Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Hey Ladies! Good news! Rory is living and working!

Found out that he films a movie named "Public Enemies" in Chicago. Shooting starts in March and it´s also starring Christian Bale and Johnny Depp so we have a pretty, pretty, pretty good chance that the movie makes it on the big screen.

Here´s the link: Interview

Best wishes from Austria,
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

OO Good work Need for Speed!!!

Thanks for letting us know!!!
I glad he is working.
I was little worry about him durning
this writers strike.

I hope the give him a big part too!!

Thanks for the link too!!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Thanks so much for the link, NeedForSpeed, and welcome to the Miami Forum. :D

This is great! It's awesome to know he's going to be in another movie--it sounds pretty interesting too.

I can't believe in that interview he said the episode he was in didn't make any sense. :lol: It did so. Of course, I don't think he went over the script intensely like us Miami fans always do. Nevertheless, I'm glad he took it on.

Thanks for the pictures calleighspeedle! :)
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Rory and Johnny in a movie together? It's like a dream come true! Thanks for the info and the interview link :D
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Awesome... Yet another movie I'll be waiting impatiently for...

Btw, I just rented and watched 'A Scanner Darkly" and I loved Rory's character in it. I don't why, I just did...

Probably just cuz it's Rory, huh? Lol
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

^ Well, the trippy animation was pretty cool too. :cool:

So since June mentioned RAYD was coming out in Canada and the US, I just had to go check out Blockbuster yesterday. Our family was at Boston Pizza and we were talking about movies we'd like to rent that we hadn't seen in a while and I suggested RAYD. So we went to the movie store but I couldn't find it anywhere--of course. I wasn't really expecting to find it. :lol:

So we dropped my mom off at home and I continued on the great hunt with my dad. We went to another small movie store near my house and it wasn't there either--of course. So we travel to the end of the city to the other Blockbuster and we search there. Nothing. :lol:

By the way, the movie stores in my city are pretty much crap when it comes to independant movies. So we go to the first Blockbuster again. (It was busier a half hour before and we didn't want to hold up the lines asking for a movie no one's heard of) The crowd died down so we went to the front desk and my dad says "Do you guys have this 'Right at Your Door' movie?" well the guy at Blockbuster magically knew what we were talking about! :lol: He left for about a minute and found the last copy for us. Evidently, I'm terrible at looking for movies because I never look at the bottom rack. :rolleyes:

So I got to see the movie with my parents last night and they actually liked it. Save for the movie being a tad dark and we had to adjust the television, it was pretty entertaining.

And that was my Rory movie extravaganza. :lol: (I just realized I say 'so' a LOT)
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

^^lucky! i can't find it. i'm going to have to try one of the stores in the mall because when i asked the kid at blockbuster about it he looked at me like i had 2 heads ha. but i'm glad you got to see it, i think that makes me the only one in this thread to not see the movie yet.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

fo_poozle said:
^^lucky! i can't find it. i'm going to have to try one of the stores in the mall because when i asked the kid at blockbuster about it he looked at me like i had 2 heads ha. but i'm glad you got to see it, i think that makes me the only one in this thread to not see the movie yet.

You're not alone, I haven't seen it yet myself.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I haven't either... Lol

But, yeah, the animation in "A Scanner Darkly" is pretty trippy, huh? I think I just realized part of why I loved Rory's character... I watched some of the special features on the DVD and they said that the first day of filming, Rory came up with these, like, ticks, those nervous twitches, and it was great cuz he kept them consistent throughout filming...

I loved the twitchiness! And I really loved the little spaz-out moment, where Barris reached towards Freck, and Freck just like, spazzes out! Lol! Anyway...

Moving on... Lol
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

DragonflyDreamer said:
Rory and Johnny in a movie together? It's like a dream come true! Thanks for the info and the interview link :D

I most definately concur.

Oh I'm too excited about this already and I haven't even read the interview from the link yet.


OK I've just read the interview (whilst being interputed by work issues :rolleyes: :lol:) He soooooooooo doesn't like being interviewed does he? I bet he is a journo's nightmare :lol: He's not rude or anything but when I see actors/musicians being interviewed on TV and they just don't want to be there and are curt and short with their responses, you can tell the interviewer is trying their upmost best to keep the interview alive, but the interviewee is giving them nothing....I cringe and have to flick the TV over. I've known Vince Vaughn be like that on a couple of occasions over here. :eek:

I'll let Rory off though as I am biased. I know he isn't a rude pig, he just sick and tired of answering the same questions over and over again. He must have been doing press for this movie for 18 months now haha :lol: Although I think this particular journalist did try and ask a few different questions and tried to make it less boring for Rory but he isn't giving him anything :p Bless him at the end “Dude, c’mon, it’s okay to do a little self-promotion!” - Rory just has no intrest in doing so has he?

Oh I just imdb'd 'Public Enemies' and Rory isn't down on the cast list yet but Marion Cotillard is. I like her, she won a BAFTA for 'Leading Actress' at last nights awards


OK this is like my 4th edit of this post :lol: I've found another interview here link

*okay 5th edit*

I just read the interview and I swear to god my heart was in my mouth towards the end of the interview when he says...

For any of you girls who think you have a chance with Rory. Think again. While he did date Renée Zellweger for four years, he is in a "very happy relationship with a non actress" and having fun with their new Stabyhoun, Jack. And now living in Los Angeles.

When I first read it I didn't see the word Stabyhoun but I saw the letters ....aby... and I swear my stomach flipped. :eek: :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

OMG June, you were on a roll today. :lol:

Glad to see he's in a relationship. I hope it works out for him and that he's very happy. :)

June_85 said
He soooooooooo doesn't like being interviewed does he? I bet he is a journo's nightmare He's not rude or anything but when I see actors/musicians being interviewed on TV and they just don't want to be there and are curt and short with their responses, you can tell the interviewer is trying their upmost best to keep the interview alive, but the interviewee is giving them nothing..

I feel bad for interviewers who have to go through that. Though I can understand why Rory was really just giving the answers and hoping it would be over soon. If I had to answer another question starting with "So Right at Your Door is about fear of the unknown right?" or "So what was it like leaving CSI:Miami?" I would explode. Bless him for at least answering. :lol:

You can kind of tell he's the sort of guy who doesn't take a lot of crap and would probably just say "Enough already" but he didn't. Gotta love a man's patience. I feel for him, I really do. I don't think I'd be able to handle being an actress just because of the same interviews over and over again. The guy still could have done a little self-promotion--it's not an evil thing. Does this man not have any sort of ego? :p Besides, we'd like to know what kind of role he has and who he'll be playing. I suspect it'll be a gangster, but you never know. I'm just excited to know he's still working and having a great time. :)

For any of you girls who think you have a chance with Rory. Think again.

I never thought I had a chance with him so... :p

Thanks so much June for sharing all of this with us!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

calleighspeedle...where did you get those pics?! that just made my day! thanks :D
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