Speed/Rory #7: 'Speed Is The Name Of The Game'

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Hi calleighspeedle. Nice pics! I've had to edit your links though, as they were stretching the screen. Please could you choose shorter web page references. Thanks. :)
Thanks calleighspeedle for the new pics! :D I however HATE watermarks, but oh well YAY NEW PICTURES! *dances around the room and falls down*
*squee* YAAAAAY!! New pics! :D *joins dancing* I hate watermarks too, but they're not so bad as long as they don't do it ascross his face...
YAY! Dress shirt and jeans, I missed that! :D
*looks at new pics* Aww he's with the cast...*looks around* Is it just me or does he look better with the Miami cast? ...Oh well.
:D Those pics are wonderful! Thanks so much to everyone who posted them for us.

I love new Rory pics!
I had a lot photos about L.A. premiere.

Where did you get those calleighspeedle ? I can´t find them on WireImages. Or did they misspell his name again ? Sometimes he´s listed as Rory Cochran. But i searched with and without E and can´t find your pix
*is dying*


HAHA Adam Rodriguez. :lol: .....YAY! *huggles Kimberiea and calleighspeedle*

Thanks so much for the pics! *dances and then faints*
kimberiea I just visited your website and checked the ASD photos. Why are the pix so blurry ?
Chez said:
kimberiea I just visited your website and checked the ASD photos. Why are the pix so blurry ?

Blog's pics?
But I linked to that no problem.
Maybe your computer screen must adjust brightness.
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