Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Hey all, longtime lurker, first time poster. Just thought I would let everyone know that the new tv guide lists THE COMPANY as airing August 5 and August 7 on TNT. Cannot wait!! Gotta love any new Rory! Have a good one all.
Welcome to the thread speedandwarrick; hope you enjoy your stay! Anyway, thank you for sharing that information with us. I had no idea when The Company was going to air and so I am delighted to hear about an actual date rather than a range (summer 2007). I am excited to see Rory in a different role. It is definitely a new role for him... I for one, look forward to the accent! :)
Nice, as always :)

Here's a question to get some more discussion going.

What one show would you like to see Rory interviewed on? It could be something like Jay Leno, Conan O'Brian, Entertainment Tonight, or even something like The View, Oprah, or a regular newscast. Whatever you would most like to see him interviewed on. If there's a local show you'd rather see him on, you can say that too. I know my answer, but I'll wait for some of yours before sharing ;)
calleighspeedle, very pretty pics!!

DragonflyDreamer, I would like to see Rory get interviewed on Oprah or Ellen.
i'd like to see Rory on Ellen, Entertainment Tonight, or Extras. :cool: those are the only ones i watch. :D

you know, i was just thinking, if they really needed to kill Speed off i would have preferred if he died in a motorcycle accident. that way he doesn't look like a dork, :rolleyes: cuz i thought that was a ridiculous way to die....a malfuntioning gun? :rolleyes: :mad: didn't we already go through this? jeez, writers can be so annoying. :mad:
DragonflyDreamer, I would like to see Rory get interviewed on Oprah or Ellen.
I'd love to see him on Ellen partially because it's filmed ten minutes away from my house. :lol:

But Oprah, maybe, for a few reasons: she's an amazing woman and if she would want to interview Rory, I bet she'd have some amazing questions for him; and it'd be good for Rory. I don't know much about him but I hope he's the kind of person who's into charity work, or donations: if not, let Oprah ispire him. :lol:

And David Letterman. That show makes me laugh so hard I wet my pants, I'd love to see Rory that funny. I know he could be already, it'd be a hell of an interview (it's not really a serious interview but it'd be funny and a blast to watch) It fits Rory's personality. (Sorry Megan I picked two, but it was hard. :p Oh damn ya know I actually picked three if you count Ellen *snaps fingers*)

As it were, I agree (and I know all of you would agree when I say this) with Rory that 'it was lame.' And isn't it funny that Speed remained one of the most popular characters afterwards? *raises fist* And since everything in life is now about the numbers (which equal money), if they brought him back as someone who faked his death and was living covertly as an agent or in witness protection, I feel that the ratings would sky rocket even more so.

Not only would I love that because hed returned (I'd die right there, seriously) but it would make a good storyline. My fic is actually about that, but I'm a mediorcre writer at best and if the writers could at least pull a decent bit of talent out, it'd be wonderful. The whole team would go through seeing him again, him explaining why he went unercover, and hell, there could be a case about it. :p Or an explanation as to why he came back, ect. I'd love it. Add it to some more shippy moments and give Ryan a storyline and we have a golden season. :D (Well, Speed coming back would be enough. Cross your fingers *crosses fingers*)

^ I actually would have HATED it if he died in a motorcycle accident...everyone knows motorcycles are dangerous and it's bad enough to see him on one (no matter how sexy it is) but if he died like that? IMO, a stupid way to die. I'm sort of glad they let him go a hero, but the gun thing? Pathetic. The writers are better than that, Speed's better than that. To let such an amazing character go down like that sucked, (but at least he died a hero) and damnit, if they had listened to Rory...I would have loved it if he died trying to save someone, but saved whoever it was...that would have given everyone a beautiful last look at Speed.

Nice question Megan :) Ooh and nice pics calleighspeedle, love that last one. Everyone looks good, gorgeous ladies, gorgeous beyond belief Rory, and David and Adam look good too. Nice tie, Adam, it radiates and reflects light off. :lol:
Well in all honesty I'd love to see Rory on any chatshow. :lol:

But If I'm allowed to be picky then I'd love to see him on a British show over here, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross JR is a rather excentric British personality who's chat show you can watch no matter low lame the guest is, not that Rory would be a lame guest. Jonathon is also a well known famous film reviewer....he picked up were Barry Norman left of so Jonathon would be more than familiar with Rorys work and in it would result in a fabulous interview.

JR is fab I watch him ever week, I'd love to see him on there. I think aswell if Rory ever came over to these shores to do promotion in the future FNWJR would definately be a port of call. All the Hollywood types go on it. :D
Good call June_85!! I looooove Jonathan Ross, It would be great to see Rory on either his chat show or radio show. Although JR might have trouble pronouncing his name with that lisp!
i'd love to see Rory play a british guy. i think he could pull of the accent well seeing as he lived in England from the time he was, i think, 4 months old to 8 years old. so i think seeing Rory playing a british guy would be fun to see.
i'm still eager to see him play a Rusian Spy. :devil: :D so far in the book he's had a good part. can't wait to see it on TNT. :D
Karen, :lol: I never thought about JR's difficulty with his R's LOL Ladies and Gentleman Wowy Cochrane :lol:

Rory with a British accent. I hope he still knows how to do it, I hope he wouldn't go all Dick Van Dyke on us :lol: I wonder how long it took him to phase it out when he was younger? :) If he's half as good as Renee in Bridget Jones then I would be impressed. :cool: but I wonder if he'd be able to pull of Regional British accents, for example where he grew up in East Anglia, they don't talk like Bridget Jones types over in the East Country :lol:. Now I'm trying to imagine him with alsorts of english accents haha

I reckon he'll pull the Russian thing off, well he will to us Non Russian speaking viewers :lol: When Adam did it on Miami he sounded fluent enough to me, but I read critisizm of it from some Eastern Europeans saying his pronunciation was all off :rolleyes:
They didn't do any filming in Russia itself though did they? They couldn't get clearing to film there so they filmed alot of it in Hungary, and I reckon if the spokke Hungarian 95% of viewers wouldn't know its not russian :lol: it all sounds the same to me :lol:
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