Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Well I've checked all the usual paparazzi photo websites and they have loads of red carpet pictures from the premier and the after-show party pictures. But nothing of Rory :( or of any of the other 'guests' that were listed, like the likes of Cole Hauser etc. Nevermind :p
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

^ That sucks about not getting any new Rory pictures. *sigh* And arg, sucks about no Cole Hauser ones too. :p

Oh well, I suppose we'll get some in time. It's in our nature as Speed/Rory fans to be rather patient, heh. Okay, well, patient up to a point.

I'm still reeling about what he said in regards to the 'mortgage man'. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Hey guys in case you don't know Bang Bang, Your Debt is on tonight be sure not to miss it!!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

^thanks for the reminder!

Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Um, Hi, I'm new here. *Waves sheepishly*

I'm watching Bang Bang, Your Debt right now, and it's the second time I've seen it, but I think this time it really hit me that I really miss Speed. (Not that I hadn't before, it just wasn't this much.) I love Rory, and just watching this episode after not watching reruns for a while made me really sad. I want him back.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Welcome to the world of crazy Rory fans, smiliee!! i hope you have fun here.

don't worry we all miss him alot!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Oh come now, no sheepishness in here! ;) Great to have you, smiliee.

I'm with you--watching this episode really makes one think about the earlier episodes and it made me miss him a lot more too. Although I'm glad the writers/TPTB were so generous in giving us a storyline that involved Speed. And it sounded to me (after watching it featured on ET the first night it aired) that Rory had a great time being back with the cast again. I think he called it 'strange but comfortable'. :)

I'm eternally greatful the wardrobe people didn't put him in some kind of Miami-Vice-Super-Fantastical-Pastel-Getup. :lol: I probably would have exploded with the injustice of it all.

I have to give the writers credit, they really pulled off the episode well. Did anyone else catch when Delko said 'Never say never' as being something Ann Donahue formerly said regarding Rory's return? Ah, I always look for hints when there are none but I hoped this was kind of a *nudge nudge Speed fans* moment.

I loved when we found out Speed had 200 dollars credit on his card. Wow that man sure didn't spend a lot, either that or he overpaid his bills. Funny how he gets more development without actually being there. :eek:
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Shining Smiliee happy
Rory's Fans!!!

I love that ep and this time I was able to
recorded it!!
So I can watch it when I get home today!!

:lol: :lol: ;) :)
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Alright...all those who cried last night during the episode...raise your hand!!

I was smiling happily when Speed came on, but by the end of the episode, You know me, of course I cried. :(

I miss my Speed!! :(
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

damn i missed it lasy night *goes to itunes* but yeah i loved it the 1st time i saw it. and like Geni said the writers really did an impecable job of bringing him back with out making the whole situation ridiculous and stupid. and i too am so glad they didn't put him in some lime green or god forbid something yellow ha because as much as i love rory i don't think he could pull off those colors ha.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

timspeedlefan said:
Alright...all those who cried last night during the episode...raise your hand!!

*raises hand*

BBYD is a well-done episode, at the end I was in tears. Not good when I'm watching it just a few minutes before school starts :lol: It was awesome to see Speed again, as always.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

SpeedsDaughter said:
timspeedlefan said:
Alright...all those who cried last night during the episode...raise your hand!!

*raises hand*

BBYD is a well-done episode, at the end I was in tears. Not good when I'm watching it just a few minutes before school starts :lol: It was awesome to see Speed again, as always.

I went to bed right after the show, after my crying jag, and then I wonder why I was so tired and my eyes were puffy this morning. Sheesh :lol:

I am interested to find out if they are definately going have him back on another episode *fingers crossed and doing a "bring back Speedle even if he is a vision" (one I wouldn't mind having) dance*. Just have to wait and see.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I didn't get to watch last night, I had to work :( But I still have it recorded from last time it was on, so maybe I'll be able to find time soon to watch it again.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I hope they do bring him back.
WHo to say that Eric is actaully taking
the pills that he needs to take to stop seeing
If I was Eric I throw those pills away,
and not tell anyone that I can still see
him and talk to him!!

No need to cure me on that!!
No need!!%0
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

shortea said:
I hope they do bring him back.
WHo to say that Eric is actaully taking
the pills that he needs to take to stop seeing
If I was Eric I throw those pills away,
and not tell anyone that I can still see
him and talk to him!!

No need to cure me on that!!
No need!!%0

I agree. Pills? What pills? *tosses the bottle of pills out the window* :lol:
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