Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Glad to see he's in a relationship. I hope it works out for him and that he's very happy. :)

I think he has been with this same woman for ages At least 4/5 years I think. I know I saw them same woman who was papped with him last Summer in a picture with him in 2003. 'bout time you popped the Q Rory :lol:....joke

I feel bad for interviewers who have to go through that. Though I can understand why Rory was really just giving the answers and hoping it would be over soon. If I had to answer another question starting with "So Right at Your Door is about fear of the unknown right?" or "So what was it like leaving CSI:Miami?" I would explode. Bless him for at least answering. :lol:

I'm sick of reading the same answers in every interview so god knows Rory must be at the end of his tether. But then I guess that not everyone will be searchin' out all interviews like us :eek:

The guy still could have done a little self-promotion--it's not an evil thing. Does this man not have any sort of ego? :p Besides, we'd like to know what kind of role he has and who he'll be playing. I suspect it'll be a gangster, but you never know. I'm just excited to know he's still working and having a great time. :)

Me too me too!!! I was getting worried we might have been entering a tumbleweed-esq 2008 so I was more than made up about yesterdays developments. Certainly a good way to brighten up a Monday morning :p

I never thought I had a chance with him so... :p

You didn't :eek: :eek: erm...

Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

June_85 said
I think he has been with this same woman for ages At least 4/5 years I think. I know I saw them same woman who was papped with him last Summer in a picture with him in 2003. 'bout time you popped the Q Rory

Really? WOW! Apparently I've been living on the moon. :lol: (Which would be fun, too bad there isn't any air on the moon) Yeesh. Well I hope they're happy! That man sure doesn't give away many details. (I knew he seemed a little too natural as a married man in RAYD. *shifty eyes*)

*pokes him*


^ LMFAO June.

And yeah, I'm sick of reading the same answers too. I can just picture him rolling his eyes and humouring the interviewer by throwing in a dry joke just so the damn thing doesn't fall flat on its face. There's something to be said for panel conferences. At least he can handle off the questions. Plus they're fun to watch. :D I was watching one with him and the RAYD cast/crew. He's such a cutie.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Bloody Hell Geni! :eek: You posted that response 20 min after me so either your up really late on a Monday night or getting up too early on a Tuesday morning haha. Something tells me it is the former. :p

Yeah....I mean I'm not 100% certain, I don't think any of us can be but I'm sure this girl is the same as this girl and that first picture is from March 2003 (its from WireImage) I know I can't say for definate that it is her but she has the same hair colour and build and certainly knows that its raining a good ft before I do :p :lol: infact in that picture it looks as though she would even know before Rory :lol: But er yeah if it is her and if I was her I would want a ring my finger by now :p haha

I was watching one with him and the RAYD cast/crew. He's such a cutie

Are you refering to the miniclip which someone posted on YouTube or have you got another video which your keeping to yourself? :p :D

Could you PM me think link to it pretty pretty please? :cool:
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

June_85 said
Bloody Hell Geni! :eek: You posted that response 20 min after me so either your up really late on a Monday night or getting up too early on a Tuesday morning haha. Something tells me it is the former. :p

The joys of insomnia I'm afraid. :lol: Though it's probably not best to excite the mind with the internet when trying to sleep. :eek:

The youtube video is here. (Since we're allowed to link to handy dandy YouTube here now :D)I'm pretty sure it's the same teeny clip from Comic Con. It's a shame I don't have a longer one hidden away somewhere, heh.

^ Oooh and I forgot about that first picture. I first saw it on Justadam.net a while back.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Yeah....I mean I'm not 100% certain, I don't think any of us can be but I'm sure this girl is the same as this girl and that first picture is from March 2003 (its from WireImage) I know I can't say for definate that it is her but she has the same hair colour and build and certainly knows that its raining a good ft before I do :p :lol: infact in that picture it looks as though she would even know before Rory :lol: But er yeah if it is her and if I was her I would want a ring my finger by now :p haha

There's a girl in those pictures?? I didn't see a girl, I just saw Rory! :D
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I seen that picture. I think it cute.
I love the way he is holding her hand,
and they look like their looking at flowers.
What a cute one for valentine's day!!

I hope he is having a good one!!
And you all two!!

Oh P.S.
2 weeks from today is his birthday!!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

^ Yeah, I've been such a bad Rory/Speed fan. :eek: RL affords me less and less time these days.

Eight days until his birthday y'all! :)

If you could choose one present to give Rory on his special day, what would it be? I'd probably give him an electric guitar--he seems to be into music. :D

Which reminds me, I had a *squee* moment when watching RAYD. His character owns the same electric guitar that I do. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I've completely negleted all things Rory and all things CSI at late. I've been completely engrosed in LOST. I watched it from the begining again (I only watches upto S1E10 last time around) but I've watched S1 to S3 in just under 2 weeks and I'm addicted :lol: totally in loved with Matthew Fox and Josh Holloway :p

Hmmm Rory will be 36 in one week :eek: old git :p lol I don't know what I'd get him, not thought about it haha..... I'll have a think and get back to ya....
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

How about getting him a funny card and a hug
and a kiss and maybe some chocolate kisses too!!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

He looks good for 36!

I am 8 years older then he is.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Are you kidding me? :lol: He looks HOT for 36!!! Hope we get some new pics of him soon though!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Don't know if someone has seen this already:

"Public Enemies" on IMDB

Rory will be playing next to Johnny Depp :eek: and Christian Bale :eek::eek: Instead of "Public Enemies" they should have named this movie "Public Hotties" :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

And calleighspeedle: it is not that bad to turn 30 ;)
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