/15 in English though. :D
Jorja_Rain said:
So, anyone else a student in here?


I'm also a student. I would've written earlier but I was waiting for my internet for over 2 months. Now everythings working again and I can browse around my forums again. ^^

I started studying this year. I'm studying english and public law. It's really cool. I've also got a course in 'german history 1890-1932'. It's really interesting.
Yay! thanks for reviving this thread :D it seems as if we can't manage to keep this thread alive for a long time...
but as it is active now i just wanna say i can't believe that it's almost christmas again :eek: how did that happen???

anyways, i'm gonna go to the "Weihnachtsmarkt" in Essen today and i really hope it won't start raining. it looks good so i'll keep my fingers crossed. i like the "Essener Lichterwochen", all the great light-pictures look really cool. this year the theme is Norway i believe. so everyone who lives near Essen should try to go and see it. :D
And it's not only christmas... it's almost a new year! That's also scary!

I'd love to visit the 'weihnachtsmarkt' in Essen. I've visited it once before.... but now I'm so far away from the 'Ruhrpott'. Next bigger towns are Berlin and Rostock. Berlin would be cool but I don't have a car and I don't want to go there by train. ^^

Let's try to keep the thread alive for a longer time now... :D
Christmas... I don't like Christmas so much, but I do like the "Weihnachtsmarkt" here in Detmold. My fave drink is "Lumumba", which is hot chocolate with amaretto. Yummy! :)
How do you celebrate Christmas, by the way? Something special, like games to get presents and stuff? I guess my Christmas Eve will be quite boring with only my parents and me, my little sister is in the USA, and I don't know what to do when she's not there. Maybe I'll even go to the disco later that night, rock the boredom away with nice, totally not-peaceful-and-holy metal and punk rock. :)
On the 2nd Christmas Day our riding club will go for a ride, I'm so looking forward to that, I hope we'll have snow till then, that would be my personal highlight for Christmas - riding in the snow!
Ich spreche nur ein bisscen Deutsch...

And as you can see, I can't spell it at all! :D

Just thought I'd pop by and say heya. Oh, and there was a German market near me today... though that ws pretty cool. With German beer (bier -right?) and sausages (wurst?) I had fun.

I learnt German in high schol, then forgot it all. I'm trying to relearn though, I love the language.

Okies, I'm off. *waves*

Jodie xx