Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Oh great question Megan! :D

I'd like to see him work with Tarantino--that would make an interesting movie. Plus, if it's Independant, all the more fun! It would be great to see what could happen between the directing styles of Tarantino and Rory's ability to portray just about any character. Something dark would be cool.

I'm not sure who else I'd like to see him work with actor-wise though...Nicholas Cage would be interesting.

^^ You and me both Jenna_Caine. Even Rory could attest to how poorly-done the idea was. He even suggested ways they could write him out but in the end they basically said "No, you're leaving and we're making the decision." Sucks for the credibility of TPTB but I think with 'BBYD', they made a pretty wise choice that made up for some of the slack they pulled earlier on.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I agree they should came up with a better story line.
Speed is to smart. Yeah maybe he forgot to clean
one time, but he would had learn from the first time.
Speed was to good to die the way he did.

I saw Innocent last night.

He was so cute that girl Cookie
and the dog rufus too.

I love how he stood up for in the park.
And the way he acted when she came to talk
to him at CSI.
The way he kept looking around was so cute.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

God, yes! I love it at the park when one of the guys is all "How about I just kick your @$$?" and Speed's just all "How about... I just arrest you??" and turns a little, sliding his fingers behind his badge to point it (and his gun) out to the idiots... I loved that!!! Lol
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

oh a tarantino flick would be so bad ass, and morgan freeman too hes a legend and i also think they'd work well together. and norman reedus, i think him and rory would have great chemistry on screen.
^^ they totally made up for lost son when they did BBYD it was great closure, in a sense, for the character and especially for us fans. to get to see him sort of be the hero one last time.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I spied that this morning aswell (I miss nothing Rory related) :D I wasn't going to post it though until some actual pictures surfaced. I didn't want to get people all excited about the prospect of new Rory pictures and I think a certain few of us will get that way :eek: and then if he cancelled or didn't do the red carpet thing for one reason or another and we'd all be bummed......I know I would be :p

But nontheless tommorrow night (or Thursday morning for me) we should have some new pictures to drool over.

A good start to 2008 :D :D :D

Oh and incase anyone has fogot as it hasn't really been mentiomed on here for a while 'Right At Your Door' is released on DVD in region 1 format for you Canadians and Americans ;)
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

^ That's great news about 'RAYD', June. :D Thanks so much for letting us know! I'm certainly going to be on the lookout for it.

And thanks for the link calleighspeedle. It's good to know Rory will be there (I suspect because of his friendship with Matthew M.) and that we'll maybe get some pictures. ^ I'd definitely be disappointed if he didn't do the red carpet thing for whatever reason--though I'm sure I'd forgive him. ;) It's just awesome to find out anyway that he's expected to be there. He's alive!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I wish I could see him at the prem too.
but I had hope that he would be in the movie

Hopefully E or Et will show some of the event
and catch him on camera for all of us to see!!!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

I can't believe it has been over a year since 'RAYD' was released on DVD over here. I remember it arrived the day I failed my first driving test and that was Jan 17th haha so I was already depressed before I watched the damn movie :lol:

Oooooooooooooooooooooooo look look look new Rory interview here

I Love it I Love it :D :D

I love this bit...

Q: As an actor, how hard is it to find that balance of getting paid but also doing worthwhile work?
A: very difficult, my friend. The mortgage man wants his money, and you gotta give it to him :lol: :lol: bless him
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Thanks for the link, I've already got the link myself but thanks for posting!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

YAY! Thanks for posting the interview June. :D *hugs* That line you quoted was hilarious. :lol:

Though something else caught my eye:

"but the only thing I pulled him aside and said was that I think that my character should definitely die in the end."



And something else caught my eye too.

"Canadians don't lock their doors and things like that. I just think it's built in intrinsically in our society to be afraid and to have security systems and to prepare"[/i]

WHAT?! :lol: Rory my dear, you're ever-so-cute. Yes, Canadians lock their doors. I just don't think that we have the same level of fear but the threat of a violation of security is still very real. I think being so close to the US has allowed us to share similar values, security and safety being a couple of them. It just so happens that when it's 40 below, no one's stupid enough to go outside and break down some doors. :lol:

But I do understand what he means. Canadians tend to generally be more trusting and for Americans, it's like what was alluded to in the movie 'RAYD', there's a greater fear of the unknown because of past events like 9/11 or more specifically shown in the movie, the possibility of a a bio-warfare type attack in such a populated and worldly-known area.

It's awesome that Rory chose to participate in a movie that depicts what's so relevant in today's society. I'm not surprised that it received mixed reviews.

Very interesting to learn that 'Love and a .45' was one of his favorite movies to work on. :D I found it quite quirky though I'm not surprised that he chose that character. It was definitely something he could pull off. Hopefully he continues to choose such a wide range of roles and add his own twist to them.
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

:( :( and their appears to be NO pictures of Rory circling this morning :( I knew it we'd jump the gun......AND JINX IT

But anyways.......

With regards to what Rory said about 'elevated fear'... us over in Ole' Blighty aren't going to bed with our doors open thats for sure. We have put up with terrorism for 30+years but ever since we had a 'Special Relationship' with the US it has become worse.

But thats for another topic, for another day. :lol:

Meanwhile lets gets :( @ no pictures of Rory this morning :(
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Maybe there be some pictures of him
down the road!!

We can only hope!!
Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..'

Thanks for posting that interview June!
Also give it time pictures might show up.
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